On this day, in the far north of the earth, the cold wind roared, the wind and snow raged, and there were five figures suspended in the void. It was Cui Hao, an Ruoxi, two people in gold robes, Fu Shan.

They all refined a key, so after the entrance of the looming graveyard of the gods was stable, all five came, with hot eyes and full of expectation!

At the moment, in the wind and snow, there is a collapsed dark void. The hole is floating, bursting out a palpitating breath.

As the controller of the earth, although he only mastered the Department, Cui Hao still clearly felt the extraordinary of the void cave, which seems to contain an especially violent, noble and mysterious atmosphere!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

It seemed to sense something. At a certain moment, the ups and downs of the void hole suddenly stopped, while the keys on the five people were blooming together, a bright brilliance, suddenly impacted and intertwined with the void hole.

The five keys danced in the void, merged in an instant, and turned into a huge key. With a click, they suddenly rotated at the hole of the void, which suddenly seemed to open the entrance of an unknown world, and a colorful channel appeared!

After completing these, the five keys flew back to their owners again.

For this situation has experienced many times, Fu Shan said with a smile, "brother Cui Hao, the void channel has been opened. It has a time limit. Let's go!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded, and they suddenly flew to the beautiful channel.

Looking at the empty passage, an Ruoxi's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly and said in a deep voice, "you two follow me closely! Remember, once you enter the graveyard of the gods, you will approach me immediately with a secret method! In the graveyard of the gods, in addition to various dangers, the aborigines are also very powerful. Although the ultimate strength of this secret place is the next God, the aboriginal talents are not even weaker than the strong ones in the fairy world, which can not be underestimated!"

"Yes! Yes!..."

Hearing the speech, the two gold robed people opened their mouths respectfully and humbly.


Seeing that Cui Hao and Fu Shan had entered the void channel, an Ruoxi did not dare to delay. He immediately led two gold robed people into the void channel.

The colorful void passage changes rapidly. After Cui Hao entered it, he immediately felt as if he had stepped into the long river of history and wandered wantonly for hundreds of millions of miles.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe for a long time, maybe just for a moment, he feels that colorful energy wrapped him. The surrounding void is distorted and changeable, which makes people feel unfathomable. Fu Shan beside him disappeared.


At the next moment, an unspeakable terrorist force wrapped him. With a sudden shock and throw, Cui Hao broke through layers of barriers and finally came to a special and incomparable world!

This is a vast and vast world, which is filled with a kind of violent and incomparable energy. It seems that there is pure aura mixed in it. A strong pressure is hundreds of times greater than the earth. Even if Cui haogang just came, his body is staggering. Only then can he adapt to this gravity. He secretly regrets that the secret place where the graveyard of the gods is located is really extraordinary!

Suspended in the void, Cui Hao looked around and saw the continuous mountains, beautiful scenery and a feeling of primitive ignorance. Vaguely, he felt several strong breath, and suddenly became vigilant. In a hurry, his body suddenly fell and fell down.

"Ow ow..."

Cui Hao just landed on a huge stone. Immediately, a giant black haired ape jumped down from a huge tree not far away. His fangs burst, and his whole body burst into a violent breath. His claws made a roar of tearing air, and his dark fingertips flashed cold light. He grabbed Cui Hao.

With a slight frown on his brow, Cui Hao burst into a drink and said, "eh? Beast! Get out of here!..."

At this moment, Cui Hao already felt the smell of this ape, which was absolutely comparable to the strength of King Kong. However, in front of himself, it was not enough! The ape should be just the most common creature born in the secret place, which is far from the breath Cui Hao felt before.

The palm of his hand was swept at random. Suddenly, the giant ape gave a scream, flew out of his body, hit the giant tree heavily, and roared in pain.

At this moment, the great ape had realized Cui Hao's strength, roared with fear, and then crawled towards him to show his submission.

This secret place is extraordinary. Even the most common giant ape is so spiritual. Cui Hao secretly praised this scene.

Ignoring the giant ape crawling on the ground, Cui Hao led his body into the sleeping origin of the earth and felt it carefully. He suddenly found that there was a weak feeling in the West. Therefore, his body flashed and suddenly went to the West.

Following the induction, Cui Hao went all the way to the West. During this period, he encountered more than one sneak attack, all of which were some strange monsters, with many magical levels and powerful power. Perhaps because of the particularity of the secret place, it seems that it is not difficult for the creatures here to become gods. Moreover, Cui Hao has a feeling that they are all very violent, and there are tyrannical factors in their blood.

Now Cui Hao's strength is so powerful that he knocked them down one by one and looked down at them invincibly.

Of course, during this period, Cui Hao also met a group of strange birds, each of which has the strength comparable to the half step magic power. There are hundreds of them. He had to release his own fear and scare them away.

When passing by a disordered stone pile, Cui Hao was vigilant and avoided it, because his sharp gap reached a powerful crisis. After careful observation, he found that the disordered stone pile was a rare fierce array, Longsha chattering blood array! Fortunately, Cui Hao has made extraordinary achievements in Qimen dunjia and sees the problem. Otherwise, even if he falls into it, he will be in great trouble!

There are many dangers in the graveyard of the gods, which Cui Hao really sensed. Following the induction of the origin of the earth, Cui Hao finally came to a towering mountain, which is surrounded by bands of black fog, just like a terrible demon mountain, standing there quietly, emitting an oppressive atmosphere!

This huge mountain is far more towering than other mountains in the secret place, but the mountain is barren. It shows a kind of grayish brown all over, and some rocks are a kind of dark red, like blood stained red.

"Eh? There are stone steps in this huge mountain? There is half a broken monument!"

Cui Hao soon found that this huge mountain has layers of boundless bluestone steps. At the entrance of the stone steps, half of the inscription is incomparably old, and half of the long sword is depicted on it. Although only half of it, it gives people a cold murderous spirit!

After carefully looking at half of the remnant monument, Cui Hao didn't find any clue. He thought about it, raised the steps and walked towards it.

Moving forward step by step, Cui Hao gradually felt a creepy Qi coming out from above. He looked solemn and kept approaching. Finally, Cui Hao found that the bluestone ladder came to the end. At this time, he had come to the hillside. At the end, there was a huge golden gate deeply embedded in the void. On the surface of the golden gate, there was a strange relief, a monster like a roc bird and a giant fish. It spread its wings and soared with unparalleled arrogance!

"What kind of monster is this? Such as Peng and fish..... Is it..."

With a movement in his heart, Cui Hao suddenly remembered that there was such a record in China's free travel that there was a fish in Beiming, which was called Kun. Kun is so big that I don't know it's thousands of miles away. It turns into a bird and its name is Peng. Peng's back is thousands of miles away. Fly in anger, and its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky. Peng moved to Nanming, hit three thousand miles by water, and kneaded and rocked up to ninety thousand miles

Looking carefully, Cui Hao finally confirmed that the monster like a fish like a Peng on the golden gate is clearly a Kunpeng!

It seemed that he sensed something. The Kunpeng relief on the Golden Gate suddenly lit up, and the key on Cui Hao also bloomed and roared. The Kunpeng relief suddenly gushed out a faint mist, such as silk. Then, the whole golden gate creaked and opened slowly.

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