"Kikumaru, in one go, won the game!"

Oishi cheered, and Kikumaru said loudly:"Yeah!"


Immediately afterwards, Kikumaru served, just like before.

Before Yanagi Renji could see through the weakness of the I formation, he could continue to use it.


Only this time, Yanagi Renji obviously did not continue to be helpless against Kikumaru's offensive.

His body was slightly Move, then pull the racket sharply

"After the lob...it's 94%"

Before you know it, the new data has been patched.

Swish... the tennis ball flew high with an exaggerated parabolic arc.

"Lobby...is I the target this time?"

Kikumaru's expression changed slightly, and the opponent's data was updated very quickly.

Whether it is the Australia formation or the I formation.

Their advantage is high-speed volleying in front of the net.

Without this feature, the offense of this lineup Sex will be greatly reduced.


Without any hesitation, Kikumaru jumped into the air and smashed the ball back violently.

"Haha, as expected of Renji!"

Marui Bunta chuckled, and was very calm about Kikumaru's powerful smash.

Just like the ball at the beginning, the racket tilted slightly, and then chipped slightly.

"Secret skill: hit the iron pillar~"


As the bubbles in Marui Bunta's mouth burst, the tennis ball also hit the uprights of the net at the same time, and then bounced back into the Holy Night field.

"15 to 0!"

"As expected of Mrs. Wen"

"Only this guy can have such a whimsical idea of ​​a special ball in front of the net."

Outside the court, the main candidates of Lihai University were all smiling happily.

Although Lihai University is basically composed of first-year junior high schools this year, there are no weaklings at all.

They are not afraid at all when facing Holy Night.

Holy Night.

Seeing that the situation was reversed again, Kawamura and others looked unhappy.

Since the qualifiers, Holy Night has never encountered such a strong enemy.

Tachibana is worthy of being the king who has won the Kanto Competition more than ten times in a row.

His strength. extraordinary

"Kikumaru and the others seem to be in danger."

Kawamura looked at the situation of the game and couldn't help but worry.

"Liu Renji, who is taking the road of data tennis, should still have one final step to go."

Tezuka's eyes were sharp and he was keenly aware of Liu Renji's aura.

"If data tennis is also promoted to the national level, Kikumaru and the others will not have the slightest chance of winning."

Dazai Osamu nodded in agreement.

The current Yanagi Renji does not have the calm spirit of the three giants of Rikkai in the future.

Nor does he have the tyrannical strength in the future.

At least compared to Mitsuya, the current Yanagi Renji is worse. A little far.

Mitsuya is a strong man who has simultaneously broken through data tennis and his own strength to a half-step professional level.





Oishi panted violently and was covered in sweat.

After Yanagi Renji corrected the data, the effect of his and Kikumaru's I formation was greatly reduced.

Every time they faced the opponent's return ball, they had to return to the normal formation at 180.

Otherwise, Kikumaru's defense will become a huge loophole.

Therefore, the pressure once again falls on him.

Yanagi Renji's hitting moves directed at the blind spot made Oishi extremely uncomfortable.

Even though Kikumaru had tried his best to share the pressure , but at this moment Dashi’s physical energy is also being consumed rapidly.

"Give up, I have complete control over your data"

"Continuing to persist is just a desperate struggle."

Liu Renji had a calm smile on his lips.

In his data analysis, Oishi's abilities were close to the extreme.

He couldn't hold on for long.

At this point, it can be said that Tatekkai basically won.

Oishi and Kikumaru The chance of a comeback is 1%!

"Don't want to give up? Then let me personally send you out!"



The tennis ball passed the net, and the two sides started a fierce confrontation again.

Kikumaru's expression was very ugly, and he was not as lively and cheerful as usual. The calm Oishi, every move was slower than before.

It was obvious that he was about to approach the limit. Come on.

Tap tap...

In order to help Oishi lighten his burden, Kikumaru started running a long distance.


"Is it a lob slightly to the lower left corner? The angle should be about 25 degrees."

Kikumaru's counterattack was instantly seen by Yanagi Renji.

Before the ball even hit the ground, someone had already arrived.

"The opportunity has come!"

Liu's eyes opened slightly.

