The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 869

The enemy is coming fiercely, and our own troops are few and far between.Wu Peifu felt discouraged when he heard that the opponent was the fifth division.

If he fights against other troops in the country, he is confident that he will have the strength to fight, but facing the southern army that is armed to the teeth and trained by the Germans.He vaguely felt desperate.

"It seems that people treat us as soft persimmons. If you want to squeeze it, you can squeeze it." Wu Peifu said fiercely, pressing his chest angrily.Think about the beauty of the Beiyang Third Division back then...

Xiao Yaonan did not deny what Wu Peifu said. In fact, everyone knows that the military in the north is not an opponent of the Southern Revolutionary Army.It always depends on when the Northern Expedition started!

Xiao Yaonan analyzed: "It is estimated that there will be more follow-up troops going north. It depends on whether their appetites eat us. Or kill Feng Yuxiang and Zhang Zuolin in the north together?"

How difficult is Feng Xihui to say, Wu Peifu, who is uncomfortable now, has already started!

Wu Peifu became more pessimistic the more he thought about it.After being silent for a long time, Yang Tianchang sighed: "It seems we are going to finish it directly!"

A few days ago, I received a telegram from Cao Kun from the concession. Cao Sange had already arranged for him in the concession. As long as he nodded his head, he could carry a bag and move in as a happy apartment.

However, Wu Peifu vowed not to enter the concession.The world is so big, where is his shelter?

When Wu Peifu's stay was difficult to decide, his old friend Mr. Kadoorie actually condescended to Luoyang.

This arms dealer who once sold a lot of weapons to Wu Peifu is now one of the reporters of the US-China Consortium. This foreign devil is an out-and-out Southerner!

As soon as they met, Wu Peifu didn't give Xiao Jiadao a good face. He asked coldly, "Are you going to sell me weapons again? I don't have any money, although the quality of the arms in Hanyang Arsenal is good."

The Southerner sold weapons to the enemy Wu Peifu from the Hanyang Arsenal, which sounds quite ironic.

Little Kadoorie opened his hands and shrugged, not angry at Wu Peifu’s ridicule. He smiled slightly and said: "I am not responsible for the small business of arms long ago. I am now the president of American and Chinese Bank China. It’s the most powerful bank in Asia, you know."


Xiao Yaonan took a breath and opened his eyes to look at the foreign devil in front of him, feeling incredible, this foreign devil has a big background!

American-Chinese Bank is the funder of the Wuhan Central Government. Don’t look at the Wuhan government’s establishment of a central government, but it’s the American-Chinese Bank that really matters. American-Chinese Bank controls a large number of military-industrial and railway enterprise banks. All bank accounts are opened by American and Chinese Bank.

Although most people don't know the inside story well, when it comes to American China Bank, it always feels powerful and mysterious.The situation in China has changed so much, and the Wuhan Zhi Gong Party government is so strong. Isn't it all because of the support of this bank that it is invincible in the country?

The people of American Hua Bank are more powerful than HSBC's big class. Wu Peifu has dealt with British people. What does the identity of Kadoorie mean?

"How do you say you are the Southerner's overlord? I want to pay homage to you." Wu Peifu's tone was still cold.

He looked at Xiao Ka Daoli with a calm face, but he didn't want to say any more, as if he didn't care.Well, even if the other party is some kind of emperor, a shit banker, you can never make him bow his head.What's even worse is that Song Ziwen actually sent a foreigner over?

He Wu Peifu has no other skills, even if he doesn't want to bow his head in front of foreigners.

The two looked at each other for a while. Little Kadoorie knew Wu Peifu’s tough temper and decided to be honest: "From Nanyang to Guangzhou, to Wuhan, and now to Luoyang, every step of the revolutionary army's expansion cannot be separated from the American China Bank. Support. In this operation, the US-China Bank provided a military guarantee of 100 million fiat currency.

Of course, I am not an emperor. I have a boss behind me, but you don’t know that he is also Chinese, otherwise Meihua would not invest heavily in China."

"Song Ziwen is really rich in the world." Wu Peifu suddenly realized, feeling cold again. That was 100 million yuan in military expenses, which was actually understated by this foreign devil.

Not to mention 100 million yuan of legal currency, one tenth is enough to buy off the generals under your own hands?

"Song? No, no, no. He is not my boss, he is just one level above me. Of course, he can also be said to be my boss."

Little Kadoorie was a little vague, and he accidentally revealed some secrets.Song Ziwen just had better luck. In terms of talent, Xiao Ka Daoli admitted that he would not lose to Song Ziwen.

Little Kadoorie's words finally aroused Wu Peifu's interest. From his childhood Kadoorie's words, he vaguely felt that there was someone else behind his dealings with Song Ziwen. Who is he?What kind of mysterious figure set up such a big game?

Wu Peifu is very curious and deliberately asks.However, Kadoorie decided not to continue.

Wu Peifu himself didn't think he could withstand the revolutionary army going north.Little Kadoorie rushed here specially and revealed this secret to himself. What is his intention?

