Under the slack of hope, the people came to that mysterious place again, filled with milky white holy light everywhere, and the white giant ball rotated, emitting a vast and unpredictable power, as if carrying a great and invincible power.

Soon, it seemed to sense the arrival of the people. The old man with fuzzy white hair in the huge white ball came out. Its body was burning and turned into a milky white brilliance, which was connected with the ten life auras on Cui Hao's head.

"Lucky man, Congratulations, you are qualified to talk face to face with my self..."

Such a voice echoed in the void, blurring the white haired old man into nothingness. At the moment, the ten Heavenly auras on Cui Hao's head gathered to form an especially bright light. Carrying him, he suddenly rushed into the huge ball!

This ball seems to be formed by the gathering of infinite pure and majestic divine forces. Moreover, Cui Hao also feels the blood essence of the vast ancestor dragon and ancestor Phoenix. In short, it is very majestic and extraordinary!

The bright light from the fusion of ten Heavenly auras is emitting and converging rapidly, as if it activated some kind of prohibition existing in it. Suddenly, the boundless power suddenly converged rapidly, and turned into a light spot with endless horror under Cui Hao's shocked eyes!

Soon, the light spot vibrated, as if it had broken some taboo. It continued to absorb power and expanded, like a mirror in which a figure appeared.

This is an old man with white hair. There are three light columns like a long river on his head, which is very extraordinary.

Destiny, cosmic God!

At the moment of seeing the white haired old man, Cui Hao recognized each other's identity and immediately looked solemn!

At the same time, the other party blinked and was also observing Cui Hao. The light spot like a mirror sent out a faint glow and wrapped Cui Hao. The face of the God of heaven and the universe was suddenly overjoyed, showing an extremely enthusiastic and even flattering look.

"Your... Noble highness! Thank you for saving hope and adding a cosmic avenue to the destiny! Great kindness and great virtue are in mind!..." he smiled and the fate of the universe God spoke like this.

"Hmm? What's the matter?" Cui Hao was puzzled when he frowned.

Bowing his hand, Cui Hao hurriedly said, "God of the universe, are you mistaken? I'm not a little highness. So far, I don't know who my parents are! Do you know my parents' identity?"

With hot eyes, Cui Hao has an urgency on his face. The other party is the God of the universe. Maybe he can help himself!

For Cui Hao's inquiry, the fate of the universe God looked like a matter of course. He was embarrassed and said, "Your Highness, your identity is closely related to that one! However, that one's identity is really too high. I don't dare to say it at will without his permission! The reason why you don't know your identity is that one loves you!"

Cui Hao became even more excited when the God of the universe said so. "Senior, can you tell me something? I really want to know my life experience!"

"This... Really can't, that adult. I can't afford it! Your highness, don't call me an elder, just call me brother destiny! Do you have any other requirements? As long as I can finish it, I will try my best!"

"By the way, I want to consume part of my blood essence and send a separated body from the source of chaos. You are amazing. The ten fate auras you have gathered just give me this opportunity. By the way, I will take away my disappointment!" hesitated, and the cosmic God replied.

In fact, Cui Hao was very confused at the moment. After various calculations and judgments, he was almost sure that the couple who broke into this place should be their own parents! Why does the God of the universe say that his parents are great adults? Did he make a mistake, or did he guess wrong?

After thinking about it, Cui Hao said, "brother destiny, I have something very important. I need to find two couples who appeared in the place of inheritance before endless years. Unfortunately, I only have sporadic clues so far..."

As for the title of your highness, since the cosmic God has to wear it for himself, Cui Hao will not refuse.

Ha ha, with a smile, the cosmic God of destiny said boldly, "it's a piece of cake! Your highness, what I'm best at is to deduce the destiny of creatures. When I attacked the cosmic God, it was the will of destiny!"

In this way, the God of the universe began to use his means to force out drops of brilliant blood. At the same time, he began to send out special and magical power

The cosmic God has understood the rules thoroughly and reached a more unfathomable level. Therefore, although Cui Hao carefully observed his means, he felt confused. Soon, the cosmic God in the light spot "mirror" was very weak. Finally, he condensed a completely new himself.


With a flash of light, the new destiny cosmic God disappeared. Soon, the bright light spot shook, the light was dimmed for most of the time, and a shadow suddenly stepped out, getting bigger and coughing up blood.

"Damn it! Damn the will of the universe! Just now, I almost died!..." the God of the universe opened his mouth and was very angry.

"See you, brother destiny!" with a smile, Cui Hao hurriedly bowed his hand.

"No! No! Your highness, your position is respected, and I can't afford your worship!" the God of the universe hurriedly helped him with a very kind attitude.

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, the God of the universe suddenly flew into the hope outside the huge ball. Seeing the God of the universe, he crawled excitedly in the tunnel "despair, meet the master!..."

Stroking his white beard, the God of the universe said with a smile, "despair, get up quickly. In the future, you will be called hope. This is the name given to you by the great little highness! You will be the first living creature of the cosmic avenue of my life! Ha ha... You have been given the mystery of the soul of freedom, which may be my greatest hope and reliance in the future!"

Hearing the words of destiny and the separation of the universe God, I hope nature is very happy. He was recycled and taken away, while Cui Hao was surprised and shocked! In his words, the God of the universe just mentioned the mystery that he gave the soul of hope and freedom. Is it

Just when Cui Hao was secretly upset, the God of heaven and the universe stared at him. For a long time, he said with emotion, "Your Highness, my destiny has survived for endless years. Even my highness of several other adults, I have seen two, but none like you! Against the sky! Too against the sky!"

Cui Hao didn't know what he felt. However, he had to hold up his appearance at this time. He laughed and said, "OK, OK! Brother destiny, please help me determine the situation of the couple!"

Nodding, the God of the universe smiled "It's easy to say! My separation also arrived by relying on the backhand left here before. Moreover, it can't last. I'll do what you told me now! By the way, you should always be placed in this universe by that adult. Although it's extremely extraordinary and against the sky, your eyes should not be too high. If you have any big doubts, you can also take the opportunity to ask me and answer them one by one!"

"OK, then trouble brother destiny!" Cui Hao smiled and nodded in response.

After thinking about it, Cui Hao asked a question he had been very confused about. How should the strength above the LORD God be divided? What is the relationship between the Lord, the great emperor and the cosmic God?

At present, the God of heaven and the universe, while using his great means against the sky, mobilized almost all the power of the huge ball, and himself was also sending out a great breath of power blessing, while telling Cui Hao. He took great pains to meet the requirements of his highness Wei Xiaoda!

According to the God of the universe, the LORD God is a coward's way of judging his future. Any superior God, as long as he is a living God, has the opportunity to integrate successfully! Although he can obtain a much stronger will than the great and perfect superior God, it is not a self brewing will. If he wants to go further, he has no chance! It is equivalent to judging his future. The master can only be regarded as the strong, only the strong The great emperor is really the most talented person!

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