The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 823

She touched Song Ailing lightly with her arm, and asked in a low voice, "He was still in the UK before he started his family. I heard he was running a boat?"

"Well, I worked as a sailor on a ship for a while, and was killed in Shanghai. After I went to the United States, I went ashore."

Song Ailing said, she just probably knows the legendary petroleum temperament of Situ Nanshen, the secret of which is not clear.Now the two parties have become relatives, but Situ Nan’s impression of her has always been mysterious. His handsome appearance seems to be surrounded by a layer of fog, making it difficult to see the wisdom and power wrapped inside.

Song Ailing can see clearly the trajectory of the rise of the Song family over the years. Although she can't see through, she is still willing to "post" it because this is an opportunity for the Kong family.

Situ Nan didn't pay attention to the thoughts of the Kong family and his wife. He was immersed in the piano until he pressed the last key. Then he put his mood back and restored his usual self-confidence.

"What is this song?" Song Meiling asked.

"It doesn't have a name yet, so it's better to call it "Shanghai Rhapsody". What do you say?" Situ Nan smiled, secretly ashamed, wondering if there is still a pianist named Maxim in a hundred years from now?However, this song is very suitable for the war-torn China.

Chapter 105 Prelude to the Railway Merger

""Shanghai Rhapsody"?"

Song Meiling admired Situ Nan very much, but she didn't expect that Situ Nan would create a world-famous song casually, so she looked at Situ Nan with love in her eyes.She probably understood this rhapsody, understood Situ Nan's unknown ambition, and said for a moment, "Why not call it "Chinese Rhapsody"? It's more atmospheric!"

"It's okay, it's up to you." Situ Nan nodded, nothing wrong.

"Not enough, such a good piece has to be recorded. I like to listen to it. Well, there is also the song "The Wedding in a Dream" just now." Song Meiling said excitedly.

Feeling that the feeling was still not enough, she asked Situ Nan to play again, only to feel satisfied, picked up the phone and called the Shanghai Poster Industry Company to get them ready for recording.

The Shanghai Poster Company is regarded as Song Meiling’s industry. It was invested by Situ Nan and founded by Song Meiling. It has newspaper entities such as "Ta Kung Pao" and the Commercial Press. It undertakes a large number of printing tasks for textbooks and Western science translations every year. The book "The Rise of the Great Powers" was published by this newspaper company. Once it was launched, it caused a sensation and hit a number of 500,000 copies!

It is mainly purchased by the Meihua Foundation and sent to schools and library collections in various places. Is it a boast?

It is worth mentioning that the book is typeset horizontally in accordance with modern reading habits, and a large number of punctuation marks are used in it. In the latest version, it also adopts simplified characters that are synchronized with the Nanhua text reform. It is a sign of the New Culture Movement, such as Lu Xun. The author's literary and obscure articles, together with "The Rise of the Great Powers", are simply weak.

(Well, the young students in the Republic of China are happier than later students, because they don’t have to study Lu Xun, and they don’t have to be poisoned by certain ideas.)

As the largest publishing industry giant in China, Shanghai Poster Industry Co., Ltd. has also expanded into the recording and film industries in recent years.

To some extent, the growth of poster companies not only reflects the rise of domestic Shanghai style culture, but also the result of the rapid development of technology in the 1920s. Western sceneries such as movies and records poured into China and gradually blossomed.This is what Situ Nan hopes to see.

Want to record?

Situ Nan felt a little awkward, this time he really carried the plagiarism to the end.

He is not rare to be famous, and he does not want his name to be suddenly exposed by a verbal staff member, nor does he want to refuse Song Meiling's kindness.

"Well then! The studio will not go, I will go back and take the time to record the record, and I will give it to you again!"

"You still record?" Song Meiling asked in surprise.

"It's not difficult. I travel around all year round, crossing the Atlantic and Pacific several times a year, and spend a lot of time on the William, not looking for fun. Isn't it too boring?"

Situ Nan smiled.Raising my wrist and looking at the time, a very ordinary watch replaced the exquisite and luxurious Hamilton watch. After lunch, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Why aren't you here?" Situ Nan thought to himself.

But I heard Song Meiling's curious voice: "How did you change your watch? This one is very ordinary!"

Song Meiling raised Situ Nan's hand, and looked at Situ Nan's watch. The style of the watch was average and there weren't many features, but the workmanship was fairly careful, but it looked shabby when worn on Situ Nan's hand.

