Wang Changsheng obviously has a lot of research on gambling stones, which can be seen from his second place. After paying attention to him for a while, Cui Hao began to choose stones again. With his hands on his back, Cui Hao strolled around the huge exhibition hall. With his perspective eyes open, there was nowhere to hide the original stones. There was no doubt that they leaked in front of him. He soon saw 70 or 80 original stones, of which only five or six had jadeite, and none of them were very good in color. One of them was good, but it was too small, and the water head was obviously insufficient, It's worth hundreds of thousands at most.

The huge LCD screen shows everything in the huge exhibition hall. The behavior of these 100 stone gamblers has been seen by countless people, even by TV live broadcast and network live broadcast, which has been seen by more people. Among this group of people, Cui Hao's leisurely and casual nature has attracted the attention of countless people. Others are seriously observing the original stones, taking out a magnifying glass to observe the texture carefully. Some even turn around the original stones, watch their shape, rub their materials with their hands, etc. but Cui Hao just walks around and sweeps all the original stones.

killer! Great master!

Seeing Cui Hao's gesture, many people secretly praised him. Indeed, he is worthy of being a treasure foreman and a master gambler. He can choose raw stones so easily and freely. In the VIP room, Tang Qianqian, a little Laurie, was obsessed. She put her hands on her chest and said excitedly, "how handsome! Xiao Lei, have you seen that brother Hao's posture is really handsome! How stylish and man! How handsome! Hey, why are you stunned? Why do you have a nosebleed?"

Cheering, Tang Qianqian, the little Laurie, jumped up, unaware of how lethal the tremor in his chest was. The floating of the vibration had shocked Ruo Xiaolei and shed nosebleed. Hearing little Lori's inquiry, if Xiao Lei smiles in a hurry and embarrassment, wipes off his nose blood with a paper towel and laughs, "that's natural. He's my boss. I bet the king of Jiangzhou gambling at this gambling meeting must belong to the boss! Liu Feng and Wang Changsheng are not opponents at all!"

He was very satisfied with Ruo Xiaolei's words. Tang Qianqian said with a smile, "that's nature. Is the person valued by my baby ordinary people?"

Walking at will, Cui Hao has seen more than 100 original stones. Although some of them are barely good, he is still dissatisfied. There are too many waste stones in these more than 100 original stones, which makes him sigh that the Huaxia jade trade union has really made a lot of money this time! One hundred people, one billion, took out such a ragged 500 pieces of raw stones and knocked them out. Moreover, 400 of them are directly waste stones. This is the most profitable business in the world. Sure enough, relying on the big tree of the country is really good and can earn a lot of wealth.

"Hmm? This Liu Feng..."

When Cui Hao walked to a corner area, he saw a figure in front of him. It was Liu Feng! At the moment, he took an oval stone in his hand, looked at it carefully, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said to the beautiful waiter next to him, "this is the original stone No. 73. Go and cut him for me!"

Displaying his perspective, Cui Hao looked at the original stone from a distance. Suddenly, layers of stone skin on its surface quickly cracked, and gradually revealed an egg sized, glossy and superior jade. This jade is better than the several pieces Cui Hao had seen before. It is considered to be superior jade in terms of luster, color, water head, etc. The only defect is that it shows several dark black, which makes the whole jade lose some color. However, it is very good. At least it can be worth two or three million!

With a slight frown on his brow, Cui Hao had no words. He didn't expect that Liu Feng was so lucky. Among the many original stones, this original stone is already a top-grade product. At the moment, Liu Feng also noticed Cui Hao. He smiled provocatively at him and motioned his middle finger with a touch of complacency on his face. This smile implies a sense of pride and success.

Originally, there was no doubt that there was him. Cui Hao thought that Liu Feng must have found a good original stone with his gambling skills. However, at the moment, he had some other ideas in his heart. Mingming hasn't had a competition yet. Mingming knows that his gambling skills are superb. Liu Feng dares to be so arrogant. What's his reason? Is there something fishy in it?

Although Cui Hao had such an idea in his heart, he could only think about it secretly. He didn't have any evidence to prove it. In fact, Cui Hao guessed right this time. For the title of the king of gambling stone this time, Liu Fengzhen took great pains, consumed a lot of money and paid a lot of costs. Finally, he exchanged the help of a big man. Therefore, with the reference of some old guys who really study gambling stone, he had some early predictions about some original stones. Everything was carried out in secret. Liu Feng paid a huge price, and this is where his confidence lies.

In fact, in terms of gambling skills and abilities, Liu Feng is weaker than Ruolin, but he is confident with advanced reference and some opinions.

Liu Feng knew that it was the attention of the public at the moment. He smiled and walked towards Cui Hao. He proudly said, "Cui Shao, don't forget the bet between us! This time, if I win, you should call me Grandpa Liu in public and publicly admit advice! Hahaha... I'm looking forward to seeing you admit advice!"

Seeing this guy's face, Cui Hao was very unhappy, but the guess became more and more determined. But even so, Cui Hao is not afraid of each other. What if he has some people secretly helping him? He has opened his perspective eyes, and any gambling stone can't escape his eyes. Are you still afraid of you?

Since Liu Feng deliberately made a big deal about the gambling appointment, Cui Hao simply followed his heart and said with a cold smile, "Liu Shao, what you really should worry about is you. If you lose, don't forget your promise. Also, call me Grandpa Cui! I'm looking forward to your advice!"

When people meet their confidants, they have a thousand cups less and talk less. They sneer at each other and separate from each other.

The two people were separated, but the scenes and words between them were very clear. They were seen by countless people through the camera. Suddenly, it caused a lot of waves, and many viewers were very excited. Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected harvest! This gambling meeting is really expected.

At the moment, not only did Liu Feng choose his own original stone, but about 20 or 30 people had a choice. However, without a good goal, Cui Hao was still looking for the best original stone when he wanted to find it!

Twenty or thirty pieces were transported to the grandstand. At the moment, Wang Ford had already waited there and began his hosting with great passion.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to announce the official start of the gambling stone competition! The first level is the most important level. We will directly eliminate 90 contestants and directly select the top 10! Who can be proud of the experts? Next, let's wipe out the eyes! In front of me are the original stones selected by some contestants. Are you looking forward to it? Next, listen to my command and start Xie Shi! "Holding the microphone in his hand, Wang Ford roared with great passion.

Originally, many viewers looked forward to it. Most of them cheered because they were incited by Wang Ford with a telescope because they were far away.


"King of gambling in Jiangzhou, what a expectation! Hope is my goddess Ruolin!"

"Shit, that's my goddess. You don't deserve it!"

"Nonsense, this time the king of gambling stones must belong to Liu Shao. I heard that he is the crown prince Party of the imperial capital. How nice if people could be valued by him and become his girlfriend?"

"No, I'm more optimistic about Cui Hao. He's so leisurely and complacent. He must win!"

"I'm more optimistic about Wang Changsheng. This Taoist must have won the powerful inheritance of our Chinese Taoists. It's extraordinary!"

On the grandstand, the original stones began to be untied in public, and all kinds of comments filled the whole venue.

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