As the temporary controller of the earth, although his control ability is not as good as Cui Hao, Xiaoguang also perfectly performs his duties and completes the master's task as much as possible. What it gives is only the uncertainty that exists on the earth and is enough to pose a great threat to China and even the world. It does not say that the strong in the plane prison of the Milky Way galaxy, such as the eight seal channels, may come at any time. If these people are added, the earth is really too dangerous and in danger!

Rubbing her temples, the eldest lady suddenly felt a strong sense of powerlessness! Nowadays, there are Taoist priest Tianji, Yang Dian, Ruilin, Xiaohui and so on. Their strength is much stronger than before. However, so many of them are reluctant to deal with a magical power level. They are simply vulnerable in front of the lower gods!

Subconsciously, the elder sister asked, "Xiaoguang, where has your master gone? If he is there, maybe our situation in China can be stable!"

At this moment, the eldest lady has unconsciously relied on Cui Hao. Now, the young guy has already risen step by step and proved himself with his magic and strength. She is a well deserved patron saint of China and even the patron saint of the world!

In fact, this question is not only that the eldest lady wants to know the answer, but also that of everyone present.

Hearing the speech, Xiaoguang shook his head and said, "before my master left, he just gave me the control of the earth and told me to play this role as well as possible to ensure the safety of China and the world. If there is anything important, I'll go to you. I don't know where he went. Even, I can't feel a trace of his breath!"

For Xiaoguang's answer, the eldest lady is a little disappointed, but think about it. It's reasonable for her to pray secretly and hope Cui Hao will come back soon! Don't talk about the global situation now. Even China is in danger!

I've got the exact news from Xiaoguang. Yang worshipping the heaven and the twelve Blazing Angels cooperate to launch a big action sweeping the world. Explain that religious beliefs and miracles come, and then cooperate with the bloody slaughter. The so-called cleansing, China, is also in danger!

Stroking his beard, an old head with wise eyes said "Xiaoguang, you still pay close attention to everything. At the same time, step up the earth glory plan. When necessary, we should use this huge platform to fight back! Although nearly one-third of all mankind are believers of the two major sects, there are not so many true believers. We have a great grasp with more enemies and less!"

In fact, in the words of the old chief, there is a bit of encouragement, self refueling and real self-confidence, less than one-third!

For today's sake, the Chinese side can only choose passive defense. The only advantage is that it has the time monitoring of small light and the glory of the earth. If what happens, as everyone guesses, it can also unite with many countries around the world to fight together!

Their discussion lasted for a long time. Xiaohui and the eldest lady did not leave the quadrangle. Xiaoguang left a void projection here, which can clearly show the various aspects of the Vatican prayer day.

Three days, finally arrived!

The Vatican holds an open prayer every few months, and this prayer day is unprecedented. Not only the Catholic Pope, but also the Christian Pope comes in person. The two hate sects are very harmonious for some reason. The two popes hold the prayer day together!

Prayer day, also known as mass day, is not only presided over by the Pope to read the Bible, but also by ten Cardinals to sing the sound of light prayer. Each time it is held, it will be on a large scale. Many believers come all the way to listen to the holy sound in person.

Of course, Catholic Prayer days are held in the Vatican, while Christian Prayer days are generally held in Jerusalem.

The existence of the two major sects has a long history, and prayer days have been held many times. Because of the large number of participants, the Vatican has set aside a huge, 10000 meter square to facilitate many believers to watch in person.

This time, there was a lot of noise about the coming of miracles. Therefore, the whole world paid attention to it, and journalists from various countries were here to report on the scene.

A sea of people, dense, endless!

On this day, even if you don't come to the scene and watch it live, people will have this feeling, because there are really too many people, and the whole Vatican has ushered in the most traffic.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!..."

With three clear and incomparable bells, knights wearing armor and blond hair and white horses took the lead. They were extraordinary and fully showed the people what is called chivalry! These are all real Knights of the two sects. They were taught the spirit of riding when they were born. They will never leave the sect and contribute everything to the sect!

A full two thousand Knights took the lead in the show. Each of them has an extraordinary momentum and shows the details of Catholicism and Christianity to the public, which is unfathomable!

Two thousand knights were divided into two large teams. They rode horses with shining armor and ancient and gorgeous helmets. They walked out with neat steps. They immediately shocked countless people. Their faces had a kind of pride and self-confidence, which fully showed the extraordinary of riders to the public.

After the two teams of knights came out, a large number of priests, grand priests, white priests and cardinals came out respectively. They were also divided into two teams, each containing a kind and bright atmosphere! This time, of course, not all the strong men of the two sects, but they are absolutely elite!

These are the elite priests of the two major sects. They all walk barefoot. Each face is filled with the purest smile, which makes people feel kind.

There were many of them, at least hundreds of them. After these people stood in their own positions, the female white priests arranged in different positions sang together and sang in a pious tone. The two popes, each dressed in religious clothes, entered the square surrounded by the ten Cardinals.

Wearing gorgeous clothes and a bright crown, the two popes feel almost the same. They are warm like a spring breeze, which makes people want to be close from the bottom of their heart. Both of them practice great prophecy, and their essence is really close.

"Praise the Lord! The great pope!..."

Seeing such a scene, many devout believers have knelt down and began to put their hands together.

At one moment, the whole huge square was silent in vain. The two popes had already stepped onto the high altar, and their ten Cardinals stood at their lower altar. There was a trace of Piety on the faces of the dense viewers. They looked up at the sky, some hands folded, and had begun to pray silently.

Everyone knows that mass is about to begin!

Looking at the crowd, the two popes suddenly raised their scepters and issued a unanimous kind voice "praise the light......"

They said this sentence, and countless believers below have been excited to tears!

With this praise for the light, twenty Cardinals began to sing the light prayer together. Suddenly, strange notes that were wonderful and quiet and warm in people's heart rang out. Everyone was quiet at once, with a smile on their faces. There was no peace in their hearts, and even some people were excited and began to cry bitterly.

Glancing at each other, the two popes have a tacit understanding. You and I have a very clever connection. They both start reading the Bible in a very kind tone

"At first, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and there was no light in the sun and the moon. God said, there should be light, so there was light, and light was born and gave birth to all things......"

The joint recitation of the two popes has a soul shaking flavor. Although every believer has read the Bible countless times, he still listens carefully and piously and feels an unprecedented pleasure in his heart.

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