The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic-Chapter 1040

"Oh? The two aircraft carriers of the South China Sea Fleet and the four aircraft carriers of the China Joint Fleet can't satisfy your appetite?"

Chen Shaokuan asked with a smile.

If it weren’t for two more aircraft carriers under construction and planned to be incorporated into the East China Sea Fleet, and the North Sea Fleet, because the government has invested heavily in the Dalian Shipyard to obtain one-third of the country’s submarine production capacity, is it still not convinced?

The admiralty and military committee's love for the South China Sea Fleet has been criticized by other fleet officers and soldiers.

Lin Yurong understood this, he himself often became the object of envy of others.

"How can four ships be enough? In the future, when we enter the Pacific Ocean and fight for supremacy on the sea, how come we need ten and eight aircraft carriers to go out to see people." Lin Yurong joked rare.

Chen Shaokuan was amused. Seeing what he said outrageously, he waved him away: "I understand your intention. I am also applying to the military commission and the lords of the Prime Minister's Office to increase the number of naval vessels."

Both the South China and the Chinese Navy are firmly taking the aircraft carrier route, and the traditional bb party is not a climate.

Coincidentally, the same radical Japanese, the aircraft carrier faction gradually became the mainstream in the navy, but not as extreme as the Chinese, completely abandoned battleships, battleships still have a strong market in the Japanese Navy.

After the loss of the Northeast, the Japanese invested more heavily in the navy and built six aircraft carriers in one go. They are still the hegemon of the Western Pacific, although the rising Chinese navy occasionally makes them feel thorns on their backs.

Although the German officers have left a lot, more German engineers have not left and are still contributing to the Sino-German industrial cooperation project.

Cooperation projects such as tanks, aircraft, artillery, and submarines have yielded results one after another. It is blunt to say that the weapons made in China may be the most advanced in the world.

The Germans teach technology to the Chinese attentively, and they also get a lot of materials and some advanced technologies from China.

In the past five years, China's equipment manufacturing industry has greatly improved its strength, and it has been able to manufacture most industrial equipment.

Iron and steel, coal, and oil, these hard indicators of industrial strength have also been greatly improved. The northern iron and steel industry represented by North Iron and Steel Company, Anshan Iron and Steel Company and Baotou Iron and Steel Company has developed rapidly. China's steel output is 11 million tons, and it is increasing rapidly. In 1942, steel production is expected to reach 20 million tons.

Coal production is 500 million tons, oil production is 1,500 tons (thanks to Daqing Oilfield, Shengli Oilfield, and Karamay Oilfield, which have been put into production, but still need to import oil from South China), industrial scale and economic strength have surpassed the old British and French empires, which is an industrial miracle. .

Only the Soviet Union can match it!

The two are equally large and rich in resources and similar in industrial strength, but the development potential may be much larger in China.

Because in the past two decades, China has also built a railway network covering the whole country with a mileage of 70,000 kilometers.Half of the railways are electrified.

The Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan and other city circles.The highway network has been built one after another.The mileage of highways at all levels reaches 100,000 kilometers.

China's auto production has reached 400,000 vehicles per year, most of which are domestically produced.

All in all, China has become the engine of the world economy and saved the capitalist world to some extent. This status is 60 or 70 years earlier than another time and space.

Accompanied by Wang Geng, head of the General Armament Department, Lin Yurong and Chen Shaokuan came to Yangzi Machinery Company to visit the 100mn die forging hydraulic press that the company had just successfully developed.

"This is our introduction of German 30mn forging die hydraulic press technology to improve research and development. It took five years and cost more than 20 million to finally successfully manufacture a 10,000-ton hydraulic press, which is also the third in the world. The first is the German 150mn forging die Die hydraulic press, the second is the 120mn forging die hydraulic press that was just developed in the UK.

With this machine, my country's aircraft, ship, and automobile manufacturing capabilities will be greatly improved..."

The engineer proudly explained that he hoped that the navy lords would continue to support them in the development of larger die forging hydraulic presses.

Lin Yurong naturally knows the function of this machine, and the aircraft beam and the landing gear of the carrier-based aircraft cannot do without this machine!

