Yang Jitian hid in a mysterious place and tried his best to urge a mysterious ball. Suddenly, the whole Taichu ancient mine began to produce various changes, as if it had been activated. A creepy smell became stronger and stronger. It seemed that the whole Taichu ancient mine was a peerless beast. At the moment, it was activated!

"Woo woo..."

At the edge of Taichu ancient mine, a terrible red hair wind blows, which contains a strong and incomparable atmosphere of death. It is too majestic to sweep the world. Cui Hao and night Wushang are wrapped in it at once, and they are to be hanged!

Moreover, in this red hair wind, there is a special and incomparable atmosphere growing, constantly converging, vaguely, you can see the red shadow, terrible and amazing!

In the face of this scene, like Cui Hao's eyebrows, his fingers pinched quickly, and there was a perspective golden light in his eyes. It seemed that he was divining something. At the same time, as soon as Cui Hao waved his hand, the figure of night without sorrow disappeared out of thin air and entered the first prison world.

At the same time, Cui Hao's voice sounded in ye Wushang's ear, "brother Wushang, wait for the time being. This Taichu ancient mine is strange. I want to explore it with all my strength!"

"Brother Cui Hao, be careful yourself, please!..." said Ye Wushang with an excited and worried look.

The spirit of the array was not put away, but now it became hazy and dreamy, like light and shadow, and like jumping on hundreds of millions of different void planes. This is the ability of the array spirit. He is the core of the one yuan array. Coupled with the mysterious light condensation, it naturally contains all kinds of powerful abilities of the one yuan array!

"Array spirit, follow me..."

At the command, Cui Hao's body suddenly shook and roared. The whole human body soared like Optimus Prime. At the same time, a cold and domineering breath spread all over the place. Tianwu armor was added. He hit the terrible red wind with a fist!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Three fists, incarnated into a big Mac, Cui Hao hit three fists in total. These three fists are all the most violent and ferocious killing fists. The whole red hair wind was immediately defeated. Among them, all kinds of screams kept coming out, a fluffy and smelly blood fog was filled, and strange bloody red hair monsters were killed!

They are very powerful, at least comparable to the seven star superior gods, especially a large number. They are hidden in the red hair wind, and their lethality is absolutely powerful. However, they are still killed a large number!

Cui Hao is still very satisfied with the power of his three fists. He tries his best to see through the golden light, observe the changes of the big array, and has some new insights. In addition, the array spirit sends a message in vain "Master, there is a situation. The whole array has been activated. There is a force that can control part of its power. It should be a very important array eye. However, it should be missing something, otherwise the power is more than that!"

After making such a judgment, the array spirit added again, "master, I can feel that the danger of the whole array is increasing layer by layer, and the core is the most dangerous! However, where is the eye of the array, I only have a particularly vague feeling, which changes from time to time!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was shocked. It turned out to be so!

Is this big array being manipulated secretly?

Cui Hao was shocked. Cui Hao thought of this possibility, because under his divination just now, this possibility is very great. The whole array is too vast and surpasses the one yuan array. No one controls it and has no array eyes. It will never be like this!

What should I do?

When Cui Hao had this idea flashing in his mind, he soon made a decision to break! All obstacles are destroyed! The big array is operated, which is very helpful for him to understand the whole big array, especially the integration of the array spirit into the small array eye! The only thing that worries Cui Hao is that this thing must be a conspiracy against himself. In that case, the other party's means are