"Ever victorious, Li Hai Da!"

"Ever victorious, Li Hai Da!"

"There are no blind spots in Tatsumi's victory!"

Being able to score the first point in Seiya's hands, the fans of Rikkai University were excited.

After all, it was Seiya!

The regional qualifiers started, all the way through the Tokyo and Kyoto competitions, and then to the Kanto competitions. It has always been He has been overwhelming his opponent from the beginning.

But now, it is clear that Tatekai Daisen has the upper hand.

This is a good start!!

Perhaps, it is also the beginning of the destruction of Holy Night's unbeatable record so far?!

"It is indeed very strong, worthy of Li Haidai."

Even Dazai Osamu also recognized the combination of Marui Bunta and Yanagi Renji.

If Oishi and Kikumaru were not able to withstand the pressure and break through in the game, then the final result would be that Tatekai easily won the first doubles match.

"Is it luck? Or on purpose?"

Oishi looked cautiously at Marui Bunta, who was still chewing gum, and was more alert than ever before. The ball just now could have been hit directly into the court, but it unexpectedly missed.

Terrible feel of the ball, brilliant method.


Throw the tennis ball lightly, and immediately, his arm drives the racket to slam down.

Oishi continues to serve.

Serve at super high speed!

"Such a fast serve……"

At such a speed, Marui Bunta's dynamic vision can no longer keep up.

So, he didn't catch the ball.

But, that doesn't mean giving up a goal.

Because, on the field, he also has a reliable teammate. boom!

Calm yet fast.

As Liu Renji's body swayed, he easily caught the ball's landing point and swept the racket directly.

Never underestimate your opponents.

Oishi stared closely at the tennis ball coming at high speed, his eyes quickly scanning the code behind Kikumaru.

The simple and efficient secret code tactic was launched again. boom!




The two sides went back and forth, and a fierce battle broke out.

The score was very tight, and they refused to give in.

Everyone on the sidelines was also watching intently, for fear of missing every ball of the exciting confrontation.

Because of the powerful players like Osamu Dazai and others. The battle between the two is different.

The dynamic vision of ordinary viewers can still keep up with this level of fierce battle.

"As expected of the final, it was really fierce!"

Mamoru Inoue took the camera and took a few photos on both sides.

Whether it was the combination of Kikumaru and Oishi, or the combination of Marui and Yanagi Renji.

The doubles strength shown has reached the national level.


Oishi seemed to be reluctant to return the lob, but Ryu Renji thought he had seized the opportunity.

He jumped up lightly and slammed the racket down hard.


Facing this powerful smash, Oishi couldn't help but smile.

His body suddenly turned, and he bent his knees and squatted half by using the centrifugal force of the body.

With the racket half-raised, Liu Renji's smash ball was accurately caught by him. Live at the landing point

"The giant bear strikes back!"

One of Fuji Shusuke's three counterattacks!

A skill that Oishi learned through special training under the strict requirements of Osamu Dazai.

Although it is not as perfect as Fuji and cannot be used multiple times.

But at this moment, it worked wonders!


Unloading force After rebounding, the tennis ball soared high, and then accurately landed near the bottom line of the Lihai duo.

"game, Seiya Academy Oishi Shuichiro and Kikumaru Eiji, 1-0.

After dozens of rounds of confrontation, Seiya successfully defended his serve.

Watching Kikumaru and Oishi win the serve, Yanagi and Marui looked at each other without speaking..The time has not come yet.... boom!




"game, Renji Tatekai Oyanagi, Bunta Marui, 2-2"

"Exchange venues!"

In the next few games, both sides played very cautiously.

However, they were stronger with their personal strength.

Marui Bunta's superb volley skills at the net and Liu's solid baseline defensive counterattack quickly evened the score. After a short break, they switched venues.

"That's almost it, Bunta!"

Liu Renji, who had been silent before, suddenly opened his narrowed eyes.

He had successfully established the data model of the two opponents.

Next, it was time to end the game!

"Is it finally better? No matter how bad it goes, I almost have no energy left. The doubles match on Holy Night is quite difficult."

With a chuckle, Marui Bunta blew the bubble gum in his mouth.

He has great trust in Liu's teammate's statistical play.

Whenever Liu said that it was almost the same, the game was basically the end.

"Keep going, Kikumaru……"

Dashi shouted in a deep voice, he probably guessed that there was a trump card hidden on the other side.

The fierce confrontations that seemed to outsiders before were just data collection.

"Let's see who can win.""

Dashi, who has always been calm and reserved, showed unusual aggression at this moment.

"Referee, we request a suspension of the game."

Then, the referee allowed the game to be temporarily suspended.

Then, under everyone's confused look, Oishi and Kikumaru came to the players' stand.

They put away the original racket and took out the new racket from the bag.

"call out! call out!"

Oishi seemed to be trying to adapt to the new racket, but every time he swung the racket, he could almost hear a faint roar.

Kikumaru also had similar movements.

This scene made Yanagi Renji couldn't help but feel shocked.

"That swing speed? Could it be that?"

He thought of a possibility, but he couldn't believe it.

Previously, with a racket like that, could he still score 2-2?

