The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 849

"Mom." She yelled uncontrollably.

After Song Ziliang's explanation, Soong Ching Ling finally knew how heavy the dowry the family had prepared for her, but she was reluctant to accept so many things in her heart.

"The Song family has today. It has nothing to do with me. On the contrary, I still owe the family. I get so much money without making much contribution. I feel uneasy. I can't accept it."

Soong Ching Ling shook her head and said calmly.

"Stupid boy, this is not charity. On the contrary, compared with them, there is too little for you. Think about it, did that person leave you with nothing? You are not engaged in production, and you want face. How can some money reassure me?"

Ni Guizhen said angrily.

"Yes! Second sister, this is the family's decision, just because you are afraid that you will not accept it."

Song Ziliang also persuaded that when Soong Ching Ling was unmoved, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Sister, you have to do important things, and even have to compete with your eldest brother and the third sister. What if you don't have money? For your ideals, you just Take it!"

"Let me think about it." Soong Ching Ling did not insist anymore, afraid that her mother would be sad, so she agreed.I thought: Ziliang's words have some truth. With the money, I can do a lot of things, but do I need it?let's discuss it later!

In short, this belated dowry, a dowry worth tens of millions, weighed heavily on her heart, not much surprise, but some unpleasantness.

Situ Nan arrived at dinner.But this time, I didn't dare to stand up with Sister Song in front of the old lady. Both sides did not talk about the troubles and finished the dinner in a warm atmosphere.

When leaving, Situ Nan abducted Song Ziliang by the way.

"I can't rest at night, what good things can I do when I go out? You don't talk about him?"

Seeing Song Ziliang followed Situ Nan Pidian Pidian, Song Qingling said to Ni Guizhen with a little dissatisfaction.

"When he grows up, it's normal to go out to see friends." Ni Guizhen smiled assuredly, as if he was not used to seeing them.

"I don't like that guy. Could it be that Meimei just kept mingling with him like this?" Soong Ching Ling frowned when she said about Situ Nan.She still cares about her sister.

After learning that Situ Nan had a family, he was even more dissatisfied, but just kept holding back at the dinner table.What made her even more dissatisfied was that her family seemed to have accepted this status quo.

"What do you say? I can't be her master? She has been the Minister of Foreign Affairs!" Ni Guizhen said indifferently.The tone seemed a bit dissatisfied, but also a bit helpless irony.

"That can't—no, I have to talk about Meimei."

Soong Ching Ling was a little disappointed with her mother's attitude, a little anxious.I wish I could fly to Wuhan right away and pull the naive sister out of the mud.

"hope so!"

Ni Guizhen sighed and did not hold much hope, she held her body up, her eyes fell on Soong Ching Ling's face, it was very complicated, and she said to her heart: Back then, I tried to persuade you like this. Have you forgotten?

"Then you remember to have a better attitude, don't quarrel. After all, you can't be her master."

Ni Guizhen said meaningfully, his eyes stopped on Soong Ching Ling's face for a few seconds before she got up and left, and soon she heard the voice of prayer.

Soong Ching Ling sat in the empty living room and didn't speak, her pupils still seemed to have the caring and helpless expression of her mother just now. Only then did she come to think about it, and she felt a little less confident in her heart.

The ivory piano at home calmed her mood, and when she played on the score, she found it was a good piece that she had never heard before.

"The author of "Shanghai Rhapsody" is actually Situ Nan?"

Soong Ching Ling was taken aback for a moment, then she stopped her fingers while sitting in front of the piano, and wrinkled her brows: "Unexpectedly, there is that guy in a small part of the house? Is he a man or a ghost?"

In the next few days, Situ Nan did not show up at Song's house, and Song Qingling seemed to have forgotten this person.

I asked Song Ziliang casually and found out that Song Ziliang had been running outside these days to inspect the Shanghai Municipal New District and Baoshan Xingang Industrial Zone, which aroused Soong Chingling’s interest.

Accompanied by Song Ziliang, she visited Jiangwan’s Great Shanghai Construction Project and Baoshan Xingang Industrial Zone.

"Brand new cities and emerging industries look vibrant and inspiring. Ziwen has indeed done a lot of practical things."

Soong Qingling commented that she asked Song Ziliang again, "You can see the whole picture at a glance, isn't the industry in Wuhan more developed? I remember that Ziwen started his business with Hanyang Iron Factory."

It is a pity that even a piece of iron nails has not been popular in the KMT army in the Hanyang Iron Works over the years, otherwise the national army would not be in decline today.

She added something in her heart.

"The Hanyang Iron Plant is indeed amazing. You will see it in a few days. The iron and steel industry in Shanghai is also developing rapidly. The Maanshan Iron Plant near Nanjing is no smaller than the Hanyang Iron Plant.

