"Well, thank you..." languidly, Meng Ying replied.

Therefore, her body was soft and supported by the policewoman. The whole person was very faint. Gradually, she felt very hot all over. Moreover, she had some special ideas, which made her think wildly. Cui Hao's shadow appeared in her mind, and a sweet smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

"Hey, everybody! Rock, ring!..."

Almost at the moment when the young woman helped Meng Ying, Mu Qing returned to the room and shouted. At the same time, he started a very popular rock music. Suddenly, the whole box was full of metal music. No one noticed that Meng Ying was quietly taken out of the box by a young woman

Because the whole red apple KTV was chartered by Li Yongjian, there were no guests here today. The second floor was quiet and there were no arrangements. In one of the most luxurious suites, Li Yongjian was lying leisurely on the sofa, tasting wine and humming a tune. The whole person was very comfortable. However, if someone carefully observes his eyes, he will find that his eyes are full of a hot light, which is a jealous desire for possession!

"Pop pop..."

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Li Yongjian turned over and sat up and said excitedly, "please come in!"


The door was pushed open. A young woman helped Meng Ying in. She had a flattering expression on her face and said, "Inspector Li, I've done what you asked me to do. You see, she is..."

Nodding, Li Yongjian said casually, "don't worry, I promise you that I will do it. In three months, you will become the youngest deputy director of your police station. This is what you, a smart girl, deserve. Of course, in return, if I ever need you, you must come to me right away, okay?"

Smelling the speech, the woman had a touch of shame on her face. Naturally, she knew the special meaning contained in Li Yongjian's words.

Now that she has chosen to accept it, the woman no longer talks nonsense. She smiles and nods at Li Yongjian and helps Meng Ying walk towards the bedroom. The door is closed again by Peng, who is excited by Li Yongjian.

The Rolls Royce phantom in the wind attracted a lot of people's attention when walking on the street. Among them, many girls and children frequently winked at Cui Hao to attract the handsome man's attention. Unfortunately, they didn't know that Cui Hao was thinking about beautiful police flowers at the moment. How could they care about these ordinary fat and vulgar powders on the street?

Rolls Royce phantom has good performance. It took only ten minutes for Cui Hao to arrive at the door of red apple KTV. Looking at this luxurious and famous entertainment place in Jiangzhou, Cui Hao's heart was surging. The reason why he is so excited is that no one knows that Cui Hao once worked part-time here, worked as a beer salesman, and even worked as a toilet cleaner for a period of time. The reason why he wants to do this is that his meager salary can not support his girlfriend Zhao Hongyan's desire for luxury goods. Therefore, he is doing all kinds of work as much as he can.

"Hey... I remember I always had a wish that one day, I Cui Hao would enter this KTV like those big bosses and enjoy the treatment of VIP. Unexpectedly, it would come true so soon." with a little emotion in my heart, Cui Hao got off and walked towards the door.

Just came to the front door of red apple KTV, Cui Hao was a little surprised, because this KTV has a very hot business. Why, today, it was left out in the cold? He didn't know what was going on. After thinking a little, he went straight inside.

"Wait a minute, inspector Li has chartered the venue here today. No one is allowed to enter!"

Cui Hao had just come to the door when he was stopped by two big and thick men. The two men looked coldly at each other, and their tone was very overbearing, with a feeling of overlooking. Cui Hao took a deep breath, calmed himself, and said with a smile, "two police comrades, in fact, I was invited by my friends, and she is also a person in your police system."

After rolling his eyes, a man seemed too lazy to listen to Cui Hao's nonsense, directly interrupted his words and asked, "let me ask you, is it our inspector Li Yongjian?"

Stunned, Cui Hao said, "Li Yongjian? No, I don't know this man."

"Well, needless to say, since you are not inspector Li's friend, then you can leave!"

Cui Hao didn't have much time to talk at all. The man directly interrupted his words. His tone was very arrogant and irritating. Seeing this gesture, Cui Hao remembered what Meng Ying had said before. After thinking about it, he decided not to conflict with each other, but to call Meng Ying first. So he ignored the two men and dialed Meng Ying directly.

