The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 822

"of course."

Situ Nan nodded: "Didn't you meet Professor Tesla in America? He also admires my imagination."

"That weird, sloppy weirdo?"

Song Meiling smiled. Situ Nan told her the story of Tesla. With the rise of Cummins Electric and William University, Tesla's reputation spread, not much worse than Edison.

"Yeah. That's him." Situ Nan nodded. "Recently, Cummins Electric Co., Ltd. has obtained a patent for a sound film. It depends on the old Frankenstein! The film is being delivered from the US, and the audience in Shanghai will see it soon. The first step for mankind is to have a sound film."

"Okay!" Song Meiling expected.

She grew up in an American culture and couldn’t understand Chinese traditional dramas. In this regard, Situ Nan didn’t like Peking opera or Kunqu opera. He knew a little bit of Cantonese opera and didn’t like to watch it. In terms of entertainment, he did more Time can only entertain yourself.

Perhaps for this reason, Situ Nan enjoys Shanghai with Shanghai style culture, and rarely goes to Beijing and Tianjin, the center of traditional Chinese culture.

"By the way, I heard that he was visiting Nanhua recently?" Song Meiling asked again.

"Meihua University and Meihua Laboratories invited him. I hope he can stay in South China. It's best to visit China. If possible, I want to build a hydropower station in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River." Situ Nandao.

Of course it cannot be the Three Gorges Hydropower Station!

However, the Gezhouba Hydropower Station is possible, but this plan is just an idea in his mind, and it will not be possible until a few years at the earliest to have some chance to implement it.

Situ Nan looked into the distance through the window.He has enjoyed a lot of good things, and in the rest of his life, he wants to show the world what he has enjoyed.


This guy suddenly stopped talking!Lost again!

Song Meiling stared at Situ Nan's face from the side. She had seen that face countless times, and every time she felt that the way he was thinking attracted her.

What was he thinking about?

Why is his eyes longing, obsessive, and a little confused.Suddenly it seemed to have drifted far, far away, a place that Song Meiling had never been to.

At this moment, Situ Nan thought of many things related to electricity in addition to the hydropower station.

For many years, Situ Nan has not touched a computer or the Internet. In order to preserve the memory in his heart, he retains the habit of typing. The typing speed is faster than that of a typist. Unfortunately, the IBM typewriter outputs English or Pinyin.

Under the promotion of the Zhi Gong Party government and the Meihua Foundation, simplified characters and Chinese pinyin have become more and more popular in South China and China, forming a trend of typewriters, and information dissemination has become simple and fast. The disadvantage is that the typed characters can only be typed. It's letters, and hieroglyphs like Chinese characters are inherently clumsy in information input, unless-there is a computer!

"What are you thinking?" Song Meiling asked quietly.

"It's nothing, just some boring thoughts." Situ Nan shook his head. In fact, he already had the answer in his mind. The Japanese character reform is the best example. Some people in China are studying and even advocating the Romanization of Chinese characters-forget it. !

The movement of the car alarmed Mrs. Song, and when she learned that Situ Nan had sent the refrigerator to the house, Situ Nan's eyes became more warm.

The old lady opened the refrigerator door curiously, and a thin white mist emerged from it. The two apples placed in it were unspeakably cool and fresh in everyone's eyes.

"Huh? The refrigeration system is inside, is it unsafe?" The old lady asked with some worry as she knew the goods.

Because the other refrigerator in the Song’s kitchen looks very cumbersome, for safety, the refrigeration system is separated from the refrigerator box and is connected to another small room next door with a pipe.

"You can rest assured that this is a new type of refrigerator. The refrigerant used is efficient and safe, non-toxic, and will not catch fire easily."

Situ Nan introduced.

The old lady didn't speak, she glanced at Situ Nan, then at Song Meiling, she seemed to be a little distrustful of what Situ Nan said.

"This is a good thing, I also want to buy one and keep it at home, but unfortunately I can't sell it outside."

Before Song Meiling could speak, Song Ailing interjected with a smile.

