As if he felt Cui Hao's mood, uncle chaos sent out a comforting wave. It rattled and shook, and the root system of chaotic color spread rapidly

In an instant, countless chaotic roots surrounded Cui Hao's limbs and bones, sending out a wave with clear meaning, asking Cui Hao to open the "door" and absorb a precious and powerful power for him!

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

Feeling all this, Cui Hao was stunned and inexplicable, but he quickly reacted. Is the door pointed by the chaotic little tree a mysterious place connected in the 1.296 billion acupoints around him?

In the place of inheritance, Cui Hao took the immortal Dharma body of ten thousand fire as the basis, absorbed the body refining skills of many special creatures, constantly changed and became stronger step by step. Finally, the flesh body reached the extreme state of the flesh body and gave birth to the true spirit of the flesh body. However, it only makes the immortal Dharma body of wanhuo have an obvious connection with the 1.296 billion acupoints around the body, but it can't open it and absorb the great power!

Cui Hao has a feeling that he can really open hundreds of millions of acupoints around him and absorb the power of the mysterious place connected with him only by constantly saving and breaking the extreme state of the flesh one day! That is the most noble power of Weian, the truly invincible power!

Can the small chaotic tree break through the gap between acupoints and mysterious places and absorb the power of greatness?

Thinking of this possibility, Cui Hao's heart jumped wildly and was very excited!

At present, Cui Hao did not hesitate to run the immortal Dharma body of ten thousand fire. The dreamy human flame in his body was filled with a wonderful fluctuation. Soon, Cui Hao's whole body and acupoints at a mysterious point were stimulated and opened.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

After perceiving all this, the small chaotic tree sent out a happy cry. The roots with chaotic color immediately curled and spread, differentiated into small roots, and then directly plunged into the mysterious acupoints

At this moment, Cui Hao felt that the chaotic trees were trembling, and the rich chaotic brilliance was blooming. It was constantly passing through the small roots. It was dark, but it was still passing the chaotic brilliance

At one moment, when the little chaotic tree was very dark, it suddenly shook and cheered with great excitement.


1.296 billion tiny chaotic roots wriggled together. Soon, some light as small as Mars was transmitted, all gathered in the trunk of the chaotic tree, and it suddenly burst into hazy light. Suddenly, the breath changed again, mysterious, noble, majestic and unparalleled

"This kind of pure light... It's rare that it's the power contained in the mysterious place?" Cui Hao was very excited with a shock!

The speed of chaotic small tree is very slow, but it is obviously more mysterious and extraordinary.

At this time, the three leaves of the chaotic little tree swayed up. A fluffy and illusory light rushed out, and soon turned into a vague and dreamy shadow. Sitting there, it was like an invincible existence out of the long river of time. The smell was really extraordinary, mysterious, noble, ancient, primitive, ignorant and invincible

The vague shadow fluctuated at the moment and made a connection with Cui Hao. It seemed to be the true spirit bred by the chaotic small tree.

At the moment of contact, Cui Hao was ecstatic! Because he felt that the aura contained in the fuzzy shadow was really too strong. Compared with the previous means of "creation" with the help of the cosmic God, the little light man who finally gathered in Dantian was ten times stronger, no, dozens of times! Moreover, Cui Hao also felt some differences in this aura. It seems that it is a kind of free, truly uninhibited and free and unrestrained supreme breath!

The true spirit of the small chaotic tree contains a special light spot as bright as stars, just like the 1.296 billion acupoints, which makes Cui Hao think of his perfect star domain prototype. It seems that the same is true!

Cui Hao at this time gave birth to a kind of enlightenment. The chaotic little tree absorbed the little light man born in Dantian and changed the strongest inheritance of the cosmic God "creation", becoming more and more extraordinary and mysterious!

The true spirit of the chaotic little tree is very wonderful, which makes Cui Hao instantly understand a lot of things. He knows that it is still in the gestation period. It seems that it needs to absorb a large amount of clear light to truly breed perfection. Now it can not directly help Cui Hao to give birth to creatures. However, it can transfer its inner charm and cultivate several younger brothers!

The message that Qingguang is mysterious and noble, and the true spirit of the chaotic little tree sends to Cui Hao is very clear. Now, Cui Hao's flesh body can't be absorbed. Once forcibly absorbed, it will collapse and destroy. That is the power that can be involved only after the breakthrough of the extreme state of the flesh body!

Although Cui Hao is greedy for Qingguang, he won't be stupid enough to find his own way to death. He began to think about how to find his younger brother for chaotic little tree Zhenling.

Soon, Cui Hao laughed. He thought of Dan Ling and Qi Ling.

These two special spirits were born when he practiced alchemy and weapon refining. They are wonderful and connected with his own soul. They are most suitable!

At that moment, Cui Hao's mind turned, and both the Dan spirit and the tool spirit appeared. They were two vague bodies. One was like a pill, and the other was like a spirit grass, emitting a strange fragrance of pills. The other evolved various forms of knives, guns, halberds, axes, axes, hooks and forks.

I'm also very satisfied with the two younger brothers. The true spirit of the chaotic small tree emits a strong aura, and some light radiates into it. Suddenly, the Dan spirit and the tool spirit begin to change violently, and gradually solidify. A strong aura is filled with, and it's a kind of free, really uninhibited and free spirit!


Cui Hao is very happy to feel all this. Compared with the Xiaoguang people he gathered in the Dantian before, the aura of Danling and Qiling is ten times stronger, and more extraordinary, especially the free breath. Although Cui Hao can't tell what its role is, he feels it's very important!

After all this, the countless roots of the chaotic small tree Zhenling still deeply penetrated into Cui Hao's 1.296 billion acupoints, as if they were one with him. However, its noumenon suddenly flew into Cui Hao's perfect star domain prototype. It was an overbearing collision, which made the six reincarnations that had occupied the center of the star domain prototype suddenly fly out.

It buzzed and vibrated and seemed very angry, but it was obviously afraid of the chaotic small tree, and finally chose the edge area to stop.

After completing all this, the true spirit of the chaotic small tree sends a desire to Cui Hao, that is, he hopes that Cui Hao will pour more chaotic liquid for him. It will fall into a period of recovery and change, and it may take a long time to complete a crucial transformation!

Cui Hao was shocked when he saw that the chaotic tree suddenly bumped into the six reincarnations! These six samsaras, according to the saying of Wanjie Tianzhu, it is suspected that its owner, the supreme being who created the chaotic formula, is also afraid of the chaotic tree?

What does it exist?

At this moment, Cui Hao was shocked!

The clear light of that mysterious place is mysterious and terrible. Even if you are in the extreme state of your physical body, you can't refine it at all. Once you absorb it, your physical body will collapse and destroy. However, the chaotic small tree is regarded as a good nutrition, which is very extraordinary!

At this time, Cui Hao thought of a word from the emperor ti. He once said that the birth power of creatures is urged by Dantian. This is the method of urging creatures! Dantian is a small universe, not a complete individual, but a real universe!

Only the most perfect son of chaos is qualified to open the physical universe. Cui Hao thought that the practice of absorbing mysterious light like the real spirit of the chaotic tree is actually equivalent to opening up his own physical universe in advance.

This, naturally, is a hundred times stronger than the aura condensed by the three thousand Avenue. If you speculate in this way, isn't your creative energy more mysterious and extraordinary than the cosmic God "creation"?

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