In addition to the die forging hydraulic press, the General Armament Department and the navy and air force generals are also interested in the hard aluminum alloy invented by Guangxi Pingguo Aluminum Company, and plan to apply this technology to aircraft manufacturing.Achieve the effect of reducing the weight of the aircraft.

The Chinese don’t know that Japan’s Sumitomo Metal Company also invented a similar technology.They had the same idea, and achieved the ultimate, almost to the point of cutting corners, and finally created a generation of magic machine zero fighter...

Austria Vienna.

After secretly signing the German-Austrian agreement last year, Germany basically controlled Austria’s diplomacy and politics and was only one step away from annexing Austria.

Hitler returned home in good shape. He had just delivered an exciting speech and turned around to have a dinner at the arms dealer Mandel's house.

Except that the young and beautiful hostess was not very enthusiastic, the banquet was successful, and the host was very enthusiastic. Hitler was satisfied to leave. He has already won the support of the Austrian arms giant.

"He is a demon, the enemy of our Jews, how can you cooperate with him?" Heidi Rama looked upset and criticized her husband. The old man in the market probably forgot that he was also Jewish.


Mandel was furious when he heard his wife's accusations again. This time he must let her learn a lesson. He picked up the gun and yelled at his wife, "You are not qualified to educate me. You don't care about my affairs, you know?"

Heidi was shocked, her face pale, and she nodded quickly.

Mandel slammed the door, and the violent closing of the door brought Heidi back to her senses. Seeing the film of her favorite movie "Overhead" was smashed to the ground by her husband, her heart was also shattered.

The claws of the Nazis are about to come to Vienna, you must escape this hell!

She made up her mind and secretly escaped from the window.

Soon after arriving in France, Austria fell, and the Nazis' persecution of Jews became more severe. It didn't take long for the famous arms dealer Mandel to become a prisoner.

Europe is turbulent, and perhaps the other side of the ocean is the new place. A large number of immigrants have poured into the United States, including Heidi, who has never dreamed of it. She is free and rekindles her enthusiasm for colorful Hollywood.

"Dear sir, my hometown has fallen, and Paris is not quiet. I plan to go to America and hope to get your help.

——Heidi Rama."

The annexation of Austria was the desire of the people and the result of Anglo-French appeasement. Situ Nan did not think there was anything wrong.

Situ Nan still sympathizes with Heidi Rama's experience. After all, this is a beautiful young woman who has just escaped from an old man. Hollywood should have her share.

It also sympathizes with the Jews. The Jewish Federation, South China and China have expressed their willingness to accept the "dirty population" that the Germans do not want through diplomatic channels.

Hitler agreed that he hasn't been perverted to build concentration camps, and he has no arrogant capital. He needs not only the resources and markets of the East, but also the allies of the East.

A hole was opened, and the flood gushed out.

The same is true for refugees. After being completely exploited, more and more Jews flooded into China from Europe, and South China became the main recipient country.

Nanhua, He Wenxiu and Wu Manli discuss Jewish matters, and the two share a letter from Situ Nan.

"Human beings should not have ethnic discrimination. As far as personal evaluation is concerned, the principle of focusing only on character and regardless of race should be adhered to. Of course, this is more difficult to achieve, and prejudice is everywhere.

If there is indeed discrimination, then the black and green tribes should be the first choice. They are both black and green. They should be treated as human cancers.


Some people say that Chinese and Jews have the highest IQs. This is nonsense. It is appropriate to remove the most words.

There are many Jewish friends around me. They are all creative and outstanding people. I believe that a considerable number of Jews may be a lubricant for the development of South China."

"This person is really funny. He said a lot of contradictory things." He Wenxiu took the letter from Wu Manli, smiled and shook his head, took out a lighter and burned the letter.

"At least American Jews are willing to invest in some industries in South China to settle their compatriots. The education level of Jews from Europe is generally more suitable for technical work than farmers from China, right?"

Wu Manli smiled.

The Cage-for-Bird program has been implemented for nearly two decades, and countless immigrants from the north have moved south. The Wuhan government’s first solution to the disaster is to send the victims to South China.

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