Afghanistan, located in the central region of Asia, is one of the poorest countries in the world. Here, it is ravaged by hunger, plague and riots all year round. It is most appropriate to describe it as people don't talk about life.

Polygamy is very popular here. Many rich people even have hundreds of wives, all kinds of bullying and humiliation. Therefore, Afghanistan is also known as female purgatory!

In a huge manor in Afghanistan, maids walked carefully, afraid of any carelessness. Recently, their master was replaced by a handsome Oriental with black hair and pupils. The other party was moody. With a wave of his hand, he could kill a female slave. Only a week later, four female slaves had been killed.

At the moment, in the garden tea pavilion of the manor, a man is drinking tea. At the same time, he is constantly playing with several ancient and unique stones, all of which are light gold, giving people a sense of immortality.

Frowning slightly, the man said to himself, "I have collected the seven ancient dragon stones. How can I inspire them? This country, located in the core of Asia, should have gathered the green talents of heaven and earth, but it is so barren, which is completely in line with the records of dragon respecting records! But where is the entrance?"

If Cui Hao sees this man here, he will be shocked, because he is the Dragon Lord!

Compared with the dragon master before, he is now more ruthless and ruthless. Moreover, after removing the magic barrier in his heart, his strength has also been greatly improved, reaching the peak of half step magic power.

The incident at the east window of Bermuda Triangle forced Lord long to run away and give up his position as the patron saint of China. Although, after he issued an order, the elite of the dragon family and the dragon group came out and followed him around. Can suddenly become a rootless duckweed, can only drift with the tide. With resentment, Lord long did a lot of things secretly against the four divine beasts, but they could not shake the overall situation.

When he was almost desperate, he accidentally took a good thing at a black market auction, which had a great connection with the dragon family and even the whole Chinese dragon vein! This thing is a sheepskin scroll, which is called the Dragon honour letter. One of the things mentioned in it shocked the Dragon Lord. He was desperate and ambitious again!

Playing with the pale gold stone in his hand, the Dragon Master was a little upset!

Today, the global trend is clear, but it is the battle between the two Big Macs. The temple of light will make people lose themselves, and the earth soul organization and fools all know that Cui Hao is the leader and is the sworn enemy of the Dragon Lord. Therefore, no matter which party wins and becomes the overlord of the earth, it is very unfavorable to the Dragon Lord!


He breathed out heavily, but the Dragon Lord secretly prayed in his heart. It's best that Cui Hao and Yang worship heaven can die together, so!, Isn't everyone happy?

Just then, the void sounded a proud voice, "it's admirable that you can drink tea leisurely and contentedly after being driven out of your home. Woo... Long Qingyun, your experience is similar to that of your highness. What's the matter? Are you interested in being my subordinate?"

This voice is echoing, but I can't see anyone strangely!

Hearing the speech, the Dragon Master's face changed and shouted, "who? Sneaky, get out of here!"

His words had just been uttered, and the whole person's face changed greatly and was shocked! Because the whole void seemed to solidify, and in it, he couldn't move!

"Who am I? Hahaha... The ancient dragon stone in your hand and the letters on your body are all left by my father. They have his breath. I followed this breath. I didn't expect to see you. Long Qingyun, once the dragon vein controller of the ancestor of China!"

The words echoing in the void shocked the Dragon Lord. The owner of this voice claimed to be the son of the Dragon Emperor who left his letters? And be his subordinate?

The earth has a weak aura. It can rise step by step and become a strong man at the peak of half-a-step magic power. The Dragon Lord naturally has his own pride and capital. It's not so simple to ask him to bow down and become a minister, but the master of this voice used a very simple method, life and death choice!

The terrible and domineering power filled the void, making the Dragon Lord almost suffocate like a fish jumping out of the water bank. The terrible pressure rolled in all directions, mixed with an absolute domineering and majesty!

This is Longwei, a pure and incomparable Longwei. He stays with ZuLong pulse all the year round. The Dragon Lord is familiar with this kind of pressure! He can now be sure that the one who exudes such breath is definitely a real dragon family. Moreover, when he is so strong, his strength must surpass the divine power, and he is a super strong person with divine personality!

After the other party issued the solicitation, he didn't open his mouth any more, but constantly increased the power of dragon power and oppression. The meaning is already clear. Surrender, or die!

The Dragon Master felt that death was approaching all the time, but the terrible pressure did not weaken. On the contrary, it continued to strengthen, threaten and surge more and more!

The whole man wandered on the edge of life and death. Finally, the Dragon Lord could no longer bear the fear of death from the depths of his heart. He made a difficult voice "surrender! I am willing to completely surrender to you! My lord..."

For the Dragon Lord's request for mercy, the terrible oppression and pressure did not disappear. The cold voice echoed again in the void, "you are wrong, not an adult, but..... Master! Now, open your soul immediately, and I will have complete control, otherwise, you have only one end!"

With a tremor in his heart, the last hope of the Dragon Lord was suddenly dashed! If you choose to surrender temporarily, you will still have the opportunity to turn over at any time. However, if your mind is controlled, your life and death will be completely controlled by the other party, and there will be no chance of freedom! Such a result, LONGYE is naturally unwilling to accept, but he is also very aware of the crisis he is facing now and must make a choice!

Once a person's will is broken once, it becomes a lot fragile, and the desire to survive will increase infinitely. At the moment, this is the case of the Dragon Lord. At the moment of life and death, he finally made a choice and completely opened his soul. At the same time, he trembled and said, "master..."

When Lord long made this sound, a magnificent and domineering pure Yang soul was born into the void, and rushed into his soul. Then, he left a brand on it and concluded the soul master servant contract!

The power of the contract is very strong. Even the powerful superior God can't disobey it. At the moment of the birth of the contract, although he was still unwilling in his heart, Lord long became involuntarily. Everything is respected by the master, and everything must obey the master's orders without any violation!

After the birth of the contract, the terrible oppression and Long Wei in the void disappeared. A figure appeared in front of the Dragon Lord. It was a young man in white with his whole body wrapped in transparent ripples. His breath was as if there was nothing. He was very handsome. His eyes looked down at the Dragon Lord with a cruel smell and said, "kneel down!...."

The heart trembled, and the Dragon Master's instinctive heart was a little unwilling, but he couldn't disobey and knelt to the ground.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly. The young man bent his fingers and flicked. With a whew, a green light flashed in front of the Dragon Lord. It was a green fruit the size of a longan, containing a strange energy and intoxicating.

The young man in white slowly said, "this green water spirit fruit is a rare spirit fruit in the Dragon world. It is beneficial to those who practice the mysterious supernatural powers of the water system. Your strength at the peak of the supernatural powers is too weak to be your Highness's servant! After taking it, you have at least an eight point chance to break through the supernatural powers!"

Hearing the speech, the Dragon Master was ecstatic. Half a step from the peak of the divine power to the level of the divine power was a huge obstacle. As long as he crossed, his strength would increase greatly, and his life would become very long.

"Thank you, master!" respectfully opened his mouth, and the Dragon Master hurriedly took the green water lingguo into his arms.

With a proud smile, the young man in white "present the ancient dragon stone on you and the letters of my father's emperor. They are very important to me! I came to the earth this time in order to fulfill my father's last wish. The ancestral dragon vein of China is bound to be obtained!"


Without any hesitation, the Dragon Lord offered them all.

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