Meng Ying arrived with a group of police like wolves. They soon escorted many criminals to the police one by one, and Qin Shousheng was taken away together, because he really let Qin Xiangxiang despair this time. Qin Xiangxiang has made up his mind to let his vicious and crazy BROTHER spend his remaining life in prison. Because Qin Xiangxiang was the victim this time, she had to go to the police station to take notes. After so many thrilling scenes, Qin Xiangxiang was very nervous and had to go with Cui Hao. However, Cui Hao had to agree. Like the previous rescue of the twin sisters, Cui Hao expressed his position and didn't want to be famous. Therefore, such a huge credit fell on Meng Ying and the police again, which made the beautiful police flower very happy and embarrassed. It's not the first time he has received such a huge gift from Cui Hao.

Twenty minutes later, the police car roared, and Cui Hao accompanied Qin Xiangxiang to the police station.

This time it was too big. Although it was three o'clock in the morning, some big men in the police station were almost shocked. They came to Cui Hao for the first time. They all chose acquiescence in Cui Hao's affairs. He let it out for nothing, and these big men were naturally happy to accept it. Therefore, a press conference was released overnight, announcing that the police station, led by Meng Ying, a beautiful police flower, once again cracked a major case and arrested seven murderous fugitives. These people are recidivists. Everyone has several life lawsuits. The success of this arrest is naturally a great credit and honor.

Because of Qin Xiangxiang's request and her special identity, the sentencing of Qin Shousheng was carried out secretly. When the public knew nothing, it was carried out quietly, and this series of things were naturally completed by a group of leaders of the police station. Cui Hao gave them such a great credit. Everyone will receive awards, and many can even be promoted, They are naturally willing to give some convenience.

This time things also played a great sensation, and Meng Ying, a beautiful police flower, once again entered the public's view. For a moment, all kinds of praise floated like snowflakes. Even a director had taken a fancy to Meng Ying's deeds and took advantage of this momentum to start shooting a film "beauty police flower vs. bandits". Although the film of this style has insufficient details, it is very in line with the current public's taste. Once the news and film flowers came out, they triggered a hot discussion. For a moment, there was a heated discussion about Meng Ying, a beautiful police flower, on the Internet.

She didn't know that she was angry again. Late at night, Meng Ying helped Qin Xiangxiang deal with the notes, so she overcame all difficulties and asked for a two-day holiday. She returned to the villa with Cui Hao and Qin Xiangxiang.

"You... Why do you live in Cui Shao's villa? What's the matter, Xiangxiang?" Meng Ying asked in the car, her face was not very good-looking.

A woman's sixth sense is always sharp. She vaguely feels that Qin Xiangxiang's eyes on Cui Hao are somewhat different, especially when she knows that they actually live together, so she can't help thinking.

His face was slightly red, and Qin Xiangxiang hurriedly explained "Meng Ying, don't think about it. It's not what you think. When I was threatened by my brother, Lord Hong's people couldn't protect me completely, so I thought of Cui Shao. I knew he was a Wulin expert and I was his life-saving benefactor, so I shamelessly came to stay for a few days and took refuge. Now my brother has been sent to prison and I'm here for a few days Will leave. "

Seeing that Meng Ying seems to have misunderstood, Qin Xiangxiang explains in a hurry. However, she suddenly reacts, mumbles and says, "Meng Ying, are you a little policewoman? Are you Cui Shao's girlfriend? Why are you questioning me? Say, do you have some ideas about other Cui Shao?"

Qin Xiangxiang asked back, but Meng Ying blushed for a moment and secretly glanced at Cui Hao driving. Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was also a little embarrassed. He coughed twice and pretended not to hear. Although he and Meng Ying were close, in fact, both sides had some feelings for each other, but they had not pierced the layer of window paper. The most important thing is the twin sisters Hua has got ahead of Meng Ying. Cui Hao is a little tangled in his heart. He doesn't know how to face up to the relationship between himself and Meng Ying for a moment. Simply, this guy began to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

It was nearly four o'clock when he came to the villa. After Cui Hao arranged Meng Ying and Qin Xiangxiang to sleep, he washed his face and practiced Zhenwu Dang magic boxing in the bedroom. Then, he used the golden light of perspective eyes to illuminate his whole body. For a time, he was in good spirits without a trace of fatigue and refreshed. This was an unexpected discovery. Cui Hao found a perspective again Because Meng Ying and Qin Xiangxiang were both there, Cui Hao cooked a rare breakfast.

