The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 870

"Shandong's strategic position is important, no less than Henan in the Central Plains, and so is Zhili. Perhaps only the remote northwest can keep me waiting." Wu Peifu sighed. Think about Xiao Kadoori's failure to point out the direction of the direct retreat. My mind probably wants to drive myself to the northwest!

Of course, if I were to work with Feng Yuxiang and Zhang Zuolin, the people in Wuhan would also be happy to see such a result, maybe they would give the warlords in the north in one go.

"In this case, it's better for us to dominate the northwest. Like the Shaanxi, Gansu and the return to the horses, the non-my race will have different hearts. As long as we hold high the banner of defending the frontier and march west, Wuhan will not only be happy to see it, but it is estimated that there will be something. Support?"

Xiao Yaonan gritted his teeth.

"Dominate the Northwest?" Wu Peifu's eyes lit up, and he might vaguely blaze a trail.Since the whole country cannot be unified, Wu Peifu does not oppose it as a soldier.

As Xiao Yaonan said, there is nothing left for warlords in the northwest. When Wu Peifu goes, he is the King of the Mountain. Wu Peifu doesn't care about anything like Shanma Ganma.

Avoiding the Central Plains and planning the northwest, letting the north and the south fight, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, is a helpless and not too bad choice. It's just the bitter cold in the northwest. Can you survive it?

Wu Peifu secretly beat a drum in his heart.

At the same time, he was a little confused, and sighed to Xiao Yaonan: "In the past few years, he has tried to maintain order in Henan. Watching the construction of the south become more and more powerful day by day, I think Gongbao will not have such ambitions in his second life. The Kuomintang guys only If you can talk about it, you can't build it. Wuhan, it should be the destiny!"

"Feng Yuxiang and Zhang Zuolin in the north of us must be more anxious than we are, and they will soon be here to bear such fearful days!"

Xiao Yaonan Road.After speaking, the two of them looked at each other and laughed, and being neighbors with the group of people in Wuhan felt like being frightened.

Chapter 140

That night, Wu Peifu invited his subordinates to a meeting, and the direct generals really did not have the determination to fight the revolutionary army. They have suffered too much from the Southerners in recent years.?

Some people even thought to themselves, anyway, if you have made enough money, financial freedom has already been realized. If the warlord’s business is not good enough, he can simply switch to the concession to live in the public.

Hearing that Wu Peifu decided to go west, the military leaders of all sizes seemed to think there was a way out. The idea of ​​changing to a mixed apartment has not been realized yet, and most of them expressed their willingness to follow.After all, today's situation is not the final decision of their immediate remnants.

Little Kadoorie had anticipated Wu Peifu's decision a long time ago, and did not bargain with Wu Peifu, and directly offered Wu Peifu an allocation fee of 5 million French currency.

5 million bought a province, the price is not expensive.

If two days later, the Fifth Division headed directly into Zhengzhou and eliminated Wu Peifu's troops. Not only would it save the 5 million, but also tens of thousands of free labor.

Little Kadoorie still thinks the deal is worthwhile, because this is the result his boss most hopes to see.

Besides, 5 million fiat currency is certainly not a small amount, but it is not owned by the Bank of America?To put it bluntly, it's just a number.

And Wu Peifu took the money, didn't he want to buy supplies from himself?

Military uniforms, ordnance, food, and medicines, these materials can be easily purchased by American-Chinese Bank from related companies.

Wu Peifu seemed to be very satisfied with the generosity of Little Kadoorie. In addition, he received a guarantee from Kadoorie since he was a child that if he stays in the northwestern part of the world, he will be abiding by discipline.The southern government is willing to provide substantial subsidies each be honest.Wu Peifu was incorporated in disguise.

The specific number depends on the outcome of the negotiations between Wu Peifu and Wuhan.Little Kadoorie does not need to participate.As soldiers approached the city, Wu Peifu had to retreat.

Before leaving, he kindly reminded Wu Peifu that Wuhan seems to be interested in Yanchang Oilfield, which happens to be that Yanchang Oilfield is not under the control of Wuhan. If Wu Peifu takes this oilfield and sells the oilfield to Meihua related companies, there will be a good deal. Income.

Wu Peifu's tolerance is surprising.The military leaders in the north did not expect that Wu Peifu, who had always been brave and invincible and heroic, shrank his head and easily surrendered out of Henan, and then rushed into the northwest. The warlords were dumbfounded.

It is said that Feng Yuxiang ate ten steamed buns in one breath, angrily carrying a big knife, and even coaxing and cursing the Thirteen Taibao under his hand to defend himself.While contacting Zhang Zuolin, if the Southerners go north, they will fight!

In fact, Feng Yuxiang secretly prayed that he didn't want to go to war with the Southerners.

Zhang Zuolin's mother cursed Wu Peifu for not having any kind of seed. He wanted to support Wu Peifu in the fight against the Northern invasion of the South.Now I have to do my best to cheer Feng Yuxiang with steamed buns, machine gun bullets and cannons.I will give it to you.In any case, the revolutionary army can no longer be allowed to take a step north, otherwise everyone will not have a good life.

For a while, Feng Yuxiang, Zhang Zuolin, Yan Xishan and other northern warlords had frequent telegrams, making various promises and concluding secret covenants, which was so lively.They all felt the pressure from the south, and if they didn't unite, they would be served by others.

