With this saying, the scholar made a solemn worship in the air, and the void opened. A long sword burst into wisdom. It appeared in his palm. It was an ancient and simple long sword. The sword was divided into two sides, with some mysterious patterns engraved on one side and Oracle Bone characters on the other. The handle was a phoenix head, and the long sword jaw was branded with the pictures of flowers, birds, fish and insects, farming and animal husbandry, Full of integrity, courage, wisdom and beauty.

Seeing the sword, Cui Hao said, "yes! You have the essence of Confucianism! Condense the sword with great ambition, admire! Admire!..."

Hearing Cui Hao's words, the scholar was surprised and said, "it's hard to meet a bosom friend. It's hard to meet a bosom friend. I didn't expect you to see the mystery of My humane sword at a glance! Your strength must have reached an unfathomable level! I'm more looking forward to what benefits I would get if I could devour you!"

Holding this extraordinary humane sword, the scholar swore and sang, "roaring up to the sky, swallowing mountains and rivers! I want to draw my sword to rush into the clouds, wear the clouds and cut the moon, and be free and carefree. I was born extraordinary and will break through mountains and rivers in the future..."

This poem was sung by him when he was fencing, which seemed to be particularly heroic and powerful, as if it had been transformed into a great general and emperor, overlooking the heaven and earth, the size of the world, let me roam!

The next moment, his face became solemn, as if he had become the embodiment of justice, unspeakable integrity, integrity, protection and grace. Moreover, his whole person exudes a strange atmosphere, obtains a kind of blessing, and his whole body is rippling with a vast and unpredictable atmosphere.

"Weng Weng Weng......."

The sound of buzzing continued, and the scholar began to bloom words one by one, shining into the sky and Abas, incomparably pure, wonderful, heroic, vast and shocking.

In a trance, these words turned into countless human shapes, shouting and killing Cui Hao together!

"Kill! Sword of enlightenment......"

Under such circumstances, the scholar roared and cut out with a sword. His sword, with boundless momentum, turned into a rolling and majestic sword, filled with the strong spirit of heaven and earth, and impacted Cui Hao. The artistic conception contained in it was breathtaking, but it also contained the charm of educating all sentient beings.

The profound meaning of Confucianism, to put it bluntly, is a certain evolution of civilization, making a certain designation, determining the general order, and making all sentient beings abide by themselves and respect virtue. This sword contains the charm of this enlightenment.


Facing this sword, Cui Hao gave a sigh of admiration. His figure was also positive and oblique, perfectly integrated into the world, and immediately plunged himself into the realm of traveling together on the avenue. Using the atmospheric spirit to correspond to the atmospheric spirit is undoubtedly the best way!


In the realm of traveling together on the avenue, Cui Hao hit it with one punch, which seemed to collapse all things in the world. It was like billions of volcanoes erupting together and billions of tsunamis shouting and impacting together. Under one punch, it seemed to contain a big world, in which all the things that existed were wild and boundless!


With the loud noise of terror, this small world suddenly collapsed everywhere. Centered on the fight between the two people, it continued to spread. It was like lightning, and Cui Hao attacked strongly

The scholar was still in a weak position. He immediately shouted, "sword of the king!..."

With his cry, the humane sword changed again, and the shadow of the sword shrouded down. This sword was full of endless joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows, worries about life and death, and there was a faint sound of gold and iron horses. It seemed that under this sword, the rise and fall of all sentient beings could be determined for thousands of years, and the sword counter attack came, which seemed to reverse all sentient beings and change the world, In this sword!

Although it was only a moment, the humane sword showed the king's way incisively and vividly, which was amazing!

The way of a king is to be a saint inside and a king outside. The king is domineering in the enemy. He is as powerful as the frost and the scorching sun. He is golden and iron, and he can transform the world! To the people, saints and talents, carry out the responsibility of education, open the peace of heaven and earth, and lay the foundation for eternity!

"Good sword move!..." Cui Hao admired it from the bottom of his heart.

