At the moment, the woman in front of Cui Hao excites and terrifies Cui Hao, because she has Helen's face, and there is a trace of familiarity in her essence. It seems that her sister Helen is dissolved in this body. However, she is more of an absolutely cold and ruthless noble and great bank, which is an absolutely invincible momentum overlooking!

Subconsciously, Cui Hao looked into her eyes. There was chaos and ignorance, and there was also a breath that seemed smart. It was this breath that made Cui Hao feel very familiar and kind!

"Sister Helen!..."

Cui Hao was shocked and looked at the woman in front of him. He didn't know who she was. However, he had a hunch that she must be extremely extraordinary!

Staring at Cui Hao, "Helen" seems to be meditating. Sometimes, there is a smile on her beautiful face. Sometimes, it turns into a kind of cold and doubt. It's very strange!

In this regard, Cui Hao wants to say and do something, but he can't move at all. Even his thinking is very slow and seems to be freezing!

Everything around fell into a static state, and "Helen" stared at Cui Hao for three minutes. Then, her green and jade hand slowly stretched out her hand and touched Cui Hao's face

At this moment, Cui Hao saw a touch of missing and tenderness on his face!

"Sister Helen! It must be her!" Cui Hao shouted with excitement.

Finally, the melting on Helen's face disappeared, took back her jade hand indifferently, and suddenly disappeared without a trace!


With the disappearance of "Helen", the static area within a radius of 100000 Li suddenly dissipated. The birds continued to fly, the water splashed, and finally fell. The beast successfully killed the prey, and the wupeng boat returned to normal.

"Ah! What happened just now? Why didn't I feel at all? Brother Cui Hao, what happened just now?" he asked with a shocked face and no sorrow at night.

At the moment, Cui Hao looked a little dim. Finally, he shook his head and said, "I don't know..."

There are some things that are not suitable to tell yewushang, such as yourself and Helen.

Subsequently, Cui Hao continued to control the "other bank" of Zhibao to move forward rapidly. Finally, they entered the no man's land and began to move forward according to the guidance of night without war.

During this period, Cui Hao's mood has been very complex. He is repeatedly thinking about one thing, sister Helen. What's going on? Is Helen who appears in front of herself really Helen?

With a complex mood, Cui Hao and yewushang are walking through the no man's land. On the other side of the most precious treasure, coupled with Cui Hao's strength, it is naturally rampant and fast. It took several months. Finally, Cui Hao and ye Wushang arrived in a very strange area. Here, there is a terrible and creepy smell. Here is the edge of Taichu ancient mine!

"There is a great array here, terrible! Quite terrible!..."

After appearing at the edge of Taichu ancient mine, Cui Hao looked extremely dignified. He did not choose to go deep, but stayed in the "other bank" of the treasure. With his current array and perspective golden light, he vaguely saw something.

The more you look, the more frightened Cui Hao is!

The more you see, Cui Hao is more and more frightened!

With the help of perspective golden light, Cui Hao saw some shocking array changes, which had already gone beyond the category of one yuan array. Unexpectedly, it integrated the mysteries of time and space. Such a large array even went beyond the terrible array of the forest of death, which was more extraordinary!

However, Cui Hao also spied on some things. It seems that this array has experienced endless years and has become loose

After thinking about it, Cui Hao turned his mind and a villain appeared. It was the spirit of the array that worshipped respectfully.

Dan spirit, weapon spirit and array spirit are the three most special spirits. They integrate the strange light, some similar to the soul of freedom, but not, and contain more extraordinary changes!

"Dan Ling, what do you see?" Cui Hao asked.

Thinking carefully, the spirit of the instrument said in vain, "master, I feel a great array, which is longing for rebirth! It has existed for endless years, its essence has been damaged, and it needs to repair itself! Master!...."

"What? You, you can feel the whole array? Longing for rebirth? Array spirit, please talk about it in detail!"

Originally, Cui Hao released the array spirit just to give himself some help. Unexpectedly, he felt this. The formation of the array spirit is not as simple as the combination of a single large array. The mysterious, precious and great light is extremely extraordinary. I don't know what has changed it.

Nodding, the array Spirit said definitely, "master, I can clearly feel its desire! Moreover, I can also feel where its array eye is. There are 1.296 billion in total. If I arrive at all and integrate the breath, I will have the ability and opportunity to control it! Master, I want to have a try, which is a great benefit to me!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was also very surprised, so he asked, "if so... How long does it take to integrate the breath and control the whole array?"

With his head tilted, the array spirit affirmed "Soon, 100000 years is enough! There are many areas I can't enter, and I need to rely on the master to take me in! In fact, this vast area is its scope. What minerals are condensed and changed by the large array. Because some very ancient East and West also exist in the large array, sometimes some are condensed when they are condensed..."

After the array spirit explained this, Cui Hao suddenly realized that this is the origin of the original stone of Shenjing. It seems that Shenjing, Tao Shenjing and strange things Shenjing should all come like this!

Suddenly, Cui Hao's heart was burning. If the array spirit could succeed, wouldn't he be able to indirectly obtain such a peerless array? Moreover, the whole Taichu ancient mine might be put into the bag at once. How much wealth and resources there are!

At this time, night Wushang couldn't help but say, "brother Cui Hao, this time I'd better save people first!"

Knowing that ye Wushang misunderstood himself, Cui Hao said with a smile, "brother Wushang, don't worry! Saving people is naturally the first thing, but this big array is really terrible, and we must have a certain understanding of it! Also, my sister-in-law and nephew, according to the induction of the way of cause and effect... We are in the very depths of the ancient mine in Taichu, that is, the very depths of the big array. We also need to make some preparations!"

"All right!" nodded, feeling anxious at night.

At the same time, in a strange void area, Yang Jitian is fully controlling a dream glass ball with depression and anger on his face!

"Damn! Didn't you break in for the first time? Damn Cui Hao, cunning! Too cunning! What true temperament, shrink your head and hide your tail!..." shouted angrily. Yang Ji was very angry!

If Cui Hao sees the ball, he will recognize it. It is the sub array eye that indirectly controls the big array. With this object, he can control the big array. However, because it is the sub array eye, and the big array is really magnificent and huge, the sun worship to heaven is forced! If Cui Hao, the great master of array Taoism who has understood the one yuan big array, the situation will be very different immediately!

Just as Cui Hao was worried, someone deliberately set up a bureau for his wife and children. The person who set up the Bureau was Yang worshiping heaven! If he mastered the sub array eye of the super array, he would have a travel permit and certain control power. He arranged a lot in the array and Taichu ancient mines to kill Cui Hao!

Yang Jitian was depressed because his plan was very good. However, unexpectedly, Cui Hao was on the edge and no longer went deep. He even wanted to study the big array! Coupled with the emergence of the array spirit, Yang Jitian was very anxious!

In this case, Yang Jitian will not let Cui Hao achieve his wish, so he did not hesitate to use some means and began to attack! Not only that, the ultimate means to deal with Cui Hao also worked without hesitation

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