The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 899

There is a price behind this gentleness. Xu Zhimo also quarreled at home and severely beat the Xu family master who hoped to remarry with Zhang Youyi. However, the Xu family master was much more able to bear it, and he reprimanded the rebellious son. After a while, I happily cooperated with Zhang Youyi to do business again.

What a pair of foolish men and women!

The Lu family's parents saw it, but they didn't stop it. They didn't dare to stimulate Lu Xiaoman anymore.

Chapter 160


Wang Geng roared, dropped the basketball, and waved to Situ Nan: "I'm not playing, I'm tired."

After desperately venting on the court, I felt better.

"Why did you say she humiliated me?" Wang Geng asked Situ Nan, lying on the ground with sweat.

Situ Nan picked up the basketball and rushed to the basket with one-handed dunk, only then looked back at Wang Geng.

"Because you take her too seriously, you love her deeply, and the hurt will be deeper. Of course, it may not necessarily be love. The more you care, the stronger your emotions will naturally be. If you have several women, one If something goes wrong, the damage can only be a fraction of the damage."

Situ Nan smiled unscrupulously.

"This is wrong." Wang Geng glared at Situ Nan.

Seeing the anger on Wang Geng’s face, Situ Nan had to correct it and said, “If it’s someone else, I wouldn’t say that just now. You are a very nice and generous person, so it’s easy for others to ignore your feelings. Knowing that you provoke you, you will not retaliate."

"You say that, I don't know if a good mood is not bad."

Wang Geng sighed.I understand Situ Nan's meaning, but he just can't do it!

"If you feel uncomfortable, you can do it first, and stop her. Not only can you follow her wishes, but also make you face better." Situ Nan smiled.

Divorce?What age is this?Can you still do this?

Isn't it like a child making a temper?

In addition to self-deception on the surface, it is no good to make yourself feel a little bit, but it becomes the laughing stock of others.

Wang Geng shook his head and said with some sadness: "I found out that it was a mistake to come to Kadoorie Garden today, and I was teased by you."

Situ Nan was silent for a while, then said quietly: "Don't think that you are the only victim, in fact I am too."

"Huh?" Wang Geng asked in surprise, not understanding what Situ Nan meant.

"A woman I think is good was abducted by another man. To a certain extent, we are the same sick." Situ Nan said.

"Hehe. I just said, today you feel weird and mean your voice. So it turned out to be..."

Wang Geng nodded, as if I understood your mood.At this moment, he was in a better mood.

However, unlike Wang Geng, Situ Nan has a much higher position and power.Wang Geng didn't know which woman was so courageous, but the possible consequences were serious.

According to Wang Geng's understanding of Song Meiling and Wu Manli, Situ Nan put a lot of resources on them. If they parted ways with Situ Nan, it would cause unpredictable turbulence to the US-China Consortium.

It should not be the two strong women Song and Wu. They are highly powerful and politically skilled. They will weigh the pros and cons and will not make such irrational decisions.On the contrary, the young literary and artistic woman in her own family has been spoiled by all.Only then will you be desperate, ignore the feelings of others, and focus on getting what you want.

"Although it was a little sudden, it is not unacceptable for her to pursue happiness and form a normal family. After all, she is more like a friend than a lover, and I am the same to her."

Situ Nan explained.

Without saying the name, Wang Geng didn't know that it was the woman, but Situ Nan's tone was not too sad.He probably knew that the perpetrator was definitely not the two political elder sisters in Asia, nor the wife of the United States, but at best the nightingale outside.

Can't hurt Situ Nan a single hair!

"Good luck for the scumbag, God is unfair." Wang Geng said inwardly.I'm in a bad mood again, why are you so unlucky.

"I won't blame her, but that man may not be. Maybe it's a good idea to use him to grow people." Situ Nan smiled lightly.

Wang Geng shuddered after hearing this, and looked at Situ Nan without speaking, his expression on his face was indifferent.But his eyes were a little cold, not joking at all.

When Lu Xiaoman returned home, his health was much better, but his relationship with Wang Geng was awkward.

Lu Xiaoman didn't tell Wang Geng what happened at his parents' house, but Wang Geng still knew about the farce through Lu's parents, but he just didn't tell it.

Lu Xiaoman knew he knew what he wanted, but Wang Geng didn't pick it out, and she couldn't say it.If she still has some face.

The days dragged on like this, and it was very unpleasant.





Face hard.


In love and pain, the poet's talent was inspired, and he wrote a large number of poems and diaries, which was later known as "Notes on Aimei".

(If there is a later. Or if it is not used in the original later, the aircraft industry and the quality of pilots in the Republic of China have been greatly improved!)

What made her stunned was that after the death of her parents, the attitude of the Lu family's parents changed. Xu Zhimo went to the Lu family several times and talked with the Lu family's parents several times.

In order to strengthen the persuasiveness, Liu Haisu was also asked to help persuade. Liu Haisu appeared to speak and complained about the pain caused to the parties by the arranged marriage.

The Lu family’s mother nodded, and the Lu family’s father was noncommittal, and probably agreed in his heart, but the old face had to be held, and could not come forward to do it, so he had to hide himself.

Wang Geng probably also felt the change in the attitude of Lu's parents, which made him feel uncomfortable.He maintained his demeanor and did not come to greet Lu's parents, tearing off their old faces.

To take care of Lu Xiaoman, the Lu family's mother moved into the Wang family.

Until one day, he received an invitation from Liu Haisu.Liu Haisu hosted a banquet at Gongdelin Vegetarian Restaurant and invited Wang Geng and his wife. Wang Geng didn't know, Liu Haisu also invited others.

When he appeared in the Gongdelin restaurant in a straight military uniform, the star on his shoulder was shining, but it was incompatible with the suit and robe around the dinner table.

"A lot of people have come!" Wang Geng said calmly.

Lu Xiaoman sat next to Lu Xiaoman’s mother, and Xu Zhimo was sitting next to him. On the other side, there were Liu Haisu, Hu Shi, Zhang Xinhai, Tang Ying, Tang Ying’s elder brothers Yan Lu and Yang Quan (Xingfo), Li Zufa and others.

There are also two brothers of Zhang Youyi, the second brother Zhang Junmai and the ninth brother Zhang Yujiu.

Do you have a banquet?

Wang Geng felt greasy and crooked in his heart. He felt that these people were weird and peaceful on the surface, knowing that those who should come are always coming.

He greeted everyone politely and did not forget to shake hands with Xu Zhimo.

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