After obtaining the ancient dragon stone and a special letter handed over by the dragon master, the young man in white urged a light golden energy to inject into them. Suddenly, click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click, It almost flashed away, and then the letter collapsed, and a little light points converged into the fused ancient dragon stone.

At this moment, the ancient dragon stone gathered to form a existence like a key, half a meter long, on which there is a majestic five clawed golden dragon!

With his eyes blazing away his key like existence, the young man in white excitedly asked the dragon master, "do you know which nation on earth is the most cruel, ferocious, stereotyped and abnormal?"

"Master, there is really such a nation. They call themselves the great Japanese nation, that is, the Japanese on earth!"

"Oh? That's great! Let's go and go to Japan. After completing a vital thing, we will go back on our dirty country. The plan will be opened here!" smiled the young man in white.

Time passed imperceptibly, and one day passed again. There was only the last day left from the battle of fluorescein.

Wanjie Tianzhu, in the first layer of prison world, Cui Hao's closed eyes suddenly opened, showed a smile, felt the big killing move for a long time, and finally realized it!

Cui Hao's understanding of the original mother fist has already reached an unfathomable level. He can quickly understand the general unique skills and secrets. This move he created is a fist technique that integrates the mysteries of all things after visiting the whole prison world! If it wasn't for the accumulation and understanding, it would be very difficult to create this move with Cui Hao's strength today!

With a smile in his mouth, Cui Hao said to himself, "this fist move... Has the power of collapsing the four directions. Even if I play it, I need to consume a lot of power. If I play it with the power of chaos, it will be amazing! This fist... Let's call it" collapsing the sky "“

Cui Hao didn't use this move, but he was full of confidence, because this move collapsed into the sky, which gathered the great will of the world and broke out as a whole! It has no special moves, just like the original mother fist, endless, tyrannical and tyrannical!

In fact, the idea of this move originally came from the sky turning seal created by Cui Hao. However, his realm and accumulation are already different from that day. The killing move created by Cui Hao is naturally more ferocious and terrible!

Avalanche is born out of the original mother fist, but it combines some esoteric martial arts such as power. Then, when it is enough to carry the grand will of a world, it condenses into one and erupts!

This killing move consumes a lot. Although Cui Hao didn't use it, he knew that even if he had accumulated chaotic power in recent days, he wouldn't use it more than five times! Even if he had enough chaotic power, he couldn't use it indefinitely, because each time he used it, it was a heavy load on the soul of Chunyang!

With a smile, Cui Hao was quite satisfied that he could create such a punch before the war.


With a flash of body shape, Cui Hao has appeared on a plateau. At the moment, there is a huge bonfire burning. A young man is yelling for a barbecue. In the distance, a man is making a serious gesture and telling something for another young man.

These three people are Xiao Qi and Ruilin on the first floor of the prison world.

”WOW! Boss, are you here? Do you smell the smell of my barbecue deer legs and come running here? "She shouted, and Xiao Qi ran here happily.

”Yes, I was still practicing. A smell tempted me to wake up and come here! "With a faint smile, Cui Hao jokingly patted Xiao Qi on the shoulder.


Stephen stepped forward and saluted respectfully. His attitude was full of enthusiasm!

In his eyes, master is always the most powerful and the object he will follow all his life!

Seeing that Ruilin respects Cui Hao so much, ye Wushang speaks with envy "Brother Hao, you disciple... You are really a top-grade jade! No wonder he can inherit the six reincarnation sword! His future achievements must be above me! How long has it been since he broke several obstacles and gathered his sword spirit under my guidance? It's not far away! Such talents are really incredible!"

The night has no sorrow and doesn't worry about Ruilin's pride. He doesn't hesitate to praise.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao smiled faintly and said happily, "good disciple, you've done well recently. Keep up your efforts! Now there are domestic and foreign troubles in the region. Master, I need a strong right hand. Come on!..."

"Master, if you give up, you will certainly live up to your expectations!" he opened his mouth sonorously, his words and sentences sounded like gold and iron, and his eyes glittered with cold light.

Ruilin has indeed undergone earth shaking changes. It's true that famous masters produce excellent disciples. At the beginning, Cui Hao can also be called a famous master when he instructed him to form the twelve forms of Xingyi boxing. However, after Ruilin obtained the inheritance of six reincarnations, Cui Hao can't help, because he is good at boxing and kendo. Although one method is good at 100 methods, there is a gap after all Estrangement, naturally, is not as thorough as night without war.

"Boss, is your war approaching? Are you confident?" her eyes were slightly worried, and Xiao Qi asked.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded and said, "yes, it's close. Don't worry, your boss, I can sweep invincible and easily crush each other!"

After wiping her nose, Xiao Qi said with a smile, "boss, if the enemy is so useless, you won't make an appointment with him. Just kill him on the spot! Unfortunately, I can't leave for the time being, otherwise, with my ability to emptiness, I should be able to help you! Take these things. They are all collected from your world, hee hee..."

With these words, Xiao Qi throws out a space ring. Cui Hao remembers that this is what he showed off at the beginning and the treasure he obtained on the first floor of the prison world.

Cui Hao instinctively wanted to refuse to accept the space ring. However, Xiao Qi said carelessly, "boss, your safety is the most important thing. These are things outside your body! I'll search it again these days. It's your world anyway, ha ha... If you don't use it after the war, you have to give it back to me?"

On the first floor of the prison world, although Cui Hao is the controller, if you want to take away any treasure, you must supplement it with the power of chaos, and if Xiaohui searches and gives it to him, you don't have to.

Nodding, Cui Hao finally accepted the space ring. When he recognized the Lord, he was shocked. The space ring was not too large. It was about the size of an open workshop of 50 square meters. Among them, there were all kinds of precious treasures, mostly spiritual fruits. This thing has always been Xiao Qi's favorite.

Finally, Cui Hao sighed in his heart.

"It seems that the organization will develop the first layer of the prison world in the future. The accumulation of this world is much deeper than the earth!..."

As the controller of the first layer of the prison world, Cui Hao wants to develop this world. It's too simple. He is ready to develop it into the backup rear of the earth. At the same time, the special environment can also help train some magicians inspired by small ash. As for the future development direction of the earth, he still chooses diversified development.

After chatting with the three people for a while, they tasted Xiao Qi's barbecue. Finally, Cui Hao left. His body appeared at a high altitude. In front of him, there were two cloud worlds, one of which was piled with a large number of precious minerals, spirit stones, etc. in the center was a fragmented God stone. As for the other, there was a young girl with a noble and powerful breath.

"Da Shenshi, you bastard, when can you wake up?"

"Mengyao... When will you wake up? Do you... Know about my parents?"

The void echoed with such whispers. Finally, Cui Hao disappeared and left the first floor of the prison world.

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