He crossed his hands and made a special posture.



The tennis ball was hit hard by the tilted racket, and there was a loud bang, with a sharp sound of breaking through the air. The tennis ball spun very quickly and irregularly, and quickly shot towards the big rock.

"Dashi be careful……"

Kikumaru's pupils contracted violently, and he couldn't help but scream.


Dashi was already on the verge of reaching his limit, and he only had time to forcefully deflect half of his body.

The tennis ball brushed against the clothes on his abdomen and flew past him at high speed.

Tsk... the tennis ball still spins violently after landing, sending up smoke and dust before flying out of the court.

"game, Rikkai University Affiliated High School Yanagi Renji, Marui Bunta, 5-4."

As Rikkai University scored another point, the cheerleaders outside the court were excited again.

"Li Hai's victory has no blind spots!"

"The king makes the sea great!"

"Li Hai will win!"

Many spectators couldn't help but shake their heads, preparing to watch the next game.

"It's probably out of the question. Tatekai needs to score the first point in this game."

"I have to say that Holy Night’s doubles team is already very strong and they work very hard."

"It's a pity that there are almost no blind spots in Tatekai's doubles, so it's natural to win."

Not only the audience thinks so, but also the main candidates of the Holy Night think that Kikumaru and Oishi are out of the game.

Only Dazai Osamu always looks calm, without any emotional changes on his face.

"Still a long way to go."

Do you really think that Oishi and Kikumaru have completely overcome the limit?

You must know that their combination is never purely based on personal strength.

(beae) has reached the level of synchronization above the national level, and is still used as a trump card to suppress the bottom of the box.

There is still a chance before the game reaches the last minute!

"Dashi, are you okay?"

Kikumaru stepped forward to ask worriedly, only to see that there was a big hole in the clothes on Oishi's abdomen.

"I'm fine, Kikumaru"

"It's just this game, we can't lose"

"The glory of the Holy Night cannot be trampled on in our hands"

"department...Chief, still looking at us!"

At this moment, Dashi's eyes were crimson red.

When Kikumaru saw this, he was extremely moved in his heart:"Well, we will definitely win!"

Suddenly, the two of them had the same idea, and an unprecedented momentum swept the entire competition venue.

"How can it be?!"

Liu Lian'er's pupils shrank, and the data was broken again.

"That is the second stage of homology, the same idea!"

"Holy Night, there is really no simple character."

I really didn't expect that the doubles combination of Oishi and Kikumaru would be able to break through to the second stage of synchronization at this time.

But it was too late.

As long as Tatekai Dai won one more game, he would be able to win this doubles match.

Oishi He was almost exhausted, how could he make a comeback?


Serving without hesitation, Liu Renji wanted to end the game as soon as possible.

Because although he was confident, he had never faced the second stage of synchronized doubles.

The longer it took, The more disadvantageous it is to one's own side.

Liu Renji doesn't like the frequent occurrence of accidents where things are no longer under control.


Another serve was aimed at Oishi. Kikumaru was too late to rescue him.

But when he heard Oishi roaring, his figure suddenly rioted.


The tennis ball tore through the air like a cannonball and landed directly on the bottom line of Tatehai Dafang's blind spot.

As accurate as threading a needle, the mid-to-high lob was aimed at the bottom line of the blind spot - a moon-climbing volley.

At this moment, Oishi showed an unprecedented majesty. edge

"Give up, there's no point in trying so hard"

"How many times can you persist in such a counterattack?"

Ryu Renji moved quickly and hit back with the racket before the tennis ball landed.

"Li Hai's victory has no blind spots"

"Holy Night, stop here!"


Empty cicada!!

A yellow light passed over the net, fell quickly, and moved forward close to the ground.

Such a ball is very tricky, but there is no pressure at all for Kikumaru.

Especially the second in the same tune after reaching an agreement with Oishi stage.

The two cooperate more tacitly, and Kikumaru can adopt a more relaxed posture, but reduce the pressure faced by Oishi.

The racket is lowered, and Kikumaru has reached the landing point.

"The pressure on the racket is very low, and the 85% probability is a topspin that focuses on control, and the direction is straight to the left!"


A yellow light struck at an astonishing speed.


