The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 900

"Didn't You Yi come? Just leave her. If she is there, I thought you Zhang and Xu's family were hosting a family dinner."

Wang Geng smiled and said to the Zhang family brothers, and then looked at Xu Zhimo, feeling that Zhang Youyi was really not worth it. He didn't know where he was standing?

Get run on.The Zhang family brothers have hot faces. The brothers and the brother-in-law who abandoned their wives actually call them brothers and sisters. They are so enthusiastic or not. Can this not let others have opinions?

Like Zhang Jiaao, the fourth Zhang Jiaao had a much more distinctive attitude, if it wasn't for Zhang Youyi's face.The Bank of China he is in charge of is not a bird of Xu's family.

Of course, Zhang Jiaao and Wang Geng have had more contacts. They have met at least a few times in the Kadoorie Garden, and the relationship is much better.

Zhang's second child and second child are a little embarrassed, but they are not easy to attack Wang Geng.

They didn't know, but in a room not far from their room, Zhang Youyi and his second brother Zhang Jiaao were having dinner.The guest is naturally Situ Nan.

Looking at the people entering the room not far away, Situ Nan secretly guessed in his heart: If Zhang Youyi took the child up there, the scene would be even more exciting!

Zhang Youyi thanked Situ Nan for the reception, and Situ Nan casually said about Gongde Lin Vegetarian Restaurant.Because he has never been, his life in Shanghai is not long, so he wants to go once.

After arriving, I found out that it was a coincidence that he met Wang Geng's group of people.

With the thoughts hidden in his heart, Situ Nan didn't tell the Zhang brothers and sisters, yes, they didn't know that the two brothers were not far away.

"In the past two or three years, a large amount of funds have been invested in the country to stimulate economic development. Banks have lent a lot. The export of domestic textiles and electrical appliances to foreign countries is considered to open the European and American markets, and the situation is not bad. However, a good banker must not only see Profit, but also risk."

Situ South Road.In general evaluation of the development of domestic industry and commerce, it is very rare that China's rubber industry and home appliance industry can be divided into an objective market from the three most prosperous industries in the United States, and this also brings a lot of risks.

It is necessary for Situ Nan to remind Zhang Jiaao and Zhang Youyi, especially Zhang Jiaao, that the Bank of China he controls is one of the pillar banks of the American China Consortium.The status is about the same as that of the first bank of the universe-ICBC.

Zhang Jiaao was a little wary and kept Situ Nan's words in his heart. After all, Situ Nan reminded him to control risks and prepare for economic turmoil in a few years.

Although I don't believe it, I can't see the long-term view in a few years, and it's even harder to judge the United States thousands of miles away, but I have to pay attention because that is what Situ Nan said, and controlling risks is not the quality of bankers.

Situ Nan only mentioned one or two sentences, did not say too much, and soon switched to other topics, feeling somewhat absent-minded.


"You often come to visit Xiaoman and take care of her carefully. I want to thank you so much!" Wang Geng stared at Xu Zhimo's eyes.

Although Xu Zhimo was the original planner of this banquet, he shouldn't show his face too much on today's occasion. He just sat upright on the table as a general guest, waiting for Liu Haisu to play the leading role.

But I didn't expect that Wang Geng would talk to himself as soon as he came up. He was a little guilty and didn't dare to meet Wang Geng's gaze.

I couldn't help but took a peek at Lu Xiaoman again. Lu Xiaoman knew the purpose of today's banquet. She was very calm and intelligent, so she didn't look at Xu Zhimo and pretended not to hear.

She didn't go to see Zhimo deliberately, she couldn't make Zhimo too proud, let alone embarrass Wang Geng.

Wang Geng was already angry, so don't bring the pistol, and confiscated it when he came out of the house.

She greeted everyone gracefully and shyly, and after sitting down, she whispered to her mother.The Lu family’s mother interjected a few scenes, saying that she was the oldest, and Wang Geng finally calmed down the scene because it was too bad for Wang Geng to save her face.

Otherwise, there will be fights before the meal is eaten, the scene can be wonderful.

Seeing Wang Geng sitting down, everyone around him secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It was served, Liu Haisu just greeted everyone to eat.

Everyone kept their concerns in their hearts and ate carefully, but it was not known how the food tasted.

Zhang Xinhai couldn't help it at first, and asked Liu Haisu, "Haisu, what the hell did you'art traitor' invite us to do? What kind of medicine do you sell in the gourd?"

Liu Haisu Zhengshou didn't know how to speak, and Zhang Xinhai's sentence just brought the topic.

