In a secret room in the headquarters of the four divine beasts, the heavenly beads of the world are suspended. Suddenly, a figure rushes out of it and waves it into the body. This is Cui Hao!

After returning to the earth again, Cui Hao immediately made a close and incomparable contact with the earth. At the same time, when his mind turned, countless major events and things closely related to himself in recent days had continuously entered his mind and been perceived by him. At the same time, a strong death crisis appeared in Cui Hao's heart for a long time

With a slight frown, Cui Hao's expression suddenly became dignified. He naturally knew that this was a warning of the way of sincerity. In tomorrow's World War I, he would face a crisis situation! At the same time, Cui Hao also "saw" the scenes of the day when God's grace was announced. Especially as the controller of the earth, he really felt the horror of the white light coming down!

Great, invincible, cold, killing, terror

Really taste this white light. Cui Hao's expression is more dignified. What light is this? Why is it so terrible?

At this moment, Cui Hao faintly regretted. He knew this. He should kill Yang Ji genius at the first time! Although Cui Hao is not fully sure, he can also guess that the white light is likely to be the master of the twelve Blazing Angels and the real God! Yang worshipping heaven is likely to undertake other tasks for its development of faith. Therefore, this white light is not only a gift, but also a killer means to deal with itself!

"You can't underestimate it!"

Talking to himself like this, Cui Hao felt heavy and oppressive in his heart.

Soon, he suppressed this emotion at the bottom of his heart, took one step, and the whole person integrated into the void, clattered and suddenly disappeared.

At the next moment, Cui Hao's figure appeared in the imperial capital of China. In a small quadrangle in Zhongnanhai, the eldest lady, Xiaohui, Taoist Tianji and several old leaders were all in it and were talking about it.

Cui Hao's sudden appearance surprised everyone. Then he smiled and greeted him one by one.

With a slight frown, Cui Hao asked some strange questions, "master, why are you here?"

Touching the goatee, Taoist Tianji smiled faintly and then said "My dear disciple, I was invited by several leaders and asked me to help them push forward the national fortune. Alas, you are going to have a war with Yang sacrificing heaven. Before that, there were a lot of secrets. How can I push them out? However, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. Now China has internal and external troubles. Naturally, I can't be alone and come to help."

Nodding, Cui Hao said, "it's not easy to announce the divine grace held in the sun sacrifice to heaven. I'm not 100% sure of winning the battle of yinghuoxing! Therefore, we should consider all kinds of situations! Also, during the war with him, we should guard against the sudden attack of the Temple of light!..."

Hearing the speech, an old chief said in a deep voice "Xiao Cui's suggestion is very good. You guys, we should consider all aspects carefully. Then, we should get in touch with other big countries through the earth soul. As for the temple of light, it is unlikely to be in trouble during the war. They don't have any advantages. Moreover, if we need the power of faith urgently, we won't be bored to do self-destructive things!"

Soon, everyone talked about you and me, and Cui Hao joined in and expressed his ideas.

Now, all they can do is to take precautions in every aspect. The decisive factor is the result of this war! With a heavy heart, Cui Hao is more and more aware of his heavy burden. He is not timid, but one person may determine the future of mankind in the world, which makes him have to be cautious!

Finally, Cui Hao left. The war will begin tomorrow. He also has a lot of things to deal with.

Nowadays, in Baichuan City, fraternity group has gathered almost all the elite here. Except for some irrelevant personnel, all industries have chosen remote control to manage. Of course, this is an expedient measure for the upcoming war.

Once, the ancestor of blood robe invaded the headquarters of the fraternity group and threatened Cui Hao's woman. Although he failed, it can be regarded as a lesson. The fraternity group controlled by Wang Changsheng will not make the same mistake.

Fraternity group is developing more and more vigorously now, especially because under the influence of Cui Hao, a human hero, it is expanding and expanding in a way of explosion. Now, its assets have already surpassed the so-called richest streets in China. Even if it is the world's rich list, Cui Hao is definitely among the top 30! Moreover, if it accumulates over a period of time , his ranking will naturally improve step by step, which is an irresistible trend!

Today, the elite backbone of fraternity group and several confidants of Cui Hao are all located in Baichuan City, which is the safest place with a natural defense base.

Just when he came to Baichuan City, Cui Hao was surprised, because he keenly felt that the whole Baichuan city was cleverly used by people. In a way that he could not understand, it was put into a big array, which was a kind of back feeding and guarding array. It seemed that there was some connection with the soul!

This large array has strong defense, but it has no effect on Cui Hao. The earth controller is not a dry eater. He has entered the building of fraternity group as if he were in a deserted place.

At the moment, in a huge top secret conference room, Wang Changsheng is holding a task allocation meeting. All present are the strong combat effectiveness of fraternity group, such as Yang Dian, Yuan Yizheng of Wu nationality, tengbolei, etc

In the conference room, Wang Changsheng was gushing, "you guys, we must take precautions. I just made a distribution. Do you have any opinions?"


A figure appeared out of thin air. It was Cui Hao.

”Cui Dong“

”Good disciple“

"Big brother!..."

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised and greeted one by one. Cui Hao also joined the discussion.

A moment later, the crowd dispersed, while Cui Hao and Wang Changsheng stayed in the conference room.

Looking at Wang Changsheng carefully, Cui Hao was shocked, because even he couldn't see through Wang Changsheng at the moment. There seemed to be a violent vortex in his body, rotating all the time. Moreover, what shocked Cui Hao most was that his soul seemed to turn into a pure Yang soul, emitting a pure and blazing masculine taste!

Tut Tut was surprised. Cui Hao said, "second brother, you really impressed me. I didn't expect that I couldn't see through you after I closed for a few days! Your soul has undergone a very magical change!"

Hearing the speech, Wang Changsheng smiled. Then he blushed and said, "lucky, lucky to understand a big confusion and break through a realm. It's nothing..."

Cui Hao knew something about Wang Changsheng's inheritance of the soul alliance. His subconscious thought turned. Suddenly, he saw everything that happened to Wang Changsheng on the earth during this period of time. However, perhaps because Wang Changsheng's strength has improved a lot, it is not that clear and incomparable state, which is very vague.

During this period, Wang Changsheng was almost busy, but one day, he and Daphne had some wonderful things and enjoyed the fun of wedding candles. After that night, Wang Changsheng broke through and spent three days deploying a strange array in the whole Baichuan city!

Interested, Cui Hao joked, "second brother, what are you going to do? I only have such a sister. Do you have to get on the bus first and then make up the ticket? What's more, if it wasn't for my little sister's help, it wouldn't be so simple for you to make a breakthrough? Her mother is worthy of being the fairy queen of the next God's blood, extraordinary, very extraordinary!..."

Hearing Cui Hao's words, Wang Changsheng was surprised. Then, his face flushed and said, "well... Brother, I will naturally explain to sister Fu. After you defeat the sun sacrifice to heaven, how about you host our wedding?"

"This should be so, hahaha..." he laughed and Cui Hao replied happily.

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