In the first World War near Mount Tai, Cui Hao returned at the critical moment and reversed the situation. Except for Cain's successful escape, the rest were destroyed and killed. Later, Cui Hao arranged Ruilin and others to garrison the void channel. He began an urgent discussion with Xiaohui and others!

After that war, the threat of the strong of 100 ethnic groups was basically lifted. We only need to guard the void channel, which is not a big problem. Of course, they don't know that in a plane prison far away from the earth, Yang Jitian is planning a bigger conspiracy. At that time, it will no longer be dozens of strong people who will come to the earth, but thousands!

Deep in the Bohai Sea, a platinum figure flies rapidly in the deep sea, and constantly shoots out weak and small blood awns. Each one is accurately put into the body of a huge fish in the sea, sharks, whales, giant octopus, super tuna and so on

"Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

When the tiny blood awn was put into the body of these giant fish, all of them had amazing and incomparable changes. Their eyes suddenly turned into a blood red color, their teeth were dark, and they grew huge fangs and became incomparably bloodthirsty. Moreover, the giant fish that had this change became a kind of similar fish, Began to go crazy and launched a terrorist attack on other fish around!

The most powerful ability of blood clan is the speed of breeding descendants. If a powerful blood clan comes to a primitive tribe, he only needs to develop a few blood clan descendants, and soon the whole tribe will become blood clan descendants. At this moment, Cain, the ancestor of the blood clan, took the whole sea area as the territory, began to wantonly develop his fish blood clan descendants and ordered them to kill constantly!

This halo dyeing speed is really fast. Countless giant fish developed into descendants of fish blood family are crazy to fight other fish

Like a rapid light and shadow, Cain fled quickly.

After fleeing for several hours, it successfully came to the Malacca sea area. During this period, I don't know how many descendants of fish blood families have developed.


At a certain moment, the white and golden figure with rapid impact stopped, and the smell of terror broke out. Cain roared angrily, and the voice belonging to Vivian even said, "no one wants to take me away, even if you are the ancestor of the blood family!..."

"I'm the ancestor. You're the original seed. You were born for my recovery. You dare to disobey, damn descendant!..."

"Hum, you are seriously injured and can't completely suppress me. This is my body and is destined to belong to me!..."

So, in a deep-sea trench, Vivian's body sat around, and in it, the two souls fought for the flesh again!

At this moment, Huaxia, the headquarters of the earth soul.

Led by Cui Hao, Xiao Hui, Wang Changsheng, even the old leaders of China, the president of the United States, the eldest lady and so on, all attended as nonvoting delegates. They immediately began an emergency meeting to discuss how to solve the dilemma of the earth.

Everyone expressed their opinions, but also explained some situations in detail for Cui Hao and discussed how to solve this huge trouble. Now, the key points are three, six void channels, rescuing Vivian and six reincarnations.

On a remote seat, Mengmeng curiously asked Xiao Qi next to her and said, "Hey, crying ghost, brother Cui Hao is so imposing here. He has attracted so many people all at once. Is he the first person on the planet?"

Hearing the speech, Xiao Qi was very upset and said, "I'm not a crying ghost, but I'm a super beast Bishui Qilin! You can call me brother Xiao Qi. You have a powerful breath. Are you also a super beast? We're all empty? Also, I've been with my boss since I was born. If you want to hang out with him, you must please me!..."

The big eyes twinkled with cunning light, and Mengmeng smiled. The jade hand grabbed Xiao Qi's ear. Seeing this, Xiao Qi's body flashed in a hurry, and her body jumped like countless void faults in an instant, so that she couldn't catch her trace. However, Mengmeng didn't know what means to use. Yushou broke through countless void changes, and suddenly twisted Xiao Qi's ears, saying with a big sister's gesture "Little broken child, crying ghost, I have existed for endless years before you learned to feed! I call your eldest brother because of my grandfather's request. You must call me my sister! For your sake of being a void super beast, you are barely qualified to be my little attendant! Later, call me sister Meng, you know?"

Being twisted by Mengmeng, Xiao Qi's teeth itch. They are both young girls. They look like a couple flirting. However, Xiao Qi is in an absolutely weak position and is bullied.

She was very depressed. Xiao Qi felt that in front of Meng Meng, her image of wisdom and martial arts was gone all at once. She argued, "I'm not a crying ghost or a little broken child. My name is Xiao Qi!..."

She tilted her head, blinked her big eyes, and said with a lovely doubt, "but I saw you crying just when I saw you. Your nose is full of tears. It's not a crying ghost, little broken child. What is it?"

"I'm not a crying ghost, little broken child!..." Xiao Qi almost ran away, but he couldn't move. The void around him was like condensed steel, which completely imprisoned him.

According to Xiao Qi's Taoism, there is still a big gap from Mengmeng. This does not mean that his potential is much weaker than Mengmeng, but that he is really a little broken child compared with Mengmeng's age.

"Gaga... I'm so happy! Xiao Qi, why are you so like a counselor bullied by your little daughter-in-law?" he winked at God stone, which was a shameless joke.

Xiao Qi was extremely embarrassed, but somehow, she had a strange feeling in her heart. She looked at Mengmeng. Somehow, she forgot the pain in her ears and was stunned. This feeling is like an ignorant teenager who sees the doomed goddess in vain. Xiao Qi has a feeling of elation and being bullied.

Originally, Mengmeng just wanted to teach him a lesson. She wanted to run errands when she got a younger brother. Unexpectedly, she was so staring at her. Moreover, her eyes were more and more full of love. She was a little embarrassed. Her heart jumped like a deer

As the unique perfect void God insect in the universe, Mengmeng and Xiao Qi, who are also void super gods, have a natural sense of intimacy and attraction. Under the ridicule of playing God stone, they both have feelings for each other for the first time. A kind of ignorant and shy good feeling, like ripples, quietly ripples in their hearts. At this moment, Mengmeng and Xiao Qi blush.

"Hey, are you ashamed? Although you are the most beautiful girl in the universe, is it impolite for you to stare at me like this, crying ghost?" Dai Mei frowned and opened her mouth with a beautiful and naive look.

"Ah..... Ah..... Oh..... I'm sorry......" she was flustered. Xiao Qi was incoherent and her heart kept beating wildly.


Seeing Xiaoqi's posture, Mengmeng felt very sweet and happy. She couldn't help smiling. That posture made Xiaoqi a little dazed again.

"Ah? These two guys..... Natural enemies!" the God stone was a little silly. I didn't expect the two people to call so soon?

At this time, the meeting was having a heated discussion on how to solve the trouble of the invasion of 100 ethnic groups, especially the problem of the six void channels, we must find a way to never suffer from it. However, because of the particularity of the void channel, it was very difficult to destroy it, and everyone was not sure.

"Isn't it just a few ordinary void channels? Give me half a day, I can easily destroy them all without harming the earth!"

Hearing the heated discussion, I finally realized that everyone was discussing something. Meng Meng opened his mouth at will. It was a very relaxed attitude.

Her words immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. Immediately, everyone turned their eyes to this remote corner. They saw that Xiao Qi was twisted and sad like a strict wife, while Meng Meng was elated and full of the Queen's style.

"What's the situation? Is it really that sentence, one thing down, one thing down, Xiao Qi..... Occupied!" he was stunned, and then Cui Hao laughed!

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