The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 850

Soong Ching Ling nodded, shook her head, and explained: "Hong Men and Zhi Gong Tang are somewhat related. Zhi Gong Tang was developed in San Francisco and later changed to Zhi Gong Dang. After the establishment of Zhi Gong Dang, the way it handled things was very different from that of ordinary Jianghu. The gang, on the contrary, is very close to the Meihua company and has financial support from Meihua. It is difficult for outsiders to know what insiders are in, and I don't know much."

Thinking of the Zhi Gong Dang and the Kuomintang, who also have gang backgrounds, how can it happen to them?

She was a little depressed, but according to her guess, when Ziwen was in the United States, she had no contact with the Chinese community like Zhi Gongtang. Later, after returning to China, she became entangled with the Zhi Gong Dang, probably because of the Song family and Meihua Company. Is it caused by business dealings?Throughout the past few years, Zhi Gong Dang’s approach to affairs is fundamentally different from that of social gangs. It is disciplined and decent. It is difficult to connect them with general social gangs, such as the Qinggang.

To the Gongdang and to the court, only a difference at a time, the difference is really big!

Situ Nan's stern eyes suddenly appeared in her mind. Zihao seemed to have said that the tax police corps seized the opium from the Qinggang and had something to do with him.

Soong Ching Ling didn't know that Zhi Gong Dang had been transformed by Situ Nan and Mei Hua, and had already surpassed the low level of Jianghu Gang.Situ Nan looked down on what the Hongmen and Qing gangs did, and felt that they were nothing more than a group of young and Dangerous boys, all gangsters all around!

Comrade Deng heard Soong Ching Ling mention Zhi Gong Dang and Mei Hua Company. Although he didn't hear any inside story, he had some insights. If Zhi Gong Dang continued the Hongmen gang tradition, how could it have today's achievements?

Meihua is the black hand behind it.The Zhi Gong Dang took part in the US-China Consortium and transformed, which is similar to the transformation of people like themselves who came into contact with the Communist Party after studying in France.Of course, the workers who made fermented bean curd in France had a difficult life after returning to China, unlike those in the Zhi Gong Party.

Nowadays, in China, the strong people of Meihua are well known to everyone. A large number of industries and mining industries, such as banks and railways, are controlled by Meihua. Politicians, capitalists, and countless workers are deeply impressed by Meihua. How can we not make people jealous?

"It seems that Meihua is indeed a mysterious and powerful consortium. They control the government through the Zhi Gong Party and have various privileges. They actually monopolize the domestic industry and mining. Meihua Company's hegemony and the dictatorship of the Gong Party are the same. They are at the same time. Befriending foreign consortia, colluding with imperialism, and exploiting the people in China are very dangerous."

Wu Hao commented that the smile on his face was gone, replaced by seriousness.Soong Ching Ling and Comrade Deng nodded. According to the organization's theory, the reactionary consortium like the US and China is their mortal enemy.

"Of course, while the US-China Consortium has brought about the rapid development of domestic industry, the number of domestic workers is also increasing exponentially, and the organization is also growing. Our future is bright."

Wu Hao then smiled slightly, his smile was very confident, and only a few words reversed the serious atmosphere just now, reflecting his art of speaking and controlling the atmosphere.

Soong Ching Ling nodded, agreeing with Wu Hao's words.Looking at Wu Hao, this man is really attractive!

I sighed in my heart: "It turns out that the consortium is my enemy. It would be great if my husband had the support of the consortium. If the KMT gains power, what we can do is the current set of policies implemented by the Chi Gong Party, and it may not be able to achieve this To a degree. It's a pity that Cantonese businessmen and the Jiangsu and Zhejiang financial groups..."

Thinking of this, she feels a little complicated, because she is both a member of the Kuomintang and a Communist Party, and there are things that make her nostalgic. At the same time, she admires the fighters of faith like Wu Hao and is willing to interact with them.By the way, there is also a family, and now the Song family, which is different from the past-are they also enemies?right?Probably!

Wu Hao seemed to feel something in Soong Ching Ling's eyes. The identity of this woman was too complicated. When she came back from the north, her identity should not be made public, but wherever she went, someone would sell her face.

Seeing that she didn’t speak, she didn’t ask. As he said just now, the Zhi Gong Dang is just a potential opponent of the Red Dang, and the two sides have not yet reached the point of tearing their faces. So the conversation changed and she asked: "Madam, going north. What are the gains from visiting the Soviet Union?"

This question aroused Soong Ching Ling's interest.

"It was an eye-opener. I really benefited a lot. I never thought that there is a society where everyone is equal without oppression and exploitation. I saw a brand new world... Although it is currently a bit difficult."

Soong Ching Ling said with excitement, thinking that the combination of communism and the Three People's Principles would definitely be China's future. There was a red light on her face, and she said in a positive tone, "As long as we unswervingly go "Alliance Russia and the Communist Party to assist farmers and workers" If the road goes on, the Three People's Principles will be realized."

Wu Hao seemed to be infected by Soong Ching Ling's optimism, smiled and nodded, agreeing with Soong Ching Ling's words.

This Madam Sun seems to be trustworthy.

Her influence in the Kuomintang cannot be underestimated, and she is a member of the Song family. No matter how the situation changes, she is a natural rare ally.

"Yes, only socialism can save China. We have to learn from the Soviet Union, and Internaschonell will definitely achieve it." Comrade Deng nodded.

"Madam must keep her identity confidential in the future, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." Wu Hao exhorted, showing his meticulous surname.

Soong Ching Ling suddenly remembered the first meeting with Situ Nan and the dissatisfaction with Situ Nan, and thought of the hostility of the Song family and even the Zhi Gong party to the organization. Once her identity as a party is exposed, it will definitely cause an uproar, at least in the Song family. He nodded and listened to Wu Hao's reminder.It's better not to disclose the identity.

