When he came to the hall, Monkey King just saw Abis sitting there alone depressed, Lao Gao with a small mouth and a very unhappy expression on his face.

On the table in front of her, there was a list of her rewards, and Monkey King glanced at: 1000W Bailey!I don't know how angry Abis is!

Nami and the others are each with 8000W, hundreds of millions of berry, and she is only worth 1000W berry, this is simply bullying!

Well, in fact, apart from the navy and some sister papers, they obviously don't know the strength of Nami and other women!

These rewards are actually just to attract the attention of pirates, bounty hunters, etc.!The navy already knows very well that if it is not absolutely necessary, it is better not to provoke the Emperor Pirates!Therefore, instead of provoke them, they had no choice but to use this trick to cause trouble!

It is said that there must be a brave husband under the so-called reward, and the people who offer the reward are all "weak" women. How can I ask such good things, who will not covet?

A pirate group that has just appeared, the bounty suddenly soared to a terrifying amount of more than two billion overnight. In an instant, the name of the emperor pirate group is world-renowned!

In consternation, everyone began to talk about the Emperor Pirates!

And Monkey King’s name also truly entered the eyes of the Four Emperors...

"Okay! Isn't it just offering a lower bounty? In the future, I will work hard and kill a navy admiral so that they dare to look down on our Absi!" Monkey King came to Absi and rubbed his head. , A look of encouragement.

"En! I must practice hard, and then fly away those navy who dare to look down upon me!" Abliss squeezed her fist with a small hand and said with a vow.

"Wukong! Did you teach children like this?" But Ya suddenly gave Sun Wukong a blank look. Rachi Abliss little hand said: "Abis, don't listen to this guy! Be careful he teaches you broken!"

"But I think Brother Wukong is right! Those navies are so annoying that they dare to look down on me! I will want them to look good in the future..."

On the other hand, Kalifa and others failed in the first action because of Monkey King's relationship. When Qing Pheasant and others supported Monkey King and others, they carried out a second action!This time, without the obstruction of Monkey King, their action was very successful!

There is Monkey King in the water, so the members of CP9 are very jealous. Therefore, the first time he kidnapped Mr. Bingshan and headed towards Judicial Island...

This incident was passed to Frankie, the head of the Frankie family. With his hidden relationship with Bingberg, it was naturally impossible to stand by, so he resolutely chose to rescue Mr. Bingberg!The end result was that he took himself in too, was tied up with Bingberg and taken back to Judicial Island...

"You idiot, just stay in the water, why don't you come here for nosy, now it's okay, we are both tied up, this is a big trouble..." The iceberg was tied up like a Frankie roared loudly at the big guy who was also tied up beside him, like a zongzi.

"Don't be so pessimistic. It will be straight to the bridge. From here to Judicial Island, isn't it still one day away? In one day, a lot of things can happen!" Frankie seemed very cheerful, haha. He looked very calm with a smile.

"Hey...Do you think you can escape from these people?" Bingshan shook his head helplessly, and said.

"If you really can't escape... just destroy it..."

"It can only be so... Judicial Island... We absolutely can't be brought in... Otherwise, the matter will be left to us..." Bingshan said solemnly.

"Don't be so pessimistic about you guy, I'm super...Franky here...definitely can save you..."

In the dead of night, Frankie, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes and looked around. Except for Mr. Bingshan, who was still asleep, it was silent and a little terrifying...

"It seems that they should all rest..." At this moment, Frank seemed very cautious, without the exaggeration and abnormal behavior of the past.

"Fortunately, before I came, I was prepared..." Franky whispered, his right wrist suddenly twisted open, and a small chainsaw stretched out from it, cutting off all the ropes tied to him, and recovered free.

This guy has transformed almost all of his body into a machine, which is really abnormal!Actually, I’m very curious, whether this guy has modified his own little Dingding...

After regaining his freedom, Frankie didn’t wake up Mr. Bingshan right away, but put his hands up and merged with big pants... He whispered super abnormal or something... Oh, the picture is so beautiful, I dare not say anything. …

After being intoxicated for a while, the Fran Wizard came to the front of the iceberg and shook him slightly...woke him up...

Seeing Bingberg being awakened from his deep sleep, and seeing Frankie at the moment, his eyes widened at the moment, Frankie saw it and immediately gave him a silent gesture!

Bingberg is not an idiot, he immediately covered his mouth and nodded with excitement...

After untying the ropes for the iceberg, the two lightly walked out of the door and came to the deck...

Looking at the surrounding sea, the iceberg suddenly became helpless, and looked at Frankie: "What do you do now? Do you want us to swim back from here?"

"Don't worry! It's super...below...everything is OK..." Frankie smiled confidently, picked up the iceberg, and made a pop, and he really jumped into the sea...

However, suddenly a big net fell from the sky, pulling the two of Frankie who had just jumped into the sea again...

"I've said that you can't leave without handing in the Pluto's manufacturing blueprints..." Lu Qi and others all appeared on the deck at this moment, looking at the iceberg and Frankie with a calm expression.

"Cut! Such a perfect plan was discovered by you... It's a failure..." Frank looked at Lu Qi and the others with an unhappy expression on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense, after listening to their conversation just now, the drawing seems to be on them..." Kalifa looked at Frankie with an unkind expression: "This guy has been transformed all over, the drawing is most likely It was hidden in his body...Kaku, go and collect his body once..."

PS: The rain is so heavy, it's dark!The thunder is even more scary, small cities!This scene needs more?The power went out decisively!If the call comes early, I will continue to code a watch, if it is late, I will talk about it tomorrow!..

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