Jiangnan Shipyard was reorganized and moved to Baoshan Port. Backed by the Baoshan Iron and Steel Plant under construction, the 50,000-ton shipyard under construction will become one of the largest shipbuilding bases in the Far East."

Song Ziliang said with a smile, introducing the development of southern industry like a few Jiazhen.There is a sense of pointing the country between words.

He actually has a plan in his mind to go to Detroit to inspect the automobile industry and prepare for the opening of his own automobile factory.

Because of the support of Situ Nan and Song Ziwen, Song Ziliang is very confident.In addition, Song Zian, a younger brother of the Song family, is now studying mechanical engineering at the University of William in the United States and will soon be able to graduate, which can also help him a lot.

Soong Ching Ling was excited when she heard it, but her face didn't show much.

"I'm going to meet friends, you don't need to accompany me."

In the evening, Soong Ching Ling sent Song Ziliang away, and went to a quiet apartment in the French Concession by herself.

"Madam is here, Mr. Wu is waiting for you inside." A short man greeted Soong Ching Ling in with a smile, looked up, and then gently closed the door when he found nothing unusual.

"Hello, Comrade Deng." Soong Ching Ling greeted her with a smile. Although Comrade Deng was short, several contacts made a good impression on her. In short, he was very clever and smart.

"Is the atmosphere in Shanghai very tense these days?" Soong Ching Ling asked Wu Hao after entering the house. Wu Hao wore a neat suit and waistcoat. He was handsome, elegant and handsome. He was a handsome man.

"Somewhat." Wu Hao nodded, "but it's not for us, it doesn't hurt to be careful."

Chapter 125

Deng Xiaoxiao accompanied them to speak, and while serving Soong Ching Ling tea, he smiled and said, "Recently, the tax police corps has trouble with Du Yuesheng. It has seized several opium smuggling ships of the Qinggang. It also alarmed foreigners and went to the Shanghai government to protest. A few times, I was pushed back, and the atmosphere was a little nervous. There is a legend in the market that the Green Gang is going to fight the tax police. I wonder if Du Yuesheng has the courage?"

The ridicule of the Qinggang's words came out of his mouth, with a strong Sichuan accent, which sounded not interesting, and there was a hint of gloating.He was talking while paying attention to Song Qingling's expression.The backstage of the Tax Police Corps is the Ministry of Finance, and the boss of the Ministry of Finance is Song Ziwen. Song Ziwen is the younger brother of this lady. Recently, this lady has returned to Song's house. I may not get some news from her.

"Madam, this tax police corps set up by your brother is not simple. Not to mention cutting off the opium channel of the Yangtze River, he even dared to directly deal with the opium trade of the Qinggang. This is the first time since Lin Zexu sold cigarettes in Humen."

Wu Hao said in an admiring tone, with a smile on his face like a spring breeze, which made people feel comfortable.

He thought in his heart: Leaving aside the conflict between the Tax Police Corps and the Youth Gang, the Tax Police Corps stationed the two regiments in Shanghai, which shows that Wuhan attaches great importance to Shanghai.The crackdown on Shanghai's opium trade was probably only incidental. The main purpose of the Qing Gang's local snakes was to control Shanghai's economy, which echoed the current Shanghai construction plan implemented by the Shanghai government.The intention behind these actions of the Tax Police Corps, I don't know what Madam Sun understands?

Wu Hao thought to himself, but didn't tell Song Qingling.Stubborn forces like the Qing Gang have been weakened, which is conducive to the party organization's penetration of the people at the bottom of Shanghai. He pays attention to the situation and is happy to see it happen.

"The gangs are not good at selling opium, they should be hit hard."

Soong Ching Ling said, although she hates opium, her expression is not very excited.The Green Gang, how can I say it, was also a supporter of Mr. Sun, Chen Qimei of Xinhai...

Thinking of this, her disgust faded again. Suddenly she thought of how much Mr. Sun was able to win over gang forces, but in the end it was difficult to get things done. Her heart became cold again and said: "When Mr. The green gangs communicate, but these arena gangs have complex composition and a mixture of dragons and snakes. It is easy to see benefits and forget righteousness."

"Madam's words hit the nail on the head, and my husband also saw that the gang can't rely on it, so that we can cooperate with our party, right?"

Wu Haodao, looked at Soong Ching Ling, mentioned that Mr. Sun, saw that she was a little touched, and then regretted, "It is a pity that Mr. died young, but his spirit still inspired us."

"It is said that Zhi Gong Dang has a deep connection with Hong Men?" Comrade Deng interjected and asked with some gossip, as if he was interested in this matter.

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