Seeing Qin Xiangxiang, several people were very happy. The middle-aged man patted the lean man on the shoulder and said, "the sunspot shot, everything goes well! Ha ha..... This time we fled to Jiangzhou, but we did a big deal. With the previous payment, 800000 arrived, enough for our brothers to spend some time, good, good!"

Looking at the soft Qin Xiangxiang, two of the younger brothers winked at each other and looked ill intentioned. Their appearance was seen by the thin man, and the other frowned "It seems that this woman is not simple. The person around her is the younger brother of Lord Hong, the king of Jiangzhou. We have made this order and must leave immediately. No matter what boss Qin does to her, it's best for us not to touch her! She is a thorny rose, which is easy to hurt ourselves. Do you think so?"

Although he was reluctant, the sunspot obviously had great prestige. Everyone nodded. Then, surrounded by the sunspot, he picked up Qin Xiangxiang and walked towards a better room in the garage.


At this time, the door of the room suddenly opened, and Qin Shousheng with a gloomy sneer came out. He looked very tired. However, his congested eyes had a crazy feeling, emitting a vicious light, and looked at each other. Even those younger brothers who were used to licking blood with the knife edge could not help shaking their hearts and felt the horror of this person.

"You, throw her to the ground and find me a basin of water. I want my sister to wake up!" Qin Shousheng ordered with a cold smile.

Sunspot was stunned. He didn't expect boss Qin to treat his own sister like this, but he was the gold Lord. Naturally, he didn't dare not obey his orders. Therefore, he obediently put Qin Xiangxiang on the ground and made a color towards a little brother next to him. The other party was a machine policeman. Soon, he brought a bucket of water and gave it to Qin Shousheng.

With a crazy smile on his face, Qin Shousheng smiled and poured a bucket of water directly on Qin Xiangxiang! On some cold nights, the biting cold water suddenly stimulated Qin Xiangxiang, making her wake up from her coma and open her eyes.

"Ah! Where is this? What do you want to do? Brother, what do you want to do? Why did you catch me?" exclaimed Qin Xiangxiang, shrinking into a ball and shaking constantly.

At the moment, Qin Xiangxiang's heart was very cold. He didn't expect his brother to wake himself up with a bucket of cold water. Moreover, looking at this posture, he seemed to have to do more things to himself. Seeing Qin Xiangxiang wake up and see her panic and tremble, Qin Shousheng enjoyed it very much. He didn't do anything to her immediately, but stared at her, revealing a kind of cruelty An incomparable smile.

"My good sister, we have met again, but this time there is no thing that hinders you, and I can do anything to you! Yes, anything! You know, since my father completely handed over the future of Miley international to you, I want to dare you! You know, this is what I want to do most in my heart!" Qin Shousheng's hoarse voice and beast like roar are full of endless hatred.

Seeing Qin Shousheng's expression, Qin Xiangxiang was shocked and trembled in her heart. She said in an incredible language, "what did you just say? Are you still human? You are an animal! An animal!"

"Hahaha... My dear sister, thank you for your praise. I like your name for me very much. In return, don't worry, I will be very attentive! You've never made a boyfriend, and you should still be a..... Hahaha... If that's true, it's great. It's best for you to be pregnant with our child this time. Think about it, if it's true In that case, isn't it a perfect ending? "He laughed. Qin Shousheng was crazy at the moment, with a sense of hysteria.

Hearing his crazy laughter, Qin Xiangxiang felt cold and completely cold. Although she was very disappointed with her brother, she never thought that he would treat herself like this. He has lost his humanity! Qin Shousheng's crazy words don't say Qin Xiangxiang, but the thin men who were watching were shocked and showed an unthinkable feeling The expression of discussion. Blood is thicker than water, and there is the entanglement of family affection. Qin Shousheng can treat Qin Xiangxiang like this. This person has completely lost his conscience.

Qi trembled all over. Qin Xiangxiang was going crazy. How could his brother say such words? Was he still alone? At this moment, a figure appeared in Qin Xiangxiang's mind, Cui Hao! How nice it would be if Cui Hao were here at the moment!

Meanwhile, Qin Shou Sheng entered the room and quickly walked out with a camera in his hand and handed it to a short and fat middle-aged man with a Kwai flavor. "Your task has been completed very well. Now, you start recording for me. You have to record every detail and action for me today. It's not bad. After it's done, I'll give you an additional 300000! The balance of 600000 will belong to you!"

Six hundred thousand!

Hearing this, the short and fat man's heart was greatly moved. He was busy. The camera smiled and said, "don't worry, boss Qin. My camera technology is very powerful. I promise to keep a complete record of tonight's events."

"Hahaha... Good! I'm ready to start!" laughed. Qin Shousheng was crazy in his eyes.

Her heart was cold and desperate. At this moment, Qin Xiangxiang locked her body and trembled. She looked crazy in her brother's eyes and watched him take off his coat in a hurry. Suddenly, she felt very cold in her heart. With a bitter smile, Qin Xiangxiang suddenly stood up and rushed to a broken iron machine tool not far away. At the moment, Qin Xiangxiang doesn't want to live anymore. She is ready to die to express her ambition.

Qin Xiangxiang's sudden action suddenly frightened many people. They didn't expect that Qin Xiangxiang was so chaste and would rather die than follow. At the edge of the broken machine tool, on the iron frame, there was a broken steel bar, and the incision was as sharp as the tip of a knife.

With a great determination to die, Qin Xiangxiang closed her eyes and rushed forward. The next moment, she felt that the sharp cut of the broken steel bar would pierce her body and heart

However, she did not feel a sharp pain, but the whole person seemed to fall into a ball of cotton, soft and very warm. Looking up and opening her eyes, Qin Xiangxiang was surprised to find that she was already in Cui Hao's arms. His arms were very warm with a solid feeling. At the moment, Cui Hao looked at Qin Xiangxiang gently, which made her heart beat faster.

Holding Qin Xiangxiang's slender waist with one hand, Cui Hao felt a strange aroma floating into his nose. Cui Hao took a deep breath and pretended to be intoxicated. "The feeling of beauty throwing herself into the arms is really good. President Qin, I'm sorry I'm a little late."

It's late. It's really a little late. Cui Hao can rescue Qin Xiangxiang in advance. However, he deliberately postponed the process in order to let Qin Xiangxiang completely give up his heart.

Holding Qin Xiangxiang, Cui Hao felt her slightly trembling body and said gently, "President Qin, don't worry, there's me!"

At this moment, hearing such gentle words, Qin Xiangxiang was almost drunk. At this moment, he felt that his heart was deeply engraved into a person's shadow, Cui Hao!

Seeing Cui Hao's sudden appearance and holding Qin Xiangxiang at the most critical moment, everyone around was surprised. Qin Shousheng's reaction was more intense. His face changed dramatically and the whole person became more and more crazy. Pointing to Cui Hao, he said, "hurry up, catch him! Who can catch him, I'll add 300000 to you! Hurry up! Catch him!"

Three hundred thousand! This is an extremely tempting huge bait. When a group of younger brothers around heard Qin Shousheng yell so loudly, they were excited, sharpened their hands and surrounded Cui Hao. In their view, Cui Hao is weak alone and has to protect Qin Xiangxiang. It is impossible to compete with everyone.

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