Cui Hao woke up in the morning and found his own difference. The whole person was unspeakably sober and his thinking was extremely sharp. It seemed that he could think about a lot of things. Moreover, he was more and more closely combined with the mysterious beads in his body. Most importantly, the mysterious beads became more and more powerful. Why? Cui Hao had some doubts and thought for a long time. Finally, he fixed the greatest possibility on the twin sisters. If it were not for the two pure Yin forces in their bodies, he would not have changed so obviously. Cui Hao was very happy to feel his own difference. He suddenly thought of Dayan Tianji. Now that he was quick thinking, he could just study it well. At least, he should get the ghost talisman in the rune as soon as possible, because since he helped that young woman on the plane, he naturally wanted a good man to do it to the end and send the Buddha to the West.

Cui Hao got up and left the bedroom. He went to a very quiet balcony, found a comfortable rattan chair and sat on it. He soon fell into a strange realm and was intoxicated with his understanding of Dayan's secret arts. He had a certain understanding of the five elements, eight trigrams and Qimen dunjia. This time, he really went deeper, Many of the previous doubts have been solved and have their own opinions.

At the beginning, the sloppy old man Yang Dian taught him the most precious Dayan Tianji. According to his speculation, Cui Hao could really enter the house in three or five years if he studied it well. At this moment, Cui Hao feels that he has reached that level. Although he still doesn't understand the profound things such as Feng Shui underground cave and dragon vein direction, However, the general skill of hiding from armor has been understood a lot. The most important thing is that he completely understands the mystery of the skill of watching Qi!

In fact, the most important thing about the art of looking for Qi is to realize the art of Dayan Tianji to an extremely profound level, condense a group of heavenly heart, and with its power, you can see the Qi on the top of other heads.

The so-called Qi can also be called the life style. The aging popularity is very weak and dying. This is the life soon. The strong and powerful Qi represents life and vitality. For some naturally noble people, the breath is not ordinary white, but divided into seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. The more the color is ahead, the better the life style. Of course, this is the vital energy number in the general form. For example, some special physique or strange and rare vital energy numbers are often determined not by color, but by various forms. For this, there are very clear records in the art of looking at Qi.

Cui Hao is very curious about his own life style. The art of looking at Qi records three legendary life styles, all of which are noble and can become Buddha's ancestors. However, he doesn't know which one he belongs to. In ancient times, some real masters of Taoism could often see a person's longevity at a glance. In fact, they also used the art of watching Qi, and the legendary wonders could see the rise and fall of a country. This is the truth that a country has run out of Qi.

According to common sense, only when the heavenly heart condenses from the body can he really perform the art of looking at Qi. However, Cui Hao tried with the mysterious golden light and found that its effect is consistent with the power of the heavenly heart, which makes him overjoyed, because from now on, he can also perform the art of looking at Qi.

Throughout some ancient history of China, whenever peerless heroes appear and compete for supremacy in the world, there will always be a military master who can be called against the sky. He knows many strange things, and the art of looking for Qi is almost their patent.

After simply sorting out his feelings, Cui Hao felt a little itchy. He just realized how to use the Qi watching skill. Naturally, he should try it. Although it consumes the golden light of the mysterious bead every time it is cast. So he did what he said. Cui Hao urged the mysterious beads, and suddenly golden lights flowed through Cui Hao's body and mind in a strange and incomparable way. With this flow, Cui Hao had a strong feeling of detachment.

He couldn't care to feel this detached feeling, because Cui Hao felt his eyes hot for a while. He hurriedly got up again and returned to the bedroom, looking at the twin sisters who were still sleeping in the bed.

Do not see do not know, a look startled!

At this moment, Cui Hao felt that there was a strange and incomparable power flowing in his eyes. With the display of this power, the twin sister flowers lying on the bed burst into a brilliant purple light. This purple light was extremely noble and mixed with a kind of purple gold. Moreover, the most strange thing was that these lights covered the sister flowers, Even formed an illusory Phoenix shape, so that their whole people seem to be different, very holy and pure.

Pure purple, mixed with noble purple gold, forms the shape of Phoenix! Cui Hao was deeply shocked by all these, because he had seen relevant records in the art of looking at Qi. This is an unspeakable life style, which is generally owned by women who can be queens. Moreover, it is a pure purple Phoenix, and the twin sister flower is mixed with a noble purple gold color, which seems to be, Be more noble!

