Cui Hao sensed the smell of the key on his body, and the golden gate opened, which was blurred, as if covered by a layer of gray fog, while Cui Hao sensed that there was no key shaking on his body. He was very excited and seemed to urge him to enter quickly.

Seeing such a situation, Cui Hao hesitated for a moment, then filled with the power of chaos and stepped in.

For a moment, Cui Hao felt that the gray fog in front of him dissipated, and a huge silver white water ball appeared in front of him!

It's too big! It's immeasurable!

Cui Hao was deeply shocked, because the silver white water ball in front of him was huge and incredible, emitting a kind of forest cold breath, clattering. There were snow-white water waves rolling on its surface, and the surrounding void was collapsing and disappearing!

"The water polo... It's terrible! It seems that every drop of water is cold and heavy!" Cui Hao looked solemn and stared at the huge water polo.

The key in his body vibrated more and more violently and kept urging Cui Hao. Finally, he clenched his teeth, begged for wealth and danger, and went to explore the depth of the water ball!


Immediately, Cui Hao turned into a streamer and suddenly rushed into a huge water ball.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

For a moment, Cui Hao felt as if he had fallen into Sen Han's mercury. The icy chill was invading. Every drop of water was heavy and constantly caused terrible pressure on him. As he began to go deep, this pressure became more and more huge!

Fortunately, Cui Hao's body is strong and powerful, and has the power of chaos to protect his body. Although he feels the pressure is not small, he successfully sneaked in.

With the continuous deepening, the Qi of forest cold becomes stronger and stronger, and the pressure is also greater!


Suddenly, a violent senhan current came and hit Cui Hao, which caught him off guard. His body shook and showed that he couldn't control it!


At this moment, Cui Hao became more and more alert. There was an undercurrent inside the water polo. If it was more powerful, Cui Hao would not be able to carry it! Suddenly, Cui Hao hesitated. Did he go deep or give up?

A moment later, Cui Hao gritted his teeth and continued to go deep!

Along the way, he was in danger. He encountered five undercurrents again, and the pressure and senhan Qi became stronger and stronger. However, the key in his body sent out a wave, and the thing that attracted it was close at hand!

Running the power of chaos, Cui Hao continued to go deep. After carrying through a terrible undercurrent like a vortex, he finally seemed to break through some invisible barrier and suddenly appeared in a strange area.

This is a boundless snow-white world. It is extremely cold. In front of Cui Hao, there is a small path. There are two rows of black ice carvings around. There are a large number of ice carvings with different shapes, including human shapes, animals, birds and so on. Each one is painted black and wrapped by a layer of blue ice, which is lifelike.

Seeing these ice sculptures, Cui Hao felt a chill in his heart, because he felt a terrible evil spirit from the ice sculptures!


At this time, out of thin air, an empty shadow was born. It was an old man with a white beard. It was solemn and cold. Although it was only an empty shadow, it could be slightly relaxed, which made Cui Hao feel like facing the boundless Avenue. It was terrible!

His face changed greatly. Cui Hao stared at the old man with white beard! The strength of the other party is uncertain, but he has a feeling that he is far beyond his imagination!

Looking at Cui Hao carefully, the old man with white beard suddenly smiled in surprise and said, "great, it's a Jinling owner who doesn't have the smell of the fairy world! The potential is infinite, very good and meets the requirements!..."

Cui Hao was so frightened when the old man with white beard stared at him. He hardened his head and said, "senior, how do you call me? Where is this?"

There was a smile on his cold face, with a white beard and an old head "Little doll, congratulations on getting the golden order from your master! Moreover, you will have a chance to break through the ice water world successfully! Once you succeed, you will become a disciple of the great Kunpeng! Did you see a water ball before you entered here? That's my body, the ice water world. I'm the spirit of the world. You can call me master Han."

"What? You..... The immeasurable water polo is your body? This......" Cui Hao was shocked.

Smell speech, white beard old head way "There's nothing to make a fuss about. I'm actually a small world. I'm endowed with spirituality by my master to help him test outstanding talents and select disciples. You break in with a golden order and are qualified to participate in the assessment. If all the ice carvings on both sides of the trail are defeated, you can be a registered disciple. If you can defeat the ice carvings at the end of the ice carvings, you can be a core disciple. If you can go further, you can succeed Inherit others and get the supreme Kunpeng method of my master! "

Cui Hao's eyes suddenly became hot. The old man with white beard was already so powerful. How strong would his master be? So he couldn't help asking, "elder Han, can you tell me in detail? What rewards do you have for registered disciples and core disciples? I'm afraid it's very difficult to assess the heirs? Also, I just came to this secret place. I don't know anything about the great Kunpeng in your mouth."

His face changed slightly. The old man with white beard squeaked and said, "this... Originally, registered disciples and core disciples would receive rich rewards, but now there are some changes, and these rewards can't be cashed. However, I can tell you a treasure place. If you can get the treasure, it will be of great benefit!"

Cui Hao was so smart that he suddenly heard something fishy from his words. Obviously, the old man with white beard had something important to hide from him, because he had a key, so he couldn't force himself.

After thinking about it, Cui Hao said, "master Han, thank you for your kindness. This assessment is obviously dangerous. You deliberately hide it. I'm worried about it. Therefore, I'll give up this opportunity!"


When Cui Hao said this, the old man with white beard was worried and hurried to stop him.

Cui Hao ignored this and turned to leave. The old man with white beard said to himself angrily "What a fool! My master's inheritance is so precious. It's the supreme law that really involves the rules of time. The Lord and God covet it, but some people don't like it? Boy, if you leave today, I'm sure you'll regret it all your life! I can see that you're extraordinary and should have an anti heaven inheritance, but wouldn't it be better to have more anti heaven inheritance? My master Kunpeng, is it It is one of the three great masters of the super beast alliance, and its status is extremely respected! "

Hearing this, Cui Hao moved in his heart, stopped taking one step, and turned to look at the old white beard "You say your master is one of the three great masters of the super beast alliance? Although I have never been to the immortal world, I still know something. The super beast alliance has long been destroyed and the three great masters have died. Now you tell me that his inheritance can be obtained. I doubt whether it is true!"

Cui Hao learned this from yewushang. At that time, the other party also told him not to let Xiao Qi use his life magic in the immortal world.

Unexpectedly, Cui Hao knew about it. The old man with white beard was surprised and hesitated. Then he sighed "That's enough! That's enough! I've been waiting for endless years and still can't fulfill my master's last wish..... Today, I'll make an exception and tell you some real secrets! Indeed, my master Kunpeng has fallen, and this Kunpeng secret place has suffered a great disaster. All his relatives, friends, disciples and so on have been wiped out by a big hand! That big hand is terrible. I used to feel it from a distance Its breath makes the original rules of the secret place retreat! This is the terrible power beyond the LORD God! If it weren't for the terrible hand, even if it was surrounded by the four Lord gods, who could kill my master's Kunpeng law, the first acceleration energy of the universe? Before my master died, a wisp of remnant soul sent me a message and told me the great secret he really inherited. He was in the secret place Before the external separation disappeared, a large number of gold orders had been bred and spread everywhere. You can enter Kunpeng's Secret territory if you get the token. And he did this to ask me to find a successor for him... "

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