Jinguang City, a famous city in Jiangzhou City, has an excellent geographical location. In addition, the monk Huineng, who is now the host of the temple, is very good at business and has obtained a double doctorate in management. Therefore, under his management, Jinguang temple is perfectly combined with modern society, with various investment promotion means, temple fairs and blessings, plus a series of publicity and supernatural rumors, It made the incense of Jinguang Temple prosperous and attracted tourists from all over the world and people who devoted themselves to Buddha worship. It was a bustling scene.

These days, Jinguang temple is very lively, because eight eminent monks from Shaolin Temple enter it to exchange Buddhism. Occasionally, they come out to meet with some pilgrims to talk about Buddhism. More time, they are in the rear of the temple, chanting scriptures with a group of old monks of Jinguang Temple all day.

Old monk Huineng has been very distressed recently and has a big head. Because the recent Jinguang temple is under too much pressure, Duan Guorong, mayor of Jiangzhou City, went to visit the Jinguang temple in person. Moreover, his daughter-in-law and grandson are resident in his own temple. It is said that he was haunted by evil spirits and wanted to stay in the temple for a while. In fact, the old monk Huineng is also skeptical about ghosts. His more experience is in the research of management and so on. However, such a big man naturally dare not slack off. He personally took a bunch of old monks and began to exorcise ghosts for their mother and son.

At first, under the chanting of scriptures by an old monk, the little boy obviously recovered, and he himself said that the evil ghost was scared and ran away. However, after two or three days, the little boy began to cry again, saying that the evil ghost came again and wanted to pester him. It's hard now, monk Huineng. Mayor Duan Guorong came in person and asked for his help. What should I do? After thinking about it, monk Huineng began to ask the Shaolin temple for help. Therefore, the Shaolin Temple sent eight eminent monks to arrive and join the ranks of chanting scriptures.

Buddhist scriptures and so on have a certain effect on ghosts, especially the eight eminent monks who have devoted themselves to worshiping Buddha for decades. As soon as they come, joint chanting is really effective. The little boy stopped crying again and claimed that the ghosts scared away. However, on that day, several pilgrims in Jinguang Temple died suddenly in vain, and a large number of livestock died strangely. The occurrence of such an evil door immediately frightened a bunch of pilgrims to flee the Jinguang temple. Not to mention, a big monk who had been presiding over chanting scriptures in the Jinguang Temple died suddenly in vain. His expression was terrible. It seemed that he saw something terrible before he died.

There are evil spirits!

Even though the great monk Huineng didn't believe in ghosts and gods, he was very upset after such a disturbance, because he was very sure that the evil ghost must be doing evil and retaliated for the mother and son accepted by the temple. What should I do? It's unrealistic to let them leave, because mayor Duan Guorong will definitely be angry and won't let them leave. Even the eight eminent monks of Shaolin Temple can't do anything. What should we do?

Great monk Huineng is very distressed, quite distressed.

In the backyard of Jinguang temple, in the top pilgrim meditation room, a gentle young woman was very distressed at the moment, because the little boy in his arms began to cry again. Moreover, his face was very red, his high fever did not subside, and he had a general expression of evil. The young woman was Fu Hanxue who came to take refuge in the golden light temple under the guidance of Cui Hao.

"Tong Tong doesn't cry, Tong Tong doesn't cry... Just vent your resentment on me. Don't embarrass the child! A Guang has been kidnapped by your people. I don't know what else you want? Please let my child go, I'd rather you ask for my life!" holding the little boy, Fu Hanxue's eyes are red and swollen.

Since getting off the plane and entering the golden light temple, she has hardly really closed her eyes, worked hard and broken her heart, because the child has been entangled, fever and so on.

In addition to Fu Hanxue, there is an old man with gray hair, very dignified, medium build and some redness and swelling in his eyes. He is mayor Duan Guorong. A mayor is very busy with how many things he has to manage every day. When his grandson has such a thing again, he is very worried and frowned. The whole person has been haggard these days.

Listening to the chanting outside the meditation room, Duan Guorong was very angry. These big monks said that there was no limit to Buddhism. As long as they were in the golden light temple, they could ensure that their grandchildren were all right, but now? Although he was very angry, he tried his best to soften his tone when he saw the sad Fu Hanxue, and said "Han Xue, don't be too sad. Tong Tong's fever is not too serious. I've tried to find a way to go around and ask for an expert to catch ghosts. I believe there will be a reply soon. I blame ah Guang, a bastard. He provoked a romantic debt and forced the woman to be killed by the clansmen. He's afraid it's bad for Tong Tong Tong. Alas, injustice, injustice!"

Although the heart is very sad, Fu Hanxue still looks very elegant, nods, and has a sad way "In fact, at the beginning, a Guang was secretly used by that woman. He told me all these things, and I don't blame him. It was because I didn't blame him that I took Tong Tong with him to Miao Jiang. The original intention was to let her see how much our family loved him. She broke off her thoughts on a Guang. Unexpectedly, it came to this. By the way, father-in-law, a Guang's Whereabouts. How did you send someone to look for it? Did you find the mysterious tribe according to the route I said? "

Hearing the speech, Duan Guorong was very depressed and shook his head "No, I specially invited my good brother to come out. He has the wrong elite team. They went deep into the area you said. However, it is completely in the form of primitive forest. There is no human living at all, and there is no mysterious tribe and strange human beings you said. Han Xue, do you remember the route wrong and think about it carefully Think? "

Shook his head, Fu Hanxue must be incomparable "No mistake. I am deeply impressed by that place. I will never make mistakes. Father-in-law, it seems that ordinary police and other people can't find them. They can only find real capable people. Also, the situation of Tong Tong today, a group of monks in the Jinguang temple can't help it. It's all my fault. If I don't come here, I won't cause sudden death of pilgrims 。”

Although Duan Guorong is the mayor, he dotes on his grandson. He shakes his head when he hears the speech "I can't say that. I can only say that this group of old monks are shameless! It seems that the investment promotion of Jinguang temple will be curbed in the future. A group of old monks who only know how to speak Kung Fu have no real talent and don't understand the true meaning of Buddhism. It's disappointing! Han Xue, why don't we take today's plane to Shaolin Temple? Tong Tong's illness can't be delayed."

Even if he doesn't trust Buddhism to suppress ghosts, Duan Guorong still has some hope for Shaolin Temple, because it is a millennium old temple and can be said to be one of the sources of Chinese Buddhism. Since ancient times, Kung Fu came out of Shaolin and eminent monks came out of Shaolin. Shaolin can enjoy a good reputation at home and abroad.

After hearing the speech, Fu Hanxue hesitated and shook his head, "father-in-law, I suggest we wait a little longer. That little brother told me to wait for him three or five days. He will come as soon as he finishes his business. Today is the fifth day. Wait another day. If he doesn't come, we will leave some letters to Jinguang temple and then go to Shaolin Temple!"

Mayor Duan Guorong was curious about the so-called little brother in Fu Hanxue's mouth, so he couldn't help asking, "Han Xue, you have so much confidence in that little brother. According to you, he's not old. Do you have real talent and learning?"

Duan Guorong asked so, but Fu Hanxue couldn't help recalling the scenes when she met Cui Hao on the plane. Finally, she must nod incomparably "Father-in-law, I believe that little brother. If there are some really capable people in China, I believe he is also one of them! I can't tell why, but I believe it for no reason. Since he said he would come to Jinguang temple to help me on March 5, I believe he won't break his promise, I believe him!"

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