Because he was an orphan since childhood, Cui Hao was very independent. He learned to cook when he was young, and the taste was good.

When Cui Hao knocked on the door to wake up Meng Ying and Qin Xiangxiang and brought their breakfast to them, the two beauties were pleasantly surprised. Their hearts were warm. They looked at Cui Hao differently. In particular, Meng Ying's eyes were affectionate, which made Cui Hao feel uncomfortable. If there was no such thing as having a relationship with twins and sisters, Cui Hao could be magnanimous, but, At the moment, his eyes evade and his heart cries bitterly. What can he do?

Because they were too sleepy, the two beauties went to bed after breakfast. At this time, the doorbell rang. If Xiao Lei came in a rage, he would go to the gambling contest with Cui Hao.

"Brother Hao, you are so skillful that you met mayor Duan, and he respected you very much. We went through a series of procedures for opening a jewelry store quickly, which is a green light all the way! Moreover, mayor Duan also said hello to some people. The location of our jewelry store has changed. It is a busy area in the city. Moreover, all the three storey shops have been destroyed I'm really excited to win it! With such a great momentum, such a good location, and your name and means, brother Hao, our business will be booming! Hahaha... "Just saw Cui Hao, Ruo Xiaolei began to talk endlessly.

Cui Hao was not surprised by this situation. Duan Guorong thanked himself for saving his grandson. Moreover, he also wanted to ask himself to go to miaojiang to save his son as soon as possible. Naturally, he was concerned about his own affairs. It's nothing for him to give all kinds of concessions to the best shops and the best lots. He doesn't even need to handle it by himself. As long as he reveals a trace of meaning, naturally someone will handle it. This is the advantage of holding great power.

"OK, I see. Let's go to Jiangzhou for business!" nodded, and Cui Hao responded.

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!..."

Just when they were ready to get up and leave, the doorbell rang. Cui Hao opened the door and came in with a Kawaii dress up. A beautiful girl with huge breasts and childlike looks came in. She was cute and charming, with a feeling of purity. Who was it, not little Laurie Tang Qianqian?

Seeing that Tang Qianqian and Cui Hao had some accidents, he couldn't help asking, "Qianqian, haven't you been busy with the party recently? Why are you free to come to me today?"

After spitting out his tongue, Tang Qianqian happily hugged Cui Hao and said "Brother Hao, I miss you, but I can't? Of course, I want to ask you for a favor in addition to this. I heard you're going to open a large jewelry store? Managers must be very scarce. I wonder if you can consider some elites who are about to graduate from Jiangzhou university? Our student union is also busy giving to the seniors who graduate recently Looking for a job, good enterprises need work experience, etc. even if there are many Tang enterprises, there are some dead regulations. I can't introduce them to join in a large number, so I think of you. "

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao smiled, "little girl, your brother Hao, I'm a poor man and don't have much money. You let the elite of your school come to my jewelry store. At first, I can only give a salary of 5000 or 6000. Of course, when the jewelry store develops well in the future, I will give them a high salary."

"Wow! Brother Hao, five or six thousand, that's good! The task given to me by the student union this time is 100 people. Why don't you eat all the quota directly? Your jewelry store needs management, administration, sales and other departments. 100 people are easy to digest, okay..." said Tang Qianqian with surprise.

Without immediately answering Tang Qianqian, Cui Hao looks at Ruo Xiaolei, because he and Hai Rui are all busy with the business of the jewelry store. He is basically a shopkeeper. Seeing Cui Hao ask himself, Ruo Xiaolei thinks for a moment "We can recruit a hundred, but boss, in this case, we will be full. The salary issued every month is not cheap, so you have to resist. Jiangzhou university is very good. We can recruit some graduates, which is aggressive. This thing should be done as soon as possible, because the graduates are also good and bad. Since we want to recruit, we naturally have to choose top students."

Nodding, Cui Hao agreed with the proposal. He thought, "I'll be responsible for the enrollment this time."

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