"It seems that this double team of Shengye is stronger than we imagined. Liu

Renji reminded Marui Bunta in a low voice:"Be careful.""

"Next, I dare not say that I am sure of winning them."

"good."Hearing such words, Marui Bunta also looked cautious.


The tennis ball was spinning in the air, and Oishi, who was already ready, suddenly slammed the racket.


There was a roar like a cannonball.

The tennis ball tore the air and went straight. Smash it towards the right-angled corner of Tatekai Daiifang's service line.

"At a speed of 195, it deflected 18 degrees to the right, with a weak horizontal rotation.……"

The moment Oishi took action, Liu Renji's mind began to make precise calculations.


Moving his body quickly, Liu Renji rushed towards the landing spot of the tennis ball in advance. boom!

The originally amazingly fast tennis ball was directly stopped by him.

Then with the net down, he hit a deft chip right between Oishi and Kikumaru.

"With this shot, the probabilities of Eiji Kikumaru and Shuichiro Oishi being deceived were 85% and 51% respectively.%"

Liu Lianer watched the tennis ball fall to the ground, his thoughts racing



Marui Bunta blinked and instantly understood what Yanagi Renji meant.


Leaning forward, Oishi forced himself to stop.

Because Kikumaru in the front had already done a beautiful backflip and volleyed.


The tennis ball flew up and hit the unguarded corner.

However, the tennis ball didn't even have time to hit the ground.


An upright racket accurately intercepted this tricky blow.


The superb acceleration and interception in front of the net, the tennis ball was After the boulder fell quickly on the side of its feet, it bounced high and soared beyond the bottom line.


"That ball just now……"

Dashi's eyes were deep.

Ryu Renji's return shot just now misled him.

It was clear that he was not particularly tricky in scheduling, but he and Kikumaru were mobilized at the same time, which resulted in a negligence in defense.

"Have you already taken action?"

Looking at the calm-looking Liu Renji in the opposite backcourt, Oishi subconsciously held the racket tighter.

"Kikumaru, the glory of the Holy Night cannot be trampled on in our hands!"

"Dashi, let’s work together!"

Kikumaru also spoke with great solemnity.

The atmosphere on the playing field also became more and more tense at this moment.


Oishi continued to serve calmly


The moment the tennis ball landed on the large court in Lihai, Kikumaru gestured with his left hand behind him. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Dashi responded solemnly. only...... boom!

The tennis ball was once again shot out by Liu Lian'er, turning into a yellow light that swept out of the baseline from Dashi's feet.[]


"Okay, so fast!!"

Oishi's pupils shrank violently.

Liu Renji's change of moves made him unable to react at all.


Kikumaru stared at Yanagi Renji's expressionless face with a solemn expression.

The opponent was not only a data master, but also an extremely powerful tactician.

His target had always been Oishi.




"game, Rikkai University Affiliated High School Liu Renji and Marui Bunta, 3-2."



"game, Rikkai University Affiliated High School Liu Renji and Marui Bunta, 4-2."

Renji Yanagi and Bunta Marui concentrated their attacks on Shuichiro Oishi and successfully won two games in a row.

Tatekai's duo took the lead in breaking the game, completely tilting the balance of the game to Tatekai's side.

"Data is not just a simple collection, but whether it can be used flexibly is fundamental."

Ranagi Renji pondered, not being careless at all because of the lead.

That is to say, Kikumaru and Oishi did not encounter data flow players, and it was difficult to adapt for a while.

Once they were exposed to the weaknesses of their own tactics, what would be the outcome of the game? , Liu Renji is also unpredictable


Seemingly to comfort Oishi who was panting violently, Kikumaru gently stroked his back with his finger unnoticeably.


Dashi's eyes lit up and he raised his head slightly, as if he was confirming something.……


Kikumaru nodded slightly, expressing his affirmation.

"Need to change the formation in advance"

"Otherwise, Oishi will be Tatekai's biggest loophole in winning this doubles match."

In the Holy Night player's seat outside the court, Inui Sadaharu calmly pushed the frame and said in a deep voice.

This is the core of doubles. A single move affects the whole body.

Neither Kikumaru nor Oishi is so stupid, trying to delay it until the last round. Then make a comeback.

That kind of fault tolerance rate is too low.

Osamu Dazai said nothing, because this is the growth process of Oishi and Kikumaru.

Once he intervenes, the winning rate of the game can indeed be greatly improved.

But in contrast, Oishi and Kikumaru, I'm afraid It is difficult to break through to the national level in a short period of time.

This is not what Dazai Osamu wants to see.

On the competition field, Kikumaru and Oishi began to change their formations.

The two stood in front of one another.

Oishi was slightly squatting and straddling the center line in front of the net. , and Kikumaru stood on the service line in the middle.

The two of them formed a strange vertical line in the formation.

"What a strange formation?"

The main players outside the court couldn't help but wonder.

This is the first time they have seen this doubles formation.

"Hiss, what a weird formation. Doesn’t this create more blind spots on both sides?"

Not only the Rikkai Grandmasters were puzzled, but also the audience in the auditorium was in an uproar.

