For the praise of Lord dark night, Yang Jitian smiled faintly and said in a faint tone, "I used to like a historical hero of the earth very much. He said that I would rather bear the people of the world than the people of the world! Unfortunately, they still bear me, so what's the use?"

"OK! With your words, I'll help you whatever Lord dark night says! Hahaha... Yang worships the sky and releases a trace of your own soul. I'll use it to determine the earth in your mouth first. In addition, necessary exploration still needs to be carried out..."

Hearing the speech, Yang worship to heaven was very simple, releasing a trace of his own soul. Soon, the dark armor was suspended, and dark flames were burning. In the flames, it vaguely saw some fuzzy shadows

"How could this be possible? This is incredible!..." exclaimed, dark night Lord, incredible.

Then, he said to the stunned Yang Jitian, "the planet that gave birth to you is the product of a Xianyuan world. I once came for something... It contains great terror! Especially just now, I saw some terrible pictures. There are taboos to work there and kill. This matter is over!"

Originally, Yang worshipping heaven was full of expectations. I was worried when I heard this. I asked, "why? Lord dark night, even if taboos exist, you should not be afraid? You, but the invincible existence that even the LORD God is not afraid of!"

Hearing the speech, the dark armor was silent for a long time, making a low voice "I'm really afraid of this... In front of this existence, the twelve Lord gods are not even as good as dogs! Even if the Lord gods are afraid of respecting the supreme existence, they all want to lick their toes and flatter! That's the truth! If I send you there and annoy you, it's too dangerous, no, absolutely not!"

As soon as the words came out, Lei's Yang offered sacrifices to heaven, Jiao Li Nen outside, and he was stunned! At this moment, he was completely stunned!

"How... How could this happen? He, what does he exist? The LORD God is just a dog in front of him? Masters stronger than the LORD God have to curry favor?" he murmured and asked Yang Jitian.

Smell speech, a cold smile, dark night adult openings way "You can't know the existence! If you have to say who is truly invincible in this universe, it's him! In those years, the great emperor who ate the God was born and exploded. The great emperor, it was a step away from achieving the existence of the cosmic God, so it fell! There are many legends about him, and many of them are just hearsay. I just know that he is The only person who can control the tide of darkness and chaos is black robed and arbitrary. Since the God devouring emperor was destroyed, the future of this side of the universe... Hey... "

Yang Jitian hasn't heard of the great name of the God devouring emperor, but when you think about it, you know that it is definitely a real invincible existence. The unique title of the great emperor reflects its terror. However, such existence has also been destroyed?

Black robe added to his body, arbitrary forever. These eight words, like eight sharp swords, deeply pierced into the soul of Yang worshiping heaven, which made him almost envious crazy in his heart. He wished he could not replace them immediately!

Still a little unwilling, Yang Jitian said, "can't it really be? Why does it come to such a small place as the earth when it exists?"

In this regard, the dark night adult calmly responded "It's said that his original Buddha can't even set foot in the immortal world. Once he enters, the power of terror will make it fall into great destruction, which is not allowed by the universe. Therefore, you can't imagine the area where he exists! What comes to the earth is just some power and a trace of self intelligence gathered by his statue, but even so, I don't know about such things as twisting tiger whiskers Lord ye will never do it, because I don't want to annoy the existence of taboos such as those. I'm inexplicably pinched and burst all at once!... "

The eternal artifact that claims to be able to resist the LORD God is afraid to be crushed and exploded at once. If this is not said by the dark night Lord himself, Yang worshipping the sky is unimaginable. Such existence is really like the divine dragon flying over the nine days, and he is only a small ant, only qualified to look up and envy!


At this time, the dark night adult's tone dragged for a while, as if he had another deep meaning.

At the moment, Yang Jitian hurriedly and excitedly asked, "but what? Lord dark night, please say!..."

It shook slightly, and the Dark Armor responded "If you just send one or two lower gods or middle gods into them, I can help you open up a void channel in an instant! The time must be short enough to be aware of my breath! You are my body. You must not set foot there. No matter what happens in the end, you must avoid it!..."

The terrible dark night adult is really afraid of the taboo in front of him.

At the same time, he secretly thought about what to do and sent one or two lower gods and middle gods. How can this set off a big storm?

At this time, the icy jade face Shura lit up and smiled "Husband, my life magic weapon, the world of evil spirits, is a miniature world. Although it is small, it can also carry three or four thousand people. I lifted the life refining and was refined by a middle God who is my confidant. Then he took it to the earth... There are tens of thousands of lower gods in this prison, and there are some middle gods. It is not difficult to collect three or four thousand people! Moreover, You can leave the plane prison that is about to burst. They're afraid they'll all have to fight for places. "

Hearing this, Yang Jitian was overjoyed and nodded, "great! However, the personnel must be carefully screened. I don't want to find some two faced and timid guys to fill up!"

Nodding cleverly, the jade faced Shura smiled and said, "everything... Depends on your husband..."

The earth, Shangri La, hides an unknown strange void, which is hazy and dark everywhere. There are black fog wires in the void, emitting a deeply palpitating evil smell!

In this void, there is an ancient city, dark red stone gate. It doesn't know what material it is made of. It looks old and mysterious. It seems that it is dyed red by blood and then dried up. It is dead and cold everywhere.

Outside the city, there are constant terrible impacts. Occasionally, it will penetrate into the city gate where the gap is hit, and penetrate into a trace of black fog. It is extremely evil and almost maddening!

The city is blessed by a power that can barely resist this impact, and the source of this power is a jade statue! This is a very tall statue with a long sword in both hands. The whole person is extraordinary, like a man in heaven and earth!

On the top of the statue, a simple four diamond long sword is suspended. The body of the sword is mountains, rivers, plants, fields, sun and moon, drinking blood and human education. On the hilt are two ancient bird shaped seal characters, Xuanyuan!

This is Xuanyuan sword!

Flying into the sky, Xuanyuan sword rushed out of the city and came to the emptiness of the city!

pitch dark! Boundless darkness!

Outside the ancient city, there are only boundless darkness. In addition, there are pure black terrible evil energy raging. In this endless darkness, some shadows are shaking and roaring with terror!

In addition, there is a huge strange black lotus swaying, a huge black bud trembling constantly, surrounded by a fluffy dark flame.

Shaking, Xuanyuan sword made a sound "No! The Black Lotus is about to give birth to a terrible thing... Hmm? The six reincarnation wheel is reappeared? It's over... The terrible invincible existence has succeeded in layout after all, activating some power and wisdom! It has controlled the six reincarnation wheel, and now it is the earth. Soon, the master's home, the Honghuang Xianyuan world, is doomed! Bad..."

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