Cui Hao was shocked. At this moment, he realized once again that the woman in my uncle's mouth was extraordinary. Her twin sister Hua Mingge was so noble. It can be seen that she must be priceless. What is her real identity? At the same time, Cui Hao was also very glad that he could find such a woman, and he was willing to follow him wholeheartedly, which was really a great blessing.

Although there is a saying in the life style that if a person with a general life style is close to him, he will also be contaminated with some breath, and the life style will change, but this change will not be too great unless it is very far away. This phenomenon is a single nourishment, which is far less beneficial than mutual complementarity. For example, the life style of twin sisters is extremely noble. Even if Cui Hao's life style is stronger than them, both sides can carry out an arc rather than a single nourishment.

As the saying goes, when a man gets the way, a chicken and a dog ascend to heaven, in fact, it also contains the truth of moisture and complementarity between life styles. Even, if a person has bad luck everywhere in his life style, if he can follow a rich and noble person, over time, he will not have bad luck again. This is also the transformation of life style. In the same way, if a person with an ordinary life style is with a person with high bad luck, he will also start to go downhill, and bad luck will continue.

There was a tingling feeling in his eyes. Cui Hao stopped looking at the art of Qi, but the shock in his heart was still difficult to calm down. For the first time, it was only the first time that he used the art of looking at Qi. He saw a noble life style called the best. What's going on?

After performing the art of looking at Qi, Cui Hao rested for a while and recovered from the shock. Then, he quickly invested in the research of ghost talisman. Taoism's ability to subdue demons and eliminate demons is incomparably powerful, which even Zen admires very much. The two factions have their own merits, and the talisman is the original creation of Taoism. It contains many mysteries on yellow paper, making it full of powerful breath and great damage to demons and ghosts.

In Dayan Tianji art, there are many powerful talismans about talismans. However, so far, even at the level of Cui Hao's barely entering the house, few talismans can be drawn. Moreover, there is a big gap between being able to draw and really drawing.

Fortunately, he handed it to Hairui in advance and bought him a lot of yellow paper, cinnabar, brush and so on. Therefore, after concentrating and calming down, he picked up the brush, stained with cinnabar and waved down.

"Shua Shua..."

Cui Hao draws strange and distorted lines on yellow paper. This feeling really gives people a feeling of ghost talisman. However, every time he draws a talisman, he is not satisfied and is not successful.

Once, twice, three, ten

Cui Hao drew symbols again and again. Each time he had some new insights, and occasionally stopped to think about it. In this way, he drew symbols again and again.

"Shua! Shua! Shua..."

At a certain moment, it seemed that Cui Hao had a burst of inspiration in his heart. Cui Hao painted a symbol. His handwriting was like a dragon and a snake. The lines were smooth, but it gave people a feeling of jagged bones, which made people couldn't help admiring.

It's done!

Seeing this talisman, Cui Hao was overjoyed because he worked hard for a long time and finally succeeded once, drawing a ghost talisman! For the first time, the success rate began to increase rapidly. When Cui Hao solved a major problem again, the success rate of his talisman was as high as 30%. In less than an hour, he accumulated ten talismans.

Cui Hao finally drew the ghost talisman completely, and time passed quietly. An hour later, it seemed that they were full of sleep. The twin sisters slowly opened their eyes and their faces were full of happiness. After they looked at each other, they all looked at Cui Hao, the only man they had identified all their life.

"Buzzing... Buzzing..."

Just when they woke up and opened their eyes, they were shocked, as if a dusty memory had been opened at once. A large number of messages and some mysterious calls rang out in their minds, leaving them unspeakable excitement and shock.

All this was very fast, but in a moment, they soon returned to normal, but they were still in a shock and stagnation, quickly digested some things that appeared in their minds, and there was a shock in their beautiful eyes.

I don't know what kind of message I received. Suddenly, the twin sisters were very excited with tears in their eyes.

Cui Hao didn't know what happened to the twin sisters, but he felt that it must be very important to them, so he thought about it, put away many things of the talisman, put the ten painted ghost talismans into his arms and watched quietly.

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