In the vortex of terror, the huge white gold cosmic God's head is withering, and the blood with noble breath is melting into Cui Hao's limbs and bones

This power is really terrible. Cui Hao's body has reached the extreme state and is slowly cracking. Moreover, his chaotic soul contains too many unfathomable things, containing the real truth and constant precipitation. This is a gift from the cosmic God "creation". Perhaps Cui Hao today can't understand it, but when he reaches a certain level, these things will be extremely precious to him!

At this moment, the head of the cosmic God "creation" cracked, and the mud pill palace suddenly burst out a mighty and invincible force, which was extremely strong and injected into Cui Hao's body!


At this moment, it was like a thick pillar of heaven falling from the sky and enveloping Cui Hao. His whole body was full of limbs and bones, and 3000 light spots became more and more dazzling. Especially in Cui Hao's Dantian, in a trance, it seemed as if there was a villain sitting around, puffing and absorbing, which was invincible!

This is the "creation" method of the cosmic God. It contains three thousand roads in one. Guided by the true spirit bred in its own Dantian, it can condense the unparalleled aura and create life! Real life! Moreover, with the help of the crown of wisdom, he endowed these lives with infinite wisdom, so that they were born and existed between heaven and earth, leaving a trace of brand in the fate occasion in the universe!

This means is the real means of creation. The creatures created are not like the creatures in the small world. Their essence is not perfect. They can only exist in their own small world and can not really go out, but can really exist in the universe!

Just like Cui Hao's first prison world, once the creatures of Saiya leave their small world and under the rules of the big universe, they will collapse and turn into nothingness! In essence, they are not really perfect creatures, but bred from the source of Tao in the small world, with various defects.

At this moment, the crown of wisdom, headed by Cui Hao, was shocked, and finally completely absorbed the essence left by the crown of the ancient wisdom king. This is the same origin, without any conflict, and it becomes more substantial and more beautiful.

In an instant, Cui Hao was closely connected with the crown of the king of wisdom. Moreover, he also felt some vague pictures, all of which were created by the cosmic God "creation" using his crown of the king of wisdom, which absolutely shocked Cui Hao, because he saw the famous golden family, dragon head family and many blood lineages in the immortal world, Monstrous beasts have been created!

"Is it true that the origin of the legendary divine beast, super divine beast, was specially created?" shocked, Cui Hao thought so.

At this moment, the crown of wisdom contains infinite light of wisdom, which is as clear as water. Cui Hao gives birth to a kind of enlightenment, which is the light of the origin of wisdom, the most critical thing to create creatures and give wisdom!

At the same time, Cui Hao's body was dazzling, with 3000 light points shining, as if he communicated with a restricted area in his body, from which he obtained a mysterious power! Especially in his Dantian, the fuzzy villain is more and more clear. Sit and absorb! It absorbs the light from the other 2999 light spots, condenses into one, and forms a strong and infinite Aura!

This is the breath of creation!

It will succeed soon!

At this moment, Cui Hao was very excited. The villains in the Dantian were almost solid. It was enough to absorb some of the light transmitted from his limbs and bones!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

At this time, the strange seed, which had been silent in Cui Hao's perfect Xingyu prototype, suddenly vibrated violently, as if a hungry ghost suddenly saw the raw seafood. Suddenly, with a desperate rush, it appeared in Cui Hao's Dantian like a ghost!

"No! Come back and don't destroy it!..."

At this critical moment, Cui Hao was naturally surprised and angry, hurriedly urged the chaotic force in his body to sweep through, and at the same time, issued a call towards this strange seed! He has a close relationship with him. According to Cui Hao, after calling, he should be able to contain it!

Unfortunately, he was completely wrong!

After appearing in Cui Hao's Dantian, this strange seed made a wonderful sound like the sound of nature, as if cheering, and it suddenly sent out a smell of chaos and ignorance, which suddenly pulled the little light man born in Cui Hao's Dantian. Then, it suddenly pulled back, and the powerful power of swallowing erupted!

As for the chaotic force sent by Cui Hao, let alone traction, just touched this strange seed and was directly absorbed by it as if it swallowed delicious food!

"No! Ah! Stop! Stop for me..."

At this moment, Cui Hao's heart was like a drop of blood. The little light man who finally gathered was swallowed by this seed!

In order to condense it, the essence of the great spirit of the great cosmos is exhausted, and it is the brand of the three thousand Avenue in the body. But, finally, the picture is made to be a bridal gown, and it is devoured by the strange seed.

At this moment, Cui Hao had a crazy impulse. He wanted to hold the seed and ask it to spit it out immediately!

"Click! CLICK! CLICK!..."

After swallowing the little light man in Cui Hao's Dantian, this strange seed began to crack. It cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, 2999 bright spots from Cui Hao's limbs and bones were also swallowed by a strong and incomparable force, and all turned into bright brilliance and injected into it.

"Hateful! Hateful! Was it eaten in one pot?"

Cui Hao felt so angry! I paid so much for myself and suffered a lot before. It was not easy for me to brand 3000 roads and create things. I was absorbed in full and cut off the root!

The strange seed ignored Cui Hao's anger. It absorbed these bright light masses, and the cracking speed accelerated a lot. Soon, the seed was completely cracked and germinated! First of all, there was a tender green bud. Then, it quickly absorbed the power of the light mass, grew up and turned into two leaves, followed by three

A moment later, when all the bright light was absorbed, the bud had grown to more than a foot high, and became a small tree. It had a thumb thick and chaotic trunk, emitting an ancient and noble breath, like a dragon. On it, only three strange leaves of emerald swaying slightly, giving people a kind of brilliance, The supreme breath.

These three leaves, one black, one white and one chaotic color, have the taste of one, two, two, three and all things.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

The strange seed turned into a small chaotic tree and made a happy voice. It was more closely connected with Cui Hao, just like a child playing coquetry with his relatives. However, Cui Hao was not happy! The evolution of the crown of the king of wisdom is very smooth, but the mysterious origin brand of the 2999 regiment that he finally branded is gone! What made him more depressed was that the little light man, the most important medium of the whole creation, was swallowed up. He really had the impulse to vomit blood!

Without the infinite power of the cosmic God's head and the precious and extremely strong aura, this inheritance is a failure, and it is a complete failure!

The power of creation is the original creation of the cosmic God. Its strength lies in creating real creatures. With different blood and precious things, combined with the aura and the light of the source of wisdom, different creatures can be born! The birth of every real creature will certainly make it further above the mystery of the world. Moreover, the thoughts and feelings of the created creatures can be absorbed by Cui Hao at any time, integrated and unified to make themselves stronger!

The more developed the ability against the sky, the more terrible it will be. It has been destroyed by strange seeds. Cui Hao really wants to spit blood!

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