"Isn't this your home?" Mrs. Song glared at the eldest daughter, but a smile appeared in the corner of her eyes, "You should come back more and accompany my old lady."

"Yes, my sister and brother-in-law may have to stay in Shanghai for development, and I will spend more time with you in the future."

Song Meiling agreed with a smile.

The old lady was very happy to hear that. The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became harmonious. Under the rise of Situ Nan, he made popsicles for the children of the Kong family on the spot, which won the old lady's favor.

Situ Nan knew that the old lady was good at playing the piano, and there was a piano made of ivory keyboard that came with the refrigerator!

Ivory, what a precious gift, the keys made of it, the piano is of great value, the old lady was "hit" by Situ Nan's hand.

Song Meiling is also a good piano player. Situ Nan sent such a precious piano with light on her face, so she couldn't wait to sit up and play. Her performance won the praise of her family.

"This is not easy to get, right?" Kong Xiangxi asked Situ Nan quietly.

"Don't you know? The American China Petroleum Company and the French are operating oil in North Africa. African ivory is actually not difficult to get. I have several pianos. Unfortunately, my brother-in-law is not a happy person."

Situ Nan replied in a low voice.

Seeing Kong Xiangxi’s somewhat regretful expression, he thought to himself: Ivory is also found in Southeast Asia. It’s not a rare thing for him. If you know that Lao Tzu also collected treasures of the Tsar’s royal family, Dunhuang murals, and Cixi’s funerals, Isn't it blinding you?

"You can't say that. I don't know how to play the piano, but I still appreciate it! Besides, don't the kids at home also have to learn?"

Kong Xiangxi took Situ Nan's hand and smiled unkindly.

Situ Nan thought so too, and immediately remembered the embarrassment of being asked for gifts by the second lady of the Kong family when she walked in the morning, and nodded in response.

Song Meiling played a short piece of Mozart, then suddenly stopped, and said to Situ Nan: "Why don't you come and perform?"

"Yes! I heard that Anan's level is very high, so let us see and see!" Song Ailing followed.Even the old lady of the Song family looked forward to Situ Nan's eyes.

The young and old of the Song family were waiting for Situ Nan. It’s no good not to show his hands. Situ Nan walked to the piano and sat down, took a look at Song Meiling, and then looked at the elegant and peaceful garden outside the window, the red bricks and white walls, the flowers and trees matched each other. There was warmth in his faint heart. Unconsciously, a beautiful melody was flowing at his fingertips. A romantic and warm feeling was born in his heart, slowly permeating the whole room, and suddenly caught everyone's hearts.

Experts will know if there is any.Seeing Situ Nan's serious look, the old lady of the Song family nodded secretly.

The piano is the voice of the heart.

Song Meiling had never heard the song played by Situ Nan. She approached Situ Nan and asked curiously, "What is it? You made it new?"

"The wedding in my dream is from France." Situ Nan whispered, only two people could hear her voice.

Song Meiling was heartbroken when she heard it, she stared at Situ Nan in a daze, did not speak, and thought to herself: Yes, maybe only in a dream can she have a romantic and grand wedding.

"Hey, what are you whispering?" Song Ailing joked, but she had to admire Situ Nan's piano skills, "Sure enough, she is well-known, and he is extraordinary when he makes a shot! It's still difficult to grasp, I really don't know the name of this piece. ?"

"I don't know, I just learned it from a French friend." Situ Nan smiled faintly, thinking of the woman who stayed with him a lot, and felt guilty.

Perhaps it was because of interest. After speaking, he turned his head and continued to play. After "The Wedding in a Dream", he played his favorite "Croatian Rhapsody" again.

The new melody is bold, intense, and sentimental. Each note is full of passion for the motherland and the nation, but I don’t know if these lucky listeners of the Song family can appreciate it.

"Tsk tsk, this level is professional! It sounds not inferior to the musicians who have been immersed in Broadway for many years!"

Kong Xiangxi tweeted, he was always curious about Situ Nan’s past experience, how could there be such a talented (rich) guy in the world?You can play almost anything.

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