It's still the original mother fist. Cui Hao's response is also the mysterious boxing of the king's way. It's fierce and fierce!

The two sides roared and the humanitarian sword wailed. Finally, Cui Hao got the absolute upper hand.

"Outsiders, take my last resort, gentleman's sword! Iron shoulder carries morality..."

The scholar roared, the humane sword changed again, and suddenly cut it out. There was a great and strong spirit everywhere, which made people almost bow down. It seemed as if they were incarnated into a gentleman with excellent virtue, guiding the general trend of the world and making people prosperous!

This kind of sword move is that Cui Hao is very dignified. His body suddenly turns into three thousand. Three thousand Cui Hao are the same. Their breath is the same. They are doing different actions. Then they kill the past together!

"Ah! Not good!..." surprised, the scholar's face was full of horror!

"Scholar, in order to show my respect for you, I showed my real means. Take the move!..."

Cui Hao's voice came from all directions, and his three thousand parts shot at the same time, launching a strong and domineering attack!


Although he was terrified, the scholar fought back for the first time!

The roar was startling. This small world was almost exploded. The scholar fought back crazily. However, he was still defeated by Cui Hao and was hit hard by him. Finally, the humanitarian sword broke with a clang.

"Alas! After all, I was defeated! At the last blow, I turned my blood into my heart! Blue blood heart!..."

In the void, the scholar's sigh echoed, and his whole body began to send out an especially terrible smell. Then, the whole person launched the last blow!

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

The wave of great destruction swept all over the world, and there was chaos everywhere. In it, Cui Hao seemed to be doing something. Vaguely, he heard the scholar's unwilling roar. Finally, with the gradually calming wave of destruction, a body, unparalleled in greatness, came out proudly!

Although there are some scars on this body, it adds more power. It's no one else. It's Cui Hao!

"Bang Bang..."

In Cui Hao's hands, there is a book like a heart jumping at the moment. Its whole body is flesh color, and there are countless light spots like stars, shining constantly, as if it contains endless mysteries!

This book is the scholar's noumenon.

"Book of civilization! Good thing!......" looking at the book, Cui Hao smiled!


Running the wisdom crown in the body, it immediately sent out a happy and incomparable fluctuation. Then, it emitted a lot of light of original wisdom and quickly penetrated into the book of civilization.

Soon, the book of civilization flashed and was swallowed up by the crown of wisdom. As the master of the crown, Cui Hao sensed that a ray of new civilization and wisdom were born and completely absorbed by the crown of wisdom.

At the same time, Cui Hao once again gained a great deal of luck. He had a feeling that he could condense the tenth aura of destiny with just a little more!

The birth of the tenth destiny Aura will not only open the inheritance of the ancestor Phoenix, but also enable Cui Hao to have a dialogue with the destiny cosmic God. The latter is what Cui Hao cares about most!

So Cui Hao started the road of Conquest again, one small world after another

Finally, after more than 1000 small worlds where the ancestor Feng was born were conquered once, Cui Hao finally condensed the tenth destiny aura on his head!

In an instant, he knew the place where the ancestor Phoenix passed on, so he took the people there.

When Cui Hao appeared in the scholar's small world, in a void, a crack opened. The inheritance method of the same ancestor dragon was the same. Inside, there was a huge blood pool and a fuzzy Phoenix shadow.

Xiaoqi and Mengmeng don't have to try. Cui Wushuang, Qingluo, Xianghu king, Bai Zizi, Bai Xiaoyu and five people have made blood essence attempts respectively. This time, the fuzzy Phoenix chose Cui Wushuang and recognized him.

Therefore, Cui Wushuang sat in the blood pool and began to accept inheritance.

Finally, Cui Wushuang also succeeded in inheriting the ancestor Feng, and the whole person became more and more extraordinary.

At this time, the ten Heavenly auras on Cui Hao's head vibrated together and reached a certain resonance. Suddenly, Cui Hao got a kind of feeling.

With a smile, Cui Hao said, "hope, take us to the entrance!"

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