Such chanting lasted for a long time, and countless believers wept. The scene was really shocking. Finally, the two popes looked at each other and suddenly shouted together "Merciful God, God, is with us. He radiates endless glory and light and gives grace and happiness to children of faith! You are all his children. He wants us to reflect every day and repent piously of our thoughts, actions, words and deeds. Only in this way can we enter the kingdom of heaven and live in heaven! Today, Catholicism and Christianity listen to the Oracle three days ago In order to show their infinite glory, the great God, God, personally sent twelve great Blazing Angels to come to the earth, bright and immortal! "

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused a great sensation. All believers were ecstatic. Did the miracle really come? Even if they were not 100% sure that the real God existed in the Bible, would he come to the miracle?

After saying this, the two popes knelt down piously on the altar together, and then, twenty Cardinals knelt down together and called out piously "welcome the great blazing angel, come!...."

Such a situation naturally triggered the ecstasy of at least hundreds of thousands of believers present. They also knelt down one by one, took the most humble posture, and issued a pious voice "welcome the great blazing angel, come!..."

The endless stream of people knelt down together. This grand scene was simply shocking. It was too grand compared with any blockbuster, and the loud and incomparable voice almost rang through the world echoed and deeply worshipped! At this moment, even some unbelieving journalists were shocked and knelt down one by one!

This is a great trend, an irresistible trend, like a torrent!

In this grand and pious welcome, countless people were holding their breath and looking forward to it. At this moment, in vain, the sky over the Vatican suddenly burst into endless light, radiating down with milky light, and a warm light filled the whole square in an instant.

At the same time, a wonderful note sounded in the void.

This is an unspeakable beautiful tune, with a taste of praise. At the same time, some believers were surprised to find that the faint light was converging, forming a thumb sized, illusory two winged angels, which incited their wings and integrated into their bodies

Suddenly, everyone showed a pious smile, unspeakable peace and warmth in their hearts

At the same time, in the infinite light, there were twelve figures, very tall, as if they were ten thousand feet high. They were too bright and bathed in the endless light. Moreover, behind them, there were twelve pairs of wings!

Twelve winged blazing angel!

Seeing such a scene, everyone was deeply shocked. Then, countless believers prostrated on the ground together piously and humbly and offered their most pious worship!

After appearing in the void, the one headed by the twelve Blazing Angels made a very grand sound "My name is Lucifer. It should be recorded in the Bible! I slept with the great Lord for many years. Now, heaven is rejuvenated and the great God has awakened! He saw the suffering in the world, blasphemers and countless heresies. Therefore, he was very angry and sent a separate person to clean up..."

Lucifer's words were loud and echoed in the ears of every believer. It was also transmitted to countless earth humans watching the live broadcast through the camera, which made them deeply shocked!

The United States is a super secret special base. A group of Americans are having a heated discussion. Among them, trump, who has a big poop, is looking sad and asking several leaders. Everyone expresses their views and quarrels.

"Damn it! Damn it! This must be an illusion, angel. How can it really exist? This is a scam, a huge scam! I suggest launching the destruction one we are ready to completely destroy these bird people!" a bearded white old man shouted, ten points angry.

Waving his hand, another old man in military uniform said, "Willie, you are in charge of Finance and finance, and you don't know the depth! These are not ghost tricks and tricks. This is a real angel! Moreover, the power is incomparable. Destroy No. 1, I'm afraid not, unless we launch nuclear weapons!"

"God, are you crazy, nuclear weapons? We don't want to kill ourselves with a group of fools who have brain problems and die for their faith all day! The nuclear weapons plan can't be implemented!" the white old man shouted with exaggerated expression.

Frowning, trump slapped the table angrily, which made the fussy white old man afraid to shout. Then he looked at a young man and said, "dear don, can you tell me what to do? You are the real guardian of our country, and I trust your choice!..."

The young man he asked had black hair and a bit of a beautiful man's style. However, the evil spirit in his eyes was really strong. It wasn't Tang Xiao. Who was it?

At the moment, Tang Xiao's expression is also very dignified. He stares at the huge LCD screen, which clearly shows the arrival of twelve Blazing Angels

After thinking about it, Tang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and used a slightly bitter language "Your Excellency trump, I'm really sorry for this. I can't guarantee the absolute security of the United States! All this is beyond my expectation. I have obtained the exact secret. These twelve Blazing Angels have a great connection with the divine court, and even can be said to be the people who worship the heaven! Don't worry, we also have the last mace. I believe that worship the heaven will not be the first Look for us! However, our situation is also very dangerous. I need your highest instruction. It's time to open that place and get out of that existence! Although it's dangerous, it's the only way!... "

Everyone present looked at each other. Only trump knew what the existence Tang Xiao said was! This was the biggest secret of the United States. He knew it because he was the head of state.

Hearing the speech, trump pondered. Finally, he nodded and said, "OK... It seems that this is the only way..."

Not only the United States, the world, many countries and major forces are paying attention to this day's prayer day, but when they witnessed the arrival of the twelve Blazing Angels, their hearts are heavy and unspeakable depression!

No country chooses to launch a missile attack on the Vatican, because no country dares to do so. It's really too dangerous!

The United States has maintained a posture of silence, and other countries, naturally, have stopped speaking one by one.

Over the Vatican, the twelve Blazing Angels headed by Lucifer were suspended in the void. He suddenly said, "you must want to know who represents the great God, the will of God, and who is his separated person? He is a real genius on the earth, offering sacrifices to heaven!..."


As Lucifer said this sentence, it immediately caused a great sensation. Everyone was deeply shocked. Although most people don't know the name of Yang worship to heaven, since it is a human being on earth, it exists like Jesus. It is God, reincarnated into the earth and suffered. Now, it has awakened!

Lucifer said so, and the twelve Blazing Angels, including him, gathered their wings in vain. In this way, they worshipped in the void, and were extremely pious. They made a pious voice together, "welcome the separation and coming of the great God!"


With this great voice, in the void, a pure, holy and warm white light was suddenly born, which makes people seem to see the warm white light like a mother. In it, a figure stepped out, carrying both hands and arrogant in the majesty of heaven and earth. It is the Holy Lord of the divine court, Yang worshiping the heaven!

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