"Look at the logo at the back." Situ Nan smiled slightly, took the watch off and handed it to Song Meiling.

"Huh? Meihua Seiko?" Soong Meiling asked looking at the words Meihuali Seiko on the watch.

"It's not Meihua Precision, it's Meihuali Precision. There is one more profit." Situ Nan said.

"That's right, why don't I know? It seems that you have found something new again." Song Meiling said, her beautiful eyes fell on Situ Nan's face, looking very interested.

"Originally it was a Chinese-owned watch company in Shanghai, and the shopkeeper had no money to repay the money owed to the bank, so I had to... later merged several Chinese-owned watch factories to form the new Meihuali Precision Co., Ltd. It was sent by them. The sample, the movement is produced here in Shanghai, and the time is accurate. I just don’t know if it's strong or not."

Situ Nan explained that he took the watch from Song Meiling.

"Very good! It's best to break the monopoly of imported clocks in the high-end market and win glory for the nation. As for whether it is strong or not, you will know if you try." Song Meiling laughed.

"It makes sense." Situ Nan said, suddenly smashing the watch to the ground.

With a "pop!" The watch did not fall apart, but the sudden impact shocked Song Meiling and the Song family next to her.

"What are you going crazy?" Mrs. Song glared at Situ Nan. The watch happened to fall under her feet. She picked it up and saw that there was a crack in the glass cover of the watch. The watch that was good just now was broken. It really hurts.

"I'm... just a demonstration to check the quality of the product." Situ Nan scratched his head and took the watch from the old lady in a bit embarrassing manner.

Situ Nan took the fallen watch and compared it to the clock in the living room, and smiled triumphantly: "It's not broken, you can go! The time is as accurate as the big clock at home."

But he called the old lady: "Huh! It's not good to throw something, so let's not take it as an example."

"Yes, yes." Situ Nan replied, thinking, I dare not talk back to you.

Situ Nan was satisfied with the performance of the sample watch. Originally, he thought that the watch would break into pieces when he slammed it. He didn't expect that the watch cover was broken with a mark. You must know that the actual free landing impact was smaller than that of Situ Nan just now. too much.

"I didn't expect the quality of this thing to be good. I don't know how the market will react after listing?" Situ Nan said again.

"I don't think the price can be set too high. It is best to target ordinary citizens. It would be better if the tariff on imported watches can be increased."

Kong Xiangxi suggested.

"It makes sense. I told them the same way." Situ Nan smiled. At this time, there was the sound of cars outside the door, and Situ Nan's heart moved: It's finally here!

Zhang Jingjiang came to Song's house again, feeling quite uneasy, with the illusion of right and wrong.

Song Jiashu, Song Jiashu, you probably wouldn't have thought of the Song family's flying yellow today, right?

Mrs. Song attached great importance to Zhang Jingjiang. After hearing the sound, she came out of the house, and the servant came in and reported that Zhang Jingjiang was here.Mrs. Song hurriedly got up to welcome the guests with a warm attitude. Situ Nan, Song Meiling and others accompanied her.

"She wasn't so enthusiastic when I came in this morning?" Situ Nan whispered to Song Meiling.

"Jealous? It would be nice if my mother didn't take the broom to drive you. Do you still want to make a request?" Song Meiling gave Situ Nan a white look, and then comforted, "She is a good-hearted person. After a long time, she will accept you. ."

Situ Nan nodded, as if he was really stiff in front of his mother.

"I haven't seen you for several years, so don't be so productive in the future, and move around more." Old Lady Song said to Zhang Jingjiang.

"It must be." Zhang Jingjiang nodded in response. If something was delayed on the road just now, he would have come.

"How old is this? The girl is so handsome." The old lady Song asked Zhang Jingjiang again. One of his daughters came with Zhang Jingjiang.Twenty-teen years old, it is just like a spent years, with a pair of smart eyes, not afraid of life at all.

"The fourth child. If I don't go to school well, I am obsessed with painting all day, and she is the most skinny!" Zhang Jingjiang said, without accusing her daughter at all, but rather proud.

"Father..." Miss Zhang Si said softly, lengthening her voice, a little dissatisfied, her face was flushed.

"If I paint well, I can't say that I can be a painter in the future." Song Meiling smiled, "I also learned to paint before, but I always did not paint well, and then I left it."

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