In the mud plow black marsh, a blur shadow is too fast and arrogant to impact. What twisted void, smashed, what terrible black marsh, smashed, too fast. It's not too fast to describe with a blink. It's going straight to its deepest impact!

This vague shadow is naturally the "other side" of the treasure. It broke through all obstacles and approached the core area of the mud plow black marsh with an incredible speed. Cui Hao looked worried and nervous.

"Huh? No! There's an enemy coming!"

In the core area of the mud plow and the black marsh, the strange man's face was very dignified. He sensed the amazing impact speed of the "other side" of the treasure, and the means such as reversing the change in the void were completely useless. The other party seemed to lock himself here and came straight!

"Damn it!..." roared angrily. The strange man had an impulse to kill wantonly!

Originally, this thing should be very smooth, but I didn't expect such twists and turns. Now the incoming enemy must be very strong! However, he will not spit out the fat in his mouth right away!

At this time, the beauty lying in Bai Ziyou's arms suddenly brightened her eyes, as if it were a reflection, and her voice was clear. "Great! Ziyou! My father, I feel my father's breath, approaching, our little fish, may be saved!"

She has already run out of lights. She is struggling with her will and knows that there is no hope of survival. However, Meimei is naturally happy to see her father before she dies!

Hearing the speech, Bai Zizi was stunned, and his eyes also showed expectation!


Almost after seven breaths of dialogue between Meimei and Bai Zizi, the void suddenly collapsed, and an awning boat arrogantly rolled over the void. Inside, a figure suddenly flew out, and there was a strange golden stone on his shoulder. It was Cui Hao!

"Hmm? Meimei..."

Flying out of the "other shore" of the treasure, Cui Hao saw the beauty embraced by the illusory white freedom, the dying old breath and a big belly. Their state was very strange. They didn't seem to be in this void and were in a long river of time.

Later, Cui Hao noticed that the void here was extremely condensed, and the dark freak was swallowing snakes and sucking the black marsh, staring at Cui Hao fiercely.

"Who are you? These two little beasts are my prey, friend, please leave!" the frightened opening, and the dark freak threatened.


Seeing Meimei like this, Cui Hao was very angry. Hearing this, his lungs were almost burst!

Cui Hao knew that if he didn't kill this very weak freak, it would be a lot of trouble to save his daughter, so he broke out at the first time! Meimei's situation is too dangerous. He must solve the battle as soon as possible!


The solid void exploded and collapsed, and Cui Hao's body had disappeared without a trace. The next moment, he appeared in front of the dark freak with anger on his face and hit him directly!

At this moment, Cui Hao tried his best!

"Not good! So fast!..."

Cui Hao's fist was as solemn as a mountain, with a sense of boundless massiness, which greatly changed the dark freak's face and burst out with a low roar!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The terrible breath was filled with, and Bai Zizi was shocked, because the battle scene in front of him was too terrible, right?

Cui Hao was so powerful that he smashed the magic stone. In a flash, Cui Hao severely injured the dark monster. At the same time, he threw out the cause and effect cage to kill the enemy.

"Ah! How can you show the mystery of cause and effect? Who... Are you?" the dark freak screamed and was terrified.

His eyes were extremely cold. Cui Hao naturally wouldn't answer him, but erupted more fiercely. Under his strong combat effectiveness, the dark freak was beaten and screamed continuously. Finally, the cause and effect cage destroyed his soul and collapsed with a blow from Cui Hao!

The dark Freak is very special. My soul was entangled in the cage of cause and effect and collapsed. But there was a completely independent soul in the white corner. Suddenly, a dark and deep soul quickly escaped and wanted to escape into the black swamp.

"Want to escape? Die for me!..."

Although the dark and deep soul was strange and erratic, Cui Hao used his soul secret method to catch him soon.

"You can't kill me! You can't kill me! My adoptive father is not someone you can provoke! If you kill me, my adoptive father will feel... Ah!"

This life soul of the strange man is shouting, but Cui Hao doesn't talk nonsense with him at all. He pinches coldly!


With Cui Hao's current means, the soul of this life was easily destroyed!

"Woo woo woo..."

At this moment, the whole mud plow black marsh sent out a wail in vain, and the black marsh beat violently, as if playing a burial song for the fall of the dark freak.

Without paying attention to these, after pinching and exploding the last life soul of the dark freak, Cui Hao dodged and came to the vicinity of Bai Zihe and Meimei. Cui Hao didn't know what they were in at the moment, but he could see that it should involve the mystery of time.

"Good... Great!..."

Stunned, seeing Cui Hao blow up the dark freak with three fists and two legs, Bai Ziyou was almost stunned. Is this too fierce? Is this young super strong man Meimei's father-in-law?

Worried and nervous, Cui Hao hurriedly shouted, "Meimei, how are you? Boy, who are you? Put Meimei down and I'll save her!"

Hearing the speech, Bai Zizi reacted. He hurriedly ran with mysterious time and appeared in front of Cui Hao.

"I... I'm Meimei's husband... Her longevity is exhausted..." Bai Ziyou was very nervous and incoherent.

With a slight frown on his brow, Cui Hao glanced at Meimei and immediately began to help Meimei with treatment.

On the spot, Cui Hao operated the perspective eye and injected the golden light into Meimei's body. Her state was better. Then, Cui Hao took out many rare spiritual fruits and elixirs, but Meimei had no effect after taking them.

His face is very embarrassed. In fact, after understanding the strongest means of creation of the cosmic God "creation", Cui Hao has already reached an incredible level in life, Shouyuan and wisdom. At the first sight of Meimei, he knows that his daughter is really exhausted, Shouyuan has reached the limit, and life can no longer continue!

This is the end of life, just like the cycle of yin and Yang and the rotation of life and death.

However, Cui Hao is not too sad. All life falls will be left by the true spirit. Although most of the weak ones soon disappear, many still start their rebirth by reincarnation, and Cui Hao has the ability to reincarnate his true spirit and restore the memory of his previous life again!

The injection of perspective golden light made Meimei's dying state much better, and she said happily "Father, I'm really happy to see you before my daughter dies! I'm comfortable. I'm my husband. We've experienced a lot together. I also have a child in my stomach. His name is Bai Xiaoyu. I hope my father can take good care of him for me! I can't bear it. I want to see the child, but I really can't hold on!..."

With convulsive heartache in her heart, looking at Meimei, Cui Hao remembered her first meeting with her daughter. At that time, she was very young. She suffered terrible pain because her enemy wanted to harm herself. She must have suffered a lot since she left for more than 60000 years!

I'm sorry, Meimei said, "father, uncle Tang Xiao, in order to save me, he was killed by Lei Peng and the old black devil. You're stronger now. You want to avenge him!"

Nodding and looking at Meimei, who may leave at any time, Cui Hao is deeply distressed and has killing intention in his eyes!

Brother Tang Xiao was killed to save Meimei? Revenge! Revenge!

It's very gentle. Cui Hao waves her hand as she injects the golden light into Meimei's belly. A rich and fresh aura appears, as if it were the source of all things. Suddenly, it was put into the fetus in her belly!

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