Cui Hao suddenly encountered Xiahou's sneak attack, which was unexpected. He stared at him angrily and shouted, "Sir, what do you want to do?"

First, he was looked at by the two old guys like a baby. Then, he was punched by Xia Hou, which blinded Cui Hao and didn't understand what he meant!

As if he hadn't heard Cui Hao's violent drinking, Xia Hou danced excitedly. Then, he suddenly flashed and came to Cui Hao's near, saying enthusiastically "Little fellow, join me to cultivate a pulse and be the only true disciple of Xia Hou. Don't worry. As long as you promise, I will give you countless benefits that will make ordinary gods jealous. In addition, you will gain my inheritance and have the power to look down on the immortal world! EH..... Your name is Cui Hao, right......"

Stunned, Cui Hao was a little surprised to hear that he spoke like this. Is this old man an old antique of physical cultivation? If so, he is in the same camp as the soul alliance!

Cui Hao hasn't answered yet. Zhuge Zhibo quit and said angrily, "Xia Hou, what do you want to do? What do you want to do? Cui Hao's little friend has publicly announced in Huangyan divine city that he is a member of our soul alliance. Do you want to rob people?"

Hearing this, Xia Hou immediately blew his beard and stared back with a cockfighting attitude and roared "ZHUGE Zhibo, can you be more shameless? Do you think Xia Hou is an idiot? At least I'm an old antique of physical cultivation. I can't feel the breath of Soul Art? That little guy does have the breath of soul art. He should be a soul mutant. He is the person of your soul alliance! As for Cui Hao, he doesn't have the breath of Soul Art at all Xi, how could it be the person of your soul alliance? Moreover, I can tell you in charge that it is not now and will not be in the future, because he will be the successor of my Xia Hou!.... "

For Xia Hou's words, Zhuge Zhibo quit and immediately said angrily, "it's impossible! I Zhuge Zhibo won't let such a thing exist! Xia Hou, I put my cruel words here today. If you dare to rob me today, don't blame me for being rude to you. I've endured you for a long time!...."

Hearing this, Xia Hou immediately jumped up and shouted angrily, "well, your brother Zhuge Zhibo, since you ignore the feelings of the old man for many years, it's good. Don't blame me. Xia Hou did it to you! Today, I've put my cruel words here, Cui Hao, I'm going to make a decision. I'll do it with him if you rob me!..."

After discovering Cui Hao, the best jade, the friendship boat between the two old friends for many years turned over. They blew their beard and stared at each other every minute and asked for swords and soldiers!

In this regard, Wang Changsheng was stupid. Such a scene completely exceeded his expectations. In fact, don't say Wang Changsheng, Cui Hao was a little deceived. He didn't expect things to develop to such a level step by step. However, such a situation shows that he is very tempting

In his heart, Cui Hao was very happy, but on the surface, he looked very embarrassed "I say you two..... I don't know your identity and origin yet. One by one, like cockfighting, they are scrambling to be Cui Hao's master and want to pull me into your power. This... Do you want to ask my own opinion first? I'm not a thing, nor do I like to be kneaded at will!......"

Cui Hao's words are more euphemistic, but the meaning is already obvious. You have your own identity. Who is more powerful? I can give priority to it!

How can they not understand the meaning of Cui Hao's words and react immediately? It's no use arguing like this. Cui Hao still has the right to decide!

Therefore, Xia Hou hurriedly put on a kind expression. His palm naturally patted Cui Hao's shoulder and said with a smile "Xiao Cui! When I first saw you, I had a resonance with you! Well, to be exact, it's a resonance of the body. Your body is very strong! It's outrageous. You must have made extraordinary achievements in body training! However, if you make a car behind closed doors, how can you come faster than the research of countless predecessors from generation to generation? You should have heard of the venerable practitioner Right? Cultivating one pulse of body is the eldest among the practitioners. It's not a big deal to refine the body and pass the gods, catch the stars and catch the moon, move mountains and fill the sea! We only cultivate the body and study the method of quenching the body. Therefore, no force is stronger than the strong one who cultivates one pulse of body. There are more and more powerful methods of refining the body! As long as you join, you can take off in minutes based on your rebellious body Ah! Besides, I'm a powerful elder of the Presbyterian Association of physical cultivation. I'm a big man. I can take you as my own disciple and teach all my life's insights!... "

Speaking of this, Xia Hou blinked again and said with a smile, "Xiao Cui, your body is so strong. It's a matter of common indignation not to join our body to repair a connection! Moreover, fighting is like a man. Your body resists everything and blows up the enemy with one punch. It's refreshing enough, don't you say?"

With that, Xia Hou stared at Cui Hao with a blazing look. The meaning could not be understood more. It seemed to say, Xiao Cui, I look after you and must be in my arms!

To tell the truth, Cui Hao is still excited after listening to so much. Although he thinks that his immortal Dharma body will be stronger than the body refining skill of body cultivation, it will be easier to understand more, accumulate more and break through only by analogy and accumulate more!

As soon as Xia Hou's words were finished, Zhuge Zhibo hurried up, took away Xia Hou's hand on Cui Hao's shoulder and said with a smile "Cui Hao, don't listen to this guy talking nonsense and fooling around! If you want to talk about the leader of the one line of venerable practitioners, my soul alliance is the one who does not give up! Think about it, your soul power is high enough. You only need to be urged from a distance, and the other party has been killed by you before he is close. This is the real powerful means! By the way, forget to introduce yourself. I Zhuge Zhibo, soul alliance Elder in power, I saw your image memory crystal in Huangyan holy city. It's good. What's the young leader of Huangyan holy city? Little friend, if you are willing to join the soul alliance, I'll take you to kill him!... "

Hearing the speech, Xia Hou suddenly interrupted, "Xiao Cui, I can also take you to kill him! If you have any enemies, I can help you kill them!..."

Waving his hand, Zhuge Zhibo seemed worried that Xiahou would take Cui Hao and shouted, "Xiahou, you old devil, can you shut up? I haven't finished yet! I didn't interrupt you just after you introduced me!...."

Angry, however, Xia Hou shut up and didn't continue to say anything.

He stared at the other party, and Zhuge Zhibo continued "Cui Hao, you have publicly announced that you are a member of our soul alliance. I hope you can join! First of all, your soul was born. You have such a talent. In the future, your achievements together with your soul will be extraordinary! If you join our soul alliance, you can take off every minute! Also, you may not know that your good brother is also our soul alliance Join us, the leader of the soul alliance can give you the best resources and skills. Moreover, the weakness protection of our soul alliance is more powerful than the physical cultivation of one pulse. In particular, the ancestor of the physical cultivation of one pulse has fallen. Although it is powerful, the inside information is not as good as us, because the ancestor of our soul alliance is still alive! "

In order to let Cui Hao join his own side, whether Zhuge Zhibo or Xia Hou, he said all the benefits, and Zhuge Zhibo had just finished his words. Xia Hou immediately opened his mouth anxiously. On the one hand, he showed off his strength of physical cultivation, on the other hand, he attacked the soul alliance, and repeatedly expressed a meaning, hoping Cui Hao to join!

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