He picked up the wine glass and said, "Today I am the host and invited everyone here to commemorate me. It was a private matter to commemorate me. Back then, I refused to arrange an arranged feudal marriage and escaped from home. Later, I finally got a happy marriage. Come on, please everyone first. Done this cup."

Everyone toasted and drank together.Mrs. Lu was nervous. She took a peek at her son-in-law, Wang Geng, but saw that Wang Geng was silent, but the cheeks were agitating slowly, moving very slowly, but with full force. She gave her a sharp look, slowly biting, which made people look unsightly. Through his mind, but also feel a trace of his emotions.

Liu Haisu continued: "Everyone has done this glass of wine, showing that everyone is very supportive of my actions. As you all know, we are in a period of social change, the old and new ideas and concepts are in the transition stage, and the remnants of feudalism are gradually being Expelled. But,"

Liu Haisu increased his tone and said, "Feudal thoughts still exist in some people's minds, and they can't come out. We are all young people. Who does not pursue happiness? Who does not desire happiness? Who wants to be restrained by feudal ideas? "

He continued: "So my view of marriage is: Both spouses should be established on the basis of equal personality, harmonious relationship, and mutual understanding. The wife is by no means an ornament of the husband, and the wife should be the husband’s friend. It's gone!" Liu Haisu got more and more excited, and he raised his cup again: "Come on, we wish all couples in the world a happy marriage! Cheers!"

Everyone was infected by Liu Haisu's passionate speech and stood up to toast.

Wang Geng hesitated for a while, as if thinking about something.He stood up only when everyone was up, and after a toast with everyone, he poured himself a glass and said to Liu Haisu, "Haisu, what you said makes sense. So, wouldn't it be a heinous crime to destroy someone else's marriage? For this kind of person, did I uphold justice and shoot him?"

Wang Geng patted his waist, with the pistol at his waist. When he said this, he instantly caused a ton of damage.

Xu Zhimo's body tightened and lowered her head. Lu Xiaoman's mother and daughter's faces turned pale, and Hu Shi, Zhang's brothers, and Tang's brothers dared not answer for a while.

As for Liu Haisu, his face is more like soy sauce, and he is even a little scared—marriage happiness is not easy to come by, so it seems that he should be shot for destroying other people’s marriage, and he himself seems to be the accomplice of the person who is about to be shot. Right?

"That is, that is... Haha!" Liu Haisu was choked, laughed a few times, sat down reluctantly, and touched the long flowing hair behind his ears to hide his embarrassment.

Damn, I'm really unlucky for taking this job that makes people divide their wives.If Wang Geng is killed and becomes the villain of others defending the family, am I wronged?

"Don't be so angry! Everyone wants good happiness, the premise is freedom and equality. If you are reluctant to be together, it may not be good for both of them. It is better to consider long-term, consider carefully, and do not rush to conclusions."

Hu Shi came out and said.

Wang Geng glanced at Hu Shi, expressionless, no longer clutching the topic just now.

He smiled, and said: "Mr. Hu's is very inspiring. Come, I toast you! I am a soldier, pursuing honor and responsibility!"

"For honor and responsibility, cheers!"

Wang Geng toasted.

Everyone had to respond to him and have a drink.

Although Wang Geng didn't say it clearly, he carried a gun and a stick, and slapped a table of so-called friends over and over in the face - you people are shameless, and I still have a face.

Hu Shi was slapped and lost face. He laughed at himself. He looked at the seductive Lu Xiaoman next to Wang Geng, and a thought flashed in his mind, "I am so keen on this matter, do I have some idea subconsciously?"

Thinking of this, he smiled openly, and didn't care about Wang Geng's attitude.

Chapter 161

You Lu Xiaoman wants to divorce me, why don't you dare to ask me directly?Instead, he joined an outsider to give me a grand feast?When you calculate me like this, do you regard me as an enemy?

You, Xu Zhimo, want to seize a wife, why don't you dare to confront me in person?But he kept silent, as if this banquet was not planned by him, and there was no courage at all, so it was difficult for people to look up.

The more Wang Geng thought about it, the more angry he became. He didn't want to take a look at the faces of these people.

"That's it for today. I have something to do. I will leave first." Wang Geng put aside a sentence, stood up, and was about to leave.

Lu Xiaoman had no choice but to stand up silently and walked out with Wang Geng. He turned around and gave Xu Zhimo apologetic winks.

When Wang Geng was angry just now, she did not dare to say a word. I was really afraid that he would take out his gun and be frightened. Because Wang Geng always spoiled her before and seldom criticized her. She has never experienced the man who came home. In charge of soldiers and horses outside, the murderous spirit of Jin Ge and Iron Horse!

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