As promised, the strange man really made a soul oath. Then, he lay in the black marsh, the cracked body of endless years, sat up slowly, and the white single corner on his head flashed a light. Suddenly, a dark and deep soul rushed towards the white body!

At this time, Meimei is speechless. She still shakes her head sadly and wants to stop Bai Ziyou's suicidal behavior, but Bai Ziyou has a free and easy face and really looks back at death!

The strange man coveted white, and he actually understood the mystery of time and wanted to take it away, but he didn't do it. Naturally, it's not because of the injury that he needs to heal. With its strength, even if it is injured, it can turn over clouds and rain. Isn't it easy to clean up white freedom and beauty? However, if Bai Zizi doesn't fully cooperate, resist and give up, it will become extremely dangerous. Moreover, the other party will feel the mystery of the world. Who knows what special situation will there be?

The best way for strange people to think of is to wait. When Meimei and the fetus are dying, Bai Ziyou's spiritual defense line will be broken. At that time, the success rate of winning and giving up is naturally the highest! It is for this reason that he tortured them

"Enough! It's worth it!"

Ignoring the dark and deep soul, Bai Ziyou looked at Meimei in his arms, his eyes were in a trance, and the scenes with Meimei in his mind flashed in an instant!

Love, really satisfied!

At this moment, Bai Zizi's face was quiet and indifferent, and a great satisfaction and an ethereal and detached state of mind arose spontaneously. Unexpectedly, there was a feeling of great happiness lingering in his mind!


In this quiet state of great freedom and great satisfaction, the spirit of Bai Ziyou suddenly shocked. At this moment, it suddenly underwent some strange and incomparable transformation! Originally, the fog like spirit made a hissing sound, like a qualitative change. It was concentrating and rapidly concentrating. At the same time, it became ethereal. Pieces of magical time fragments were born and lingered around it!

Such a change, that is, Bai Zizi didn't think of it. He was ready to be taken away, but his divine soul suddenly degenerated and became the real soul of time?

Not only that, the soul is ethereal, but it sends out a special and incomparable ripple. At the same time, a strange time fragment that doesn't know where it comes from is flying, mysterious and noble, born in Bai Ziyou's body!

"Great! Meimei may be saved! With the power of the origin of time and its integration, Meimei may be able to recover Shouyuan! I have become the body of time and it is not difficult to escape!"

At this moment, Bai Ziyou was overjoyed. He felt that there was no way out and there was another village!

If it wasn't forced, how could Bai Zizi give the decision to that freak? First of all, whether the other party can save Meimei and her children is still uncertain. Even if it can, what should we do if they repent after they cooperate with the seizure? Therefore, after he found that he would have a chance, he immediately made a decision to escape with Meimei and use some of the time source power of the birth of the body to help Meimei!

After obtaining many soul memories of the beast of time, Bai Zizi was too aware of the precious power of the source of time born at the moment, but he just used the general to transform himself in an instant, making himself completely nothingness, and the rest was general, and he did not hesitate to guide and inject into the beauty body

"Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

At this moment, Bai Zizi was ethereal, but there was a faint outline, emitting a kind of misty color light, which suddenly collided with the strange man's dark and deep soul!

There was a feeling of hitting a stone with an egg. The dark and deep soul suddenly burst and screamed. Although it healed quickly, it was ten times weaker. Gradually, it suddenly returned to the white corner!


In an instant, the strange man coughed up blood, trembled and made a sound of pain!

Just at that moment, his soul suffered a terrible blow of color light and almost collapsed!

"Little beast! Dare to shade me? I'll tear you up!...." roared angrily. The strange man suddenly threw his palm, and his heart was incomparable. Suddenly, a strange leaf broke, and dense milky white air impacted. In an instant, the whole void solidified, like a steel plate in an instant!

Strange people have to do this. Time is the most mysterious and extraordinary. As long as Bai Ziyou is given another moment of time, he can escape with Meimei!


The ethereal Bai Ziyou is holding Meimei and is about to escape into the time tunnel. This void upheaval immediately makes his action very difficult.

Fortunately, he is the body of time at the moment. Holding beauty, he also fell into a wonderful realm, as if he were in another time and space. There is no need to worry about being attacked by strange people.

"Meimei, hold on! Hold on!..."

The void was solidified, and there was no hope of escaping temporarily. Bai Zizi began to inject the power of the source of time into Meimei at full speed, trying to make her make up for Shouyuan. However, Meimei just learned a little and stopped immediately. Instead, she guided them all into her belly, the little guy who thought about it day and night!

At this moment, the merciful light of maternal love was completely reflected in Meimei. She gave up the only chance and wanted to continue the life of the dying fetus!

"No! Meimei, no!......" Bai Ziyou was in pain, but he couldn't stop it.

"Freedom, little fish, is our hope and crystallization. I want him to survive! I'm sorry......" the soft, beautiful and sorry answer.

At the moment, in the special void, Bai Zizi has already burst into tears, chagrin, anger, sadness, moved, and really mixed.

"Little beast, don't think I can't help you if you are temporarily trapped in a special time and space. This state consumes energy. When you lack energy, I'll tear you up! No, I'll tear up the woman and her children first!..." roared, and the strange man's eyes shone ferocious light!

After suffering from the strange man for thousands of years, Bai Zizi smells his words and wants to cut the strange man thousands of times. However, he knows that this can only be his own delusion. He spends all his time on Meimei and is too lazy to pay attention to the strange man.

"Feel free, i... I really can't. I feel that life will soon come to an end. After I die, you cut my stomach, and our little fish were injected with that light by me. The fluctuation of life is much stronger! We must let the child survive, please......" Meimei told me, dying.

"Meimei... Don't talk nonsense! Don't you talk nonsense!..." tears poured out. Bai Ziyou was very sad.

The power to solidify the void is weakening. However, Bai Zizi finds it difficult to persist for too long. He does not hesitate to run the time taboo secret method and wants to persist for longer! Only when the power to solidify the void dissipates can you have a chance!

At the same time, outside the mud plow black marsh, an awning boat appeared. Inside, Cui Hao stood with his head held high, and the stone fell on his shoulder.


At the moment of appearing here, Cui Hao subconsciously released his chaotic soul perception, which immediately filled the range of 30 million miles

"No! The breath of beauty... Is going to disappear? Terrible!..."

In Cui Hao's perception of him, he felt the breath of Xiaoqi, Ruilin and Xiaohui at the same time. In another area far away from them, his daughter Meimei could hardly feel the breath, and the connection between blood and blood was weak, which was about to disappear!

His face changed greatly. Cui Hao couldn't care to meet Xiaohui first and tried his best to urge Zhibao to "the other side". Suddenly, he burst out a terrible breath, just like a blink, and rushed directly into the mud plow and black marsh! Because of the relationship between father and daughter, even if Meimei is weak and dying at the moment, Cui Hao can still feel his breath. Taking this as a guide, Zhibao "the other side" rushes to the other side at a fast and chaotic speed!

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