In front of Cui Hao, the best jade, the boat of two friends' friendship for many years directly overturned, and the competition became more and more fierce, just like a posture of tearing it apart. Wang Changsheng was stunned, Cui Hao shrugged and said helplessly, "two predecessors, can I say a word..."

As soon as the words came out, Xia Hou and Zhuge Zhibo, who had just been arguing endlessly, stopped and said in the same voice, "Cui Hao, please speak!..."

At this moment, Cui Hao had a feeling of attention. He coughed softly without nonsense and said directly, "in a million years, I will participate in the world king qualifying. Two predecessors, if any of you have the confidence to help me achieve this step, I will consider joining which force!...."


Hearing the speech, Xia Hou and Zhuge Zhibo were stunned, blinded and shocked!

With their strength, they naturally know what the world Master qualifying is and how difficult it is to join. Cui Hao will join in a million years. Isn't it necessary to have the strength of the world Master level in a million years?

They looked at each other and looked at each other speechless, because they thought Cui Hao was dreaming, millions of years, how could it be? Although they know that Cui Hao now has the strength almost comparable to the five-star superior God, it is too difficult to improve at every level, especially after stepping into the seven-star superior God, it is extremely difficult to improve every point, whether it is the mysterious understanding of the divine power, the improvement of the body and the improvement of the soul, let alone the impact on the world leader in one breath for millions of years!

Lord, at least you should have the strength comparable to the nine star superior God!

With a bitter smile, Zhuge Zhibo said after pondering "Cui Hao, it's really hard! Lord Xia and I are just as strong as the eight star superior God. It's enough to crush the ordinary Lord of the divine city. However, in front of any lord, they will be killed every minute! You still don't understand the horror of the nine star superior God! They are only one step away from becoming a great and full superior God. How "The horror of death?"

Nodding, Xia Hou said helplessly, "yes! It's too difficult! If you join our body to repair a pulse, your strength will advance by leaps and bounds. I'm sure you have to participate in the world leader qualifying competition to become the world leader... There's almost no possibility!"

For Cui Hao, their repeated attacks are absolutely a kind of ruthless cold water. However, Cui Hao is not discouraged. He has his own confidence! Chaos determination, ten thousand fire immortal Dharma body, chaotic soul, wisdom crown, fuzzy martial words and small tripod all give him a certain confidence.

Perhaps, this is impossible for others, but I still have a certain opportunity!

So Cui Hao thought for a moment and asked a question, "two elders, have you heard of xuehuang world leader? I want to know something about her! In addition, to be honest, the reason why I want to become world leader for millions of years is for her. I want to capture her. One of my lovers is her separated soul. I want to find her!"

"You're crazy!..."

As soon as Cui Hao said this, Xia Hou and Zhuge Zhibo almost shouted with one voice. It seemed that it was incredible!

His face became very dignified, said Zhuge Zhibo "Cui Hao, are you sure you're kidding? Xuehuang, the leader of the world, is ranked more than 100! 1008 leaders of the world, she is definitely the top group. Her strength is comparable to that of the great perfection God! Moreover, her father, her only relative, is the Phoenix King! Once, the leader of the world before endless years, was even more dominated by blood and soul The first general under my command! Master, this level is not understandable. It is a real invincible existence. The twelve main gods will tremble in front of them! The twelve main gods are just a coincidence. They have obtained the great opportunity of heaven and earth in the Guixu God's possession and refined a main God's personality! Although they are much stronger than the great perfect superior God, they can be in the master's position In front of me, it's weak! However, it was a long time ago. I also inadvertently heard my ancestors of soul alliance mention it once! "

At this point, he took a deep breath and then breathed in a heavy voice "Before the endless years, the immortal and divine world was the world of four masters. These divine cities, 108worlds, were jointly built by them, and each controlled a quarter of the area, that is, the 27th World. Unfortunately, before the endless years, the four masters left, each with one or two capable generals. King Huang left with the master of blood and soul at that time. I don't know Where did they go? Maybe it's a no man's land, maybe it's a more mysterious place. In short, they never came back. Even some gods they left behind no longer absorb the power of faith!... "

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was deeply shocked. He didn't expect that the background of xuehuang world leader was so hard. It was like a cow's fork! Needless to think, her father was the first world leader. Even if he left, he would leave many killer means for him. It's really difficult for him to capture xuehuang world leader!

At this moment, Cui Hao felt a little discouraged. However, his ears remembered Ouyang's parting words of dusk snow. The soft voice was full of infinite love and reluctance. It was very soft, but it deeply hurt his heart and made him almost crazy!

Take a deep breath, Cui Hao's tone is heavy and firm "Two elders, I don't care how strong the xuehuang world leader is! I, Cui Hao, must become the world leader within a million years. I want to participate in the world leader qualifying. I want to prevent her from completely destroying my lover's soul! I don't care what their original and separated bodies are, I, Cui Hao, don't allow it! Now, are you still willing to take me as a disciple and invite me to join your forces?"

When Cui Hao asked, both Xia Hou and Zhuge Zhibo were silent! It was too big for them to make such a big decision on behalf of the organization, even if they were powerful elders, because if Cui Hao insisted on being the enemy of xuehuang world leader, as one of them, neither soul alliance nor physical cultivation could stay out of the matter, and xuehuang world leader was a cold leader A cool and domineering woman is an enemy. I'm afraid it will be a big trouble!

After pondering for a while, Xia Hou said "Well... Cui Hao, you already know the power of xuehuang world leader. Although you are not afraid of her, you have to admit that it is definitely a terrible enemy! If he intends to be an enemy with us, it will certainly hurt us! Moreover, there were several world leaders who had a wide range of contacts and ranked very high in those years. They were all his good friends Friends, if xuehuang world leader invites these antiques, I'm afraid it will escalate the contradiction. At that time, a world shaking war will begin...... "

It seems that Cui Hao still doesn't know enough about the situation, Zhuge Zhibo explained "Before the endless years, the immortal world was formerly the immortal world. Later, a terrorist black hand stole the origin of the immortal world and transformed it into the immortal world. Then, the four masters appeared and developed the immortal world step by step. As for our practitioners, they were all lucky people who survived the drastic changes in the immortal world, and gradually evolved into today's physical cultivation and soul alliance. We have our own choice Our own small world and chassis are not against the river with the well water of the 108th world. Moreover, today's practitioners are actually getting weaker and weaker, because the immortal world is not suitable for our cultivation and survival. Whether it is mysterious magic powers, world rules, etc., it is suitable for the strong gods. If war can be avoided, I think no one is willing to fight, so... About you, I may need to We can't make a decision until we report to our ancestors after their closure

Nodding, Xia Hou was like a defeated Rooster and said helplessly, "if I were alone, even if you wanted to be the enemy with the xuehuang world leader, in a word, even if I couldn't fight, I would work hard for my apprentice! Unfortunately... I still considered the safety of many members of the physical cultivation line, so I can't go my own way."

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