Is this the Holy Night's doubles team that gave up on itself?

"Damn, what formation are Kikumaru and the others in?"

As both the main doubles players of Holy Night, Kawamura Takashi and Inoue Tsuyoshi looked at Inui Sadaharu with doubts.

Since they focused on doubles, both Kawamura and Inoue are very interested in the technology that can improve their doubles strength.

"Is that the Australian formation?"

He gently pushed his thick glasses with his dry fingers and said calmly.

"Australia's formation!"

Listening to this unfamiliar vocabulary.

Except for Dazai Osamu, the main candidates of the Holy Night are all looking forward to looking at Inui Sadaharu.

Waiting for his further explanation.

"Hmm...Australia's formation. In international competitions, this doubles formation is very common."

".~Usually, it is used by the party with the right to serve"

"From the perspective of the receiving team, usually the forward of the serving team will stand a little to the left of the center line in front of the net."

"This will give the receiver the illusion that the server will intercept the ball in the left half at any time."

"Because of this, the receiving team usually subconsciously avoids hitting the diagonal ball to the left and instead hits a straight ball to the right half."

"You can only tell if you look carefully"

"The height of both sides of the net will be slightly higher than the center line, so the arc of the straight ball in the right half must also be higher."

"This also makes it easier to be intercepted online."

"This formation can put great pressure on the receiving side, allowing the serving side to take more offensive initiative."

"It's just that the formations of Kikumaru and Oishi seemed to have been slightly adjusted."

As he said this, Qian's eyes actually fell on Osamu Dazai.

Being able to fine-tune this tactical formation can also be applied to this kind of competition.

In addition to the department's...Osamu Dazai, I can’t think of anyone else who can do it

"A variant of the Australian formation?"

Qian knew it, and Liu Renji certainly knew it too.

Just because it was a mutant, he had no information in his mind to refer to.

For a while, it was difficult to get along with him and there was no way to deal with it.


With a relaxed smile on his face, Kikumaru began The serve was served.


With a rumbling sonic boom, the tennis ball tore through the air and headed towards Renji Yanagi in the right half.

"Um? The ball speed and angle are almost the same as before. Is there any conspiracy?"

The data of Kikumaru's serve was instantly recognized in his eyes, and Yanagi Renji was puzzled.

But there was no time for him to think about it in detail.

"The probability of scoring when the ball goes to the left is 53%, and to the right is 47%%!"


But the next moment, when Liu Renji looked at Shuichiro Oishi, he couldn't help but his pupils shrank slightly.

This time, the judgment could not analyze any data prediction.

In front of the net.

Oishi looked calm, and his feet straddling the center line were lightly moved from side to side. Click, and his body swayed slightly from side to side with the rhythm.


Subconsciously following the concept of data priority, Liu's blow hit the ball to the left of Dashi.

But his ball had just been hit, and Dashi's figure in front of the net Swaying to the left.

The racket fell sharply and successfully intercepted the tennis ball heading towards the baseline.


A plume of smoke and dust rose up, and the tennis ball was volleyed by the boulder and hit Liu Renji's baseline.

(Manohao) 15-0"

Kikumaru and Oishi used the I formation after Australia's formation change to once again launch a super-fast attack in front of the net.


Another sharp and fast serve.

This time Liu Renji’s attempt was still easily counterattacked by Oishi.


"This cannot continue, otherwise all previously collected data will be completely useless. Liu

Renji's eyes turned cold, and he gritted his teeth and made a decision.



Starting from the third ball, Liu Renji temporarily gave up the data and fought fiercely with Oishi and Kikumaru in his original state.

But at the same time, in his mind, Liu Renji Renji is still urgently patching the data model



Shengye worked hard and used a special formation to win two games in a row.

The two teams once again returned to the same starting line, and the initiative to serve was still on the Holy Night side.

"What a fierce battle!"

"Both teams are very strong in doubles, evenly matched."

"You chase me, it’s so passionate, it makes me want to play!"

Many spectators in the audience were dumbfounded.

Tatekai's main candidates, including Yukimura and Sanada, could not believe the scene in front of them.

With stronger personal strength, Yanagi Renji's exquisite data tennis , was unable to absolutely suppress Seiya.

It was unbelievable that they were pulled back two games in a row and evened the score!

You know, the combination of Yanagi Renji and Marui Bunta is the strongest in Tatekai University.

Before, Tatekai University's main candidates I even thought that

Yanagi Renji and Marui Bunta were the doubles ceiling among neon junior high school students.

But now, a national-level and a half-level national-level combination was defeated by only two half-level national-level doubles. Suppressed. It

's incredible.

Seiya's fans also took the opportunity to start to heat up the atmosphere.

Previously, Oishi and Kikumaru were suppressed so miserably that they lost two games in a row.

As a result, even the Seiya cheerleaders outside the court were beaten by Tachibami. The big cheerleading team was overwhelming.

Now that we have the opportunity, of course we have to take back the advantages on and off the field!

"Holy Night is invincible!"

"Defeat Tatekai Dai, and Seiya's victory will be without blind spots!"

"come on! Holy night will win the farmer!".

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