"empty! ?"

Liu's racket flew into the air.

The tennis ball flew past his feet, leaving a white scratch near the baseline.

"This is high-speed chipping! when……"

Liu Renji was shocked and looked up at Kikumaru opposite him.

The void data came from Kikumaru, making him extremely horrified.

"Is this the second stage of homology?"

It's not just Kikumaru. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

Including Oishi, at this moment Liu Renji was once again unable to accurately analyze the data model of the two people.

"However, the data is not immutable and I can continue to fix and supplement the data model."

As long as you don't optimize enough, it's not the same concept as rebuilding a model.

At most two or three goals are enough, and there is still no chance of a comeback in the Holy Night.

"We have just entered the second stage of synchronization. If Oishi's physical strength is still there, he is really a threat."[]

"But you are almost reaching your limit, so just fall down."

Ranagi Renji chuckled, not caring at all about losing another goal.

Anyway, the final victory must belong to Tatekai Dai.

Tatekai Dai's victory has no blind spots!!

It's just the performance of Kikumaru and Oishi next. , which surprised everyone in the competition venue.

Whether it was the audience, the main candidates of Holy Night, or the main candidates of Rikkai University.

Because they faced the absolute pressure brought by Yanagi Renji and Marui Bunta.

It was obvious that Oishi and Kikumaru, who were hovering on the edge of their limits, both broke through.

Two national-level doubles were born in front of everyone.

"how come?!"

"Ministry of Holy Night...If the leader is a monster, are their team members also monsters?"

Liu Renji was a little confused in the wind.

Every time he thought victory was just around the corner, Oishi and Kikumaru would always bring"surprises""

"The second stage of homology, the same idea"

"At the same time, his personal strength has broken through to the national level."

"Such a golden doubles team, the national competition stage can no longer accommodate them."

"One day, perhaps we will be able to see them shine on the world stage."

In the audience, Saint Rudolph's Guanchu couldn't help but be horrified.

Every main candidate on the Holy Night is a monster!

"Liu and the others are in danger."

Yukimura was silent in his heart. He didn't expect that the situation would change like this at the last minute.

Although Tatekai still had the advantage on the court, Yanagi Renji no longer looked as confident as before.



Yanagi Renji waved the racket and tapped the tennis ball..


The tennis ball came towards Kikumaru's feet with a hint of cyclone.

Even at this point, Yanagi Renji would not give in.

There was no blind spot in Tatekai's victory!

It was just that after the breakthrough, Kikumaru faced This shot was unprecedentedly calm. With less effort than before, he quickly hit the tennis ball back with his racket.


A yellow light cut through the void, directly tearing apart the defenses of Marui Bunta and Yanagi Renji.

"That was just now……"

Yanagi Renji and Marui Bunta couldn't help but look at each other in shock.

The reply just now was so fast that they couldn't see it clearly

"game, Seiya Academy Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Shuichiro, 5-5."

The score was evened again!

"Exchange venues!"

This time, it was Sheng Yefang's turn to serve.

Without any hesitation, the tennis ball was thrown high.

Kikumaru's body bent backwards exaggeratedly, and his whole body tensed up, like a big bow ready to be fired.

His arms were waved heavily. Then, he turned his elbow.

His wrist drove the racket and slammed it hard at the tennis ball falling in the air.


The tennis ball was like a cannonball, carrying a terrifying sonic boom and hitting the opposite court of Tatekai University.

"That kind of force, the pressure on the wrist is twice that of a normal serve, super backspin?"

Liu Lianji was calculating quickly in his eyes.

Even if Kikumaru and Oishi broke through to the national level, it was shocking.

But he still calmed down quickly and quickly sorted out and supplemented the latest data.

"The impact point of strong backspin will be further forward. At the current speed, the impact point will be 25 centimeters shorter than before."

Various model data feedback, Liu Lian'er was already prepared.

But the moment the racket came into contact with the tennis ball, Liu Lian'er's pupils widened.

"Such a powerful force, I can’t handle it!"


Even the racket was knocked away, and the tennis ball flew out of the baseline.


Holy Night, overtake the score and take the lead again!

"Is this a national-level golden doubles team with synchronicity?"