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds

A minute later, Meng Ying didn't answer, which made Cui Hao a little strange. You know, she came here because of Meng Ying's invitation. According to the truth, she should be a guest. She won't deliberately ignore herself and don't answer the phone.

"Could it be that something happened to Meng Ying? No, it's unlikely. After all, this is a police party, not a party between underworld societies. If there is a disagreement, there will be a big fight." an idea flashed in his heart. Cui Hao was startled, and then he denied it himself.

After waiting for a moment, Cui Hao made another call, but no one answered the phone, so Cui Hao thought for a moment and left here. Cui Hao has an intuition. Maybe Meng Ying has a problem. He doesn't know why he has this intuition. However, he still believes in this intuition in his heart. Hard break is obviously the most stupid way. Cui Hao naturally won't choose. He chose the best way to enter through the secret channel!

The red apple KTV is very big. Because Cui Hao has worked here, he knows a secret channel. He can use a nearby supermarket to go through a hidden basement. Finally, he can reach a remote grass inside the red apple KTV. At this moment, Cui Hao takes advantage of this shortcut and quietly enters the red apple KTV

After only two minutes, Cui Hao successfully entered the red apple KTV.

Walking on the luxurious marble floor, Cui Hao thought about how to enter these boxes and looked around. Suddenly, the conversation between two people hiding in the corner caught his attention.

"I said Lao Liang, this time we followed inspector Li out. It's really unpleasant. The wind and sun have been blowing these days, and there are fewer people who honor our red tickets." a horse faced man opened his mouth with a complaint in his tone.

It was a middle-aged man who talked with him. He said calmly "No way, who made you look like a young master, but gave birth to a servant's life? Some people are born with achievements that we will never catch up with. Take us, young Li. They are cared and guided by a big family, and become a supervisor at a young age. If he is not a child of a big family, he can have such treatment? They are born with a key Spoon, eat what you want to eat, play what you want to play, is which woman you like. Just say a word and go back to someone to help him. Mu Qing, you should be familiar with why he can become Li Shao's confidant because he is a thorough dog with little strength and a very smart dog! "

Obviously agreed with each other's words, another man nodded and spoke in a mysterious language "Lao Liang, maybe you don't know. Li Shao has another goal now. This police party is actually held for her! Hey... Now, Mu Qing should be successful. The most beautiful police flower in China should be lying on the bed of Li Shao's luxury suite on the second floor. Do you believe it?"

"Really? Such a drag?" surprised, another man looked envious.

Li Yongjian's life is the envy of countless people, especially for ordinary people such as Lao Liang. For Cui Hao at the moment, Li Yongjian is an existence that can't be eaten alive immediately!

If he hadn't accidentally heard the whispering, Cui Hao might not be in a hurry. At the moment, he was anxious, very anxious, and his chest was filled with an angry flame. If these two people were true, Meng Ying would be really in danger. As for why no one answered his phone, it made sense all of a sudden. Meng Ying's mobile phone was shaking, she said It's really not easy to attract others' attention if you put it in your bag.

"Madder! If... If Meng Ying is really... The labor and capital must pinch and burst inspector Li's yolk! Must!" he clenched his teeth fiercely, and Cui Hao was cruel in his heart.

At the moment, the time was too urgent. He dared not waste a little. Immediately, he went to the second floor.

Because this time it was a big party between several police stations. Although Cui Hao was a stranger, he didn't attract anyone's attention. They were too relaxed. There were special police on duty at the door. How could someone be so unkind and come to make trouble when the police held a party? He walked all the way anxiously. Three minutes later, Cui Hao walked up to the second floor.

"Who? What are you doing? Didn't inspector Li give an order to prohibit anyone from entering? Why are you still here?"

Cui Hao just appeared on the second floor and was immediately stopped by two people in a room at the door. These are two sharp eyed and murderous men with curly muscles, giving people a feeling of bravery. The two people condescended and directly asked Cui Hao, with a very arrogant attitude.

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