But since Kadoorie came here in person, should he and the southern government have a chance to negotiate?

Wu Peifu thought to himself.Then he asked: "I have said so much. What do you want to do? Let's talk!"

"The reason why Wuhan sent troops this time is very simple. It is to seize the coal resources in Henan and meet the needs of southern industries."

Little Kadao said the whole story.

"Ah? Just for coal?" Wu Peifu was dumbfounded when he heard it. Damn, these southerners dispatched airplanes and cannons just to come to Henan to dig for coal.

Just say no?My old Wu didn't let you dig coal!Wu Peifu suddenly felt wronged.

Xiao Yaonan next to him listened to Xiao Kadao's explanation and was puzzled: "Isn't there a Pingxiang coal mine in the south?"

Little Kadoorie shook his head: "The Pingxiang coal mine is only the Pingxiang coal mine, which is far from meeting market demand. In addition to the Pingxiang coal mine, we have also invested in the Liupanshui coal mine in Guizhou and the Hongji coal mine in northern Annan. But these are not enough. Song and his government I think Henan is rich in coal mines, so..."

"So come to grab my site?" Wu Peifu said.

"Yeah. It seems like this." Xiao Ka said logically, and then added, "Compared to Henan, I personally like Shanxi coal the most." These words exposed Wuhan's ambitions, and Henan was only the number one source for them to obtain northern resources. Step, then is Zhili Shanxi.

Seeing that Wu Peifu and the other two still don't quite understand, Xiao Jiadaoli felt it necessary to explain the important role of coal in the industrialization of the South.

"We are going to invest 500 to 1 billion yuan to build a batch of thermal power plants, and the demand for coal is hundreds of millions of tons. In order to open up Henan coal, we are also preparing to renovate the Henan section of the Beijing-Hanzhou Railway. At the same time, to open up Henan, we will build one in Luoyang or Zhengzhou. Large-scale industrial and mining enterprises. In short, this is a big business. If I say this, you should understand?"

Little Kadoorie said, blinking at Wu Peifu, looking a little proud, and continued, "In the past few years, industrial construction in the South has been fruitful, and more and more people are fleeing from the north to the south. The calls from all walks of life for the Northern Expedition are getting louder and louder. The Wuhan government has withstood a lot of pressure from public opinion. This time it can be considered a small step and it has an explanation to all walks of life."

"It sounds like you are unwilling to come and hit us, are you compelled?" Xiao Yaonan said sarcastically.But I have to admit in my heart that the Southern Army Industrial Da, which can arm a large number of troops, is much more powerful than the direct line.

"This is the end of the matter. As your friend, I, respected Mr. Kadoorie, strongly recommend that General Wu and your army voluntarily withdraw from Henan. Wuhan is willing to compensate you in terms of materials."

Little Kadoori offered the conditions.In fact, he didn’t need to condescend to come to Wu Peifu to negotiate this time. It’s just that Wu Peifu is a close friend of his, and he is also a good general, so Kadoorie is willing to take a trip to inspect Henan’s coal and iron resources and Beijing. Investment situation of the Henan section of the double-track project of the Han Railway.

Little Kadoorie's words made Wu Peifu and Xiao Yaonan hesitate, and they did not speak for a while.

"Think about it, and I will visit you tomorrow."

After Little Kadoorie left, Wu Peifu and Xiao Yaonan looked at each other. They were silent for a while, digesting the information brought by Little Kadoorie.

They finally do it!

Wu Peifu touched his smooth head. When he thought of the sky full of planes and rumbling tanks and armored vehicles, his head was numb, and he said depressed, "How do you feel a little wronged?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yaonan nodded. "The Wuhan people do things differently. Qian Qing or Yuan Gongbao did so hard to build factories and repair railways? It seems that we are blocking people's money."

"So, what kind of power plan is for a thermal power plant? How much coal must be dug? Is there so much coal in Henan? Why don't I know?"

Wu Peifu asked several questions in a row while shaking his head, always feeling a little strange.

"Fortunately, they didn't want our life, they just wanted to drive us away. For this plan, we can only move east to Shandong, north to Zhili or west to northwest."

Xiao Yaonan Road.

To the north is the traitor Feng Yuxiang, and further north is Shanxi. According to Xiao Kadao, the Southerners still value the coal in Shanxi. It is conceivable that if they go north, they will defeat Feng Yuxiang first.If Wu Peifu could clean up Feng Yuxiang, he would have done it long ago, so why wait until today.

If you go east to Shandong, it would be a temporary choice, but there is a bastard in Shandong called Zhang Zongchang, which is not easy to provoke. Moreover, the revolutionary army has heavy troops in Xuzhou. Who dares to not repeat everything in Henan today?

Wu Peifu is the one who manages the army, and I have probably seen it clearly in the past few years. Don't look at Feng Yuxiang and Zhang Zuolin who are showing off their power. Even if you add him, they are not the opponents of the southern gang. They have an annual output of 1 million tons of iron. Where's the Hanyang Iron Works?

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