"Compared with before, it is simply a qualitative transformation."

"In the end, will it be Seiya or Tatekai that wins? It’s really exciting!"

The audience outside the court was more serious than ever at this moment.

Because in this doubles match, the outcome is of great significance.

It was Tatekai Dai who protected the majesty of the king of the old era.

He is also the emperor of the new era of Holy Night.

Stepping on the Ice Emperor After taking the throne, he marched towards the top with King Tatekai.

At this moment, the game is still going on.

Because of Oishi and Kikumaru's breakthrough, the battle with Yanagi Renji and Marui Bunta became fierce again.




"game, Holy Night Academy Kikumaru, Oishi, 6-5."

It's just obvious.

Two national-level doubles with the same tune.

Their strength is even better than national-level and half-step national-level combinations like Yanagi Renji and Marui Bunta.

Four aces severely suppressed Tatekai. great arrogance

"The time is too short and it is no longer possible to continue to update the information to meet the challenge."

At this moment, Liu Renji looked quite ugly.

Because according to the current data analysis, their winning rate of Rikkaida has plummeted from 95% to less than 30%.

"Liu, it's okay."

In a daze, Marui Bunta's voice came from the net.

"still have a chance"

"The opponent has reached the limit just now. Even if he breaks through now, he probably won't be able to hold on for too long."

"We can prolong the battle and drain their energy."


Listening to Marui Bunta's words, Yanagi Renji responded heavily.

Because apart from this method, he actually had no other better choice.


The racket exploded, and Yanagi Renji's serve still maintained a high level.


Step on...

The big stone moved quickly on the baseline, and the racket accurately covered the powerful sprinting serve.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a yellow light passed over the net.

"This ball can keep up!"

Marui Bunta's eyes flashed, and he quickly rushed forward to greet him.

"Secret skill: hit the iron pillar!"

With his elbow lowered and the racket tilted, Marui Bunta accurately intercepted the yellow light. Chi... chi...

"What a strong force."

Marui Bunta's expression changed slightly.

The tennis ball was spinning violently on the net.

Oishi's seemingly simple swing of the ball had an astonishing spin.


After a stalemate for a moment, Marui Bunta's wrist shook.

Through superb skills, he still eliminated the rotation in the opposite direction, and then he slashed at the ball post next to the net.


A solid blow came from Marui Bunta's net. The ball once again shocked everyone with his skills


Suddenly, a soft cry came from behind, and Marui Bunta was stunned.

"That is……"

Marui Bunta's pupils contracted.

It turned out that Kikumaru's figure had already jumped to the net in the right half. boom!

A raging wind wave came over.

Kikumaru's powerful counterattack caused the tennis ball to hit Tatekai Ohita's bottom line like a cannonball.


Marui Bunta glanced at Kikumaru and Oishi with lingering fear.

Since breaking through to the national level, the strength of these two people has been beyond expectation.

"Data is completely turned upside down again……"

"Can my data only reach this level?……"

At this moment, Liu Renji began to doubt his life.

His expression was full of confusion, and he began to doubt whether his path to data tennis was correct.

"Renji, you have finally seen the limit..."

Mitsuya in the audience had a smile on his lips.

In his opinion, Tachikai had no chance of winning.

But Liu finally began to learn to think about his own tennis, so It’s worth losing.





"The last ball!"

Victory belongs to Seiya!

Seeing Kikumaru and Oishi getting excited on the field, Seiya's fans began to cheer enthusiastically. The rhythmic cheering made Kikumaru and Oishi on the field even more excited.

"The last point!"

Suppressing the physical fatigue, Oishi exploded with his strongest serve.

A super-fast tennis ball tore through the air and hit Yanagi Renji's body.

To repay the other in the same way, this is his Shuichiro Oishi The last gift in return.


Liu Renji was hit in the abdomen, and he half-knelt on the ground in pain.

However, because of the buffer of the racket, he was not seriously injured.

Only the soft abdomen was hit, and that The severe pain caused by the moment made Liu Renji almost fainted

"Game, Holy Night Academy Kikumaru Eiji, Oishi Shuichiro, 7-5!"

"Holy Night Academy won, with a total score of 1-0"

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