Feng Yuxiang was worried about being afraid for a while. Seeing that the revolutionary army did not continue northward, the heart hanging in the air finally fell, but he did not dare to take it lightly, and instead stepped up to expand the army.

It was not only the northern warlords like Feng Yuxiang and Zhang Zuolin who were relieved, but Song Ziwen from Wuhan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Situ Nan, who was hiding behind the scenes, disagreed. Although he himself looked down on the thin-skinned armored units of the Revolutionary Army, he felt that these current equipment were immature products after the First World War, and were similar to the Japanese Doding tanks used in the Second World War. Not much technical content, far from talking about armor torrent.

But then again, the Japanese can be ten, and they are invincible in China. "The military is booming." Then there is no reason why the Fifth Division, whose armor level is not too far from the Japanese in World War II, can't handle the warlord forces of the 1920s?

Therefore, he was not at all worried that the revolutionary army's march north would cause the Central Plains war to explode in advance, and he was not worried that Wuhan would lose.

Unsurprisingly, Wu Peifu wisely surrendered Henan and retreated to the northwest under the revolutionary army's tactics. With his move, Feng Yuxiang's forces were immediately exposed to the revolutionary army's attack range.

"This incident has finally come to an end, but the next Central Plains war is expected to come true. Feng Yuxiang, Zhang Zuolin and Yan Xishan will not give up easily. They will be lively at that time, and maybe even Wu Peifu will not be lonely."

Song Ziwen predicted, his face was serious.

"The initiative is on our side. We don't do it, and it is estimated that those military leaders in the north will not dare to start a war easily. The time is still on our side. When you are ready, do it anytime!"

Situ Nan looked at Song Ziwen with a relaxed look. He is not a person who prefers big unification, but the speed of industrial construction in the southern half of China is beyond his expectations. The Hanyang Arsenal and Ishii Arsenal alone can explode millions of troops.

Today's southern government rules an area of ​​2 million square kilometers, a population of more than 200 million, and an annual steel output of over one million tons. It has built a relatively sound industrial system and can be regarded as a small power in terms of strength!

Is it not easy to clean Wu Peifu this time?Naturally, domestic warlords like Feng Yuxiang are no longer regarded as opponents.

"You only move your lips around. We are not the ones who are so busy? I'm not as optimistic as you. It is not difficult to drive Wu Peifu into Henan. The difficulty is that it is burdened by another 20 to 30 million people. The drought caused the government a headache!"

Song Ziwen frowned.

The northwest is arid, and Henan is the hardest hit area. The money spent on disaster relief is far more than the money spent on fighting a battle.Also, the Yellow River is in disrepair all the year round, and water conservancy projects are required.

Situ Nan thought of China’s successive droughts in the 1920s, and now it’s just the beginning. Many refugees are already fleeing to the south. Death is inevitable, but no matter how bad the situation is, it will not be worse than the same period in history.

This year, Situ Nan could only think about it in his heart, and couldn't talk to people in detail.

In the heart, Situ Nan felt gratified for the growing strength of the country, even though Song Ziwen said that the cost was huge.But Situ Nan believed that the Wuhan Zhigong Party government would definitely organize disaster relief construction.

"Anyone who does not work cannot eat. A few catties of meters can hire a strong labor force. The cost of infrastructure construction is greatly reduced, and then a part of the population is transferred to South China. The problem of hungry people should be partially resolved."

Situ Nan said lightly.

Rescue cannot be comprehensive. During this process, some hungry people will starve to death, and most of those eliminated are the old, weak, sick and disabled.

He thought to himself: "The famine allows us to obtain the young and strong labor we need at a low cost. To some extent, it is a good thing? Ha ha! Under their guidance, Song Ziwen and Zhi Gong Dang did this. Once It is estimated that Hitler and Roosevelt will adopt it in a few years after the effect is made?"

"It is a good way for the government to combine infrastructure and disaster relief. I plan to draw a new round of construction bonds to draw funds from the private sector," Song Ziwen said.

During the first five-year construction plan, many large-scale infrastructure projects were completed, the southern railway network was gradually completed, and the economy was developing rapidly. His Song Ziwen and the credit of the Zhi Gong party government were favored by the capital market.

"Yes, the people who bought the railway bonds at the beginning were rich. Not only domestic capital, but also foreign capital continued to flow into the country. It is not only the American China Consortium, the William Consortium, HSBC, Citi, and even Wall Street's Morgan. Come in. Transportation is their most invested project. Foreign capitalists are optimistic about Wuhan Zhi Gong Party."

Situ Nan smiled.

Song Ziwen nodded and smiled faintly: "Do you know if so much foreign investment is involved, even within the government, some people say that I am a traitor."

"Isn't the major shareholder still Meihua?" Situ Nan said disapprovingly.

The Zhi Gong Party executives and the Meihua Consortium have long agreed that Song Ziwen has issued policies and regulations in the government field, Kadoorie provides a financing platform in the financial sector, Zhang Jingjiang is responsible for railway construction and expansion of the Beijing-Hanzhou railway, enhancing transportation capacity, and Liu Hongsheng is responsible for mining coal and passing railways. Transport coal from the north to steel plants in Wuhan, Ma'anshan and other places, as well as thermal power plants under construction by Meihua Electric, and finally realize electrified production.

"Such a huge industrial construction plan is rare in human history. Only the Soviet Union in the north can be compared, but our international environment is better than them."

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