The three discussed the situation and talked about the whole country from Shanghai.

"My opinion on the Wuhan regime is a bit complicated. On the one hand, they have the ability to encourage industry and commerce, develop industry, and have some tough expressions in diplomacy. They show a certain revolutionary surname, but at the same time they are controlled by the British and American capital consortium, and they are exploitation and squeeze in their heart. The reactionary forces of the common people have a high level of deceptive surnames, and ordinary people are easily deceived and have a good impression of them."

Wu Hao said.

"In order to improve the external environment of the Soviet Union, we still need to cooperate with Wuhan. I hope that Madam can prompt the Wuhan government to establish diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. This is good for our cause and good for both countries."

Wu Hao said again, looking expectantly at Soong Ching Ling's eyes.

"I'll do my best! I haven't seen Ziwen for many years. I can't say that I can go there." Although Song Qingling didn't pack the tickets, she nodded and said.

"You can't even deny your sister, right? Say that he loses the face of Prime Minister Song!" Comrade Deng smiled wittyly, shook his head and added, definitely saying "Song Ziwen is not that kind of person."

This made Song Qingling feel comfortable and smiled slightly.

"By the way, did you forget that Miss Song's third wife is in charge of foreign affairs?" Wu Hao praised.

"My wife's family is a hero." Comrade Deng smiled and nodded, looking very optimistic.

Soong Ching Ling smiled, did not say anything, nor was she angry, there was a trace of uncertainty in her heart-the Soviet Union would establish diplomatic relations with the Wuhan government?Will Song Ziwen agree?

"By the way, madam, do you know someone named Situ Nan?" Wu Hao asked suddenly.


Soong Ching Ling shook her head, nodded again immediately, did not answer in a hurry, and asked, "Do you know him too?"

"I had a relationship when I was in Germany, and he seemed to know who I was."

Wu Hao tentatively said, looking at Soong Ching Ling, paying attention to her face, seeing her not answering, and continuing, "After returning to China, I asked many times and almost no one knew him. As far as I know, his background is very mysterious, even Some have great magical powers and have deep contacts with the top leaders of the Zhi Gong Party. They may be from the Situ Meideng family. I heard that he has a good relationship with the Song family, so I asked you about it."

"Yes! This person has an extraordinary relationship with the Song family. Ziwen and Meimei met him when they were studying in the United States. It is said that he runs an oil business and is quite influential in the American business community. I have also heard about it, but unfortunately At that time, I had left the United States and never saw him. My husband had sent people to recruit him many times, but unfortunately he was unsuccessful. I didn't expect that he would get entangled with the Zhi Gong Party. This shows that this person is cunning and scheming. For so many years, I only saw him when I came home this time."

When Soong Ching Ling said this, she felt a little touched and thought: If Mr. formerly had his support, the National Party’s achievements today would be no worse than that of the Chi Gong Party?

After Wu Hao's reminder, Soong Ching Ling realized that Situ Nan, who she hated, was really a bit scary.

Could it be that he counted so many people from the beginning?

Soong Ching Ling shook her head, feeling that her thoughts were too exaggerated, and continued: "I don't know much about him, but I can be sure that the Song family, the Zhi Gong Party, and the US-China Consortium all have his participation. The Wuhan government has successively won foreign countries. The large sum of money from the consortium should also have something to do with him."

Having said this, she raised her head and asked: "Since it is an old acquaintance, does Mr. Wu want to see him? I can arrange this."

"This guy is hidden deep enough!" Comrade Deng exclaimed. He didn't expect to hear such a secret today and suddenly became interested in Situ Nan.

After being convinced that Situ Nan and the Song family are closely related, it is not difficult to imagine why Song Ziwen has made a fortune after returning from a nerd, and there must be a powerful force behind him to support him.

Just like yourself, hasn't it become the master of hundreds of thousands of workers?Wu Hao nodded and shook his head: "My identity is sensitive, and the concession side seems to have noticed me. Let's wait for the wife to go to Wuhan and ask for opinions there."

Comrade Deng secretly regretted listening to it, and Soong Ching Ling was also relieved. She just asked just now.

Soong Ching Ling left without staying too long.

"Your one-sided friend is really not easy! He was not optimistic about Sun Wen back then, but looked at an honest person like Song Ziwen with green eyes, which is really intriguing!"

Comrade Deng smiled mysteriously.Soong Ching Ling didn't know that Wu Hao had known Situ Nan. He only asked about this when Soong Ching Ling had left.

When Soong Ching Ling was here just now, Comrade Deng didn’t talk much and sat quietly, but with his superb IQ, he guessed from Soong Ching Ling’s words that this madam grandson was in a special position and many people gave her face. Family affection also respects her, but if she wants to influence the Wuhan government through Song Ziwen and Soong Meiling, how much influence will this have?It's not clear yet, but it is undoubtedly an important clue.

After listening to Comrade Deng’s analysis, Wu Hao nodded in general agreement with Comrade Deng’s speculation, and said not optimistically: “Situ Nan’s fake foreigner had the greatest influence on Song Ziwen. Even if Song Ziwen is willing to have a good relationship with the Soviet Union, the US-China Consortium will follow suit. Terror. Finance Minister Lin Yimin also comes from Meihua Company and is said to be a very powerful person."

After all, neither the Wuhan government nor the Beiyang government dared to offend the establishment of diplomatic relations between the great powers and the Soviet Union.However, even if the chance is slim, give it a try.

"Fake foreigners?" Comrade Deng said to Wu Hao a little bit strangely, and Wu Hao made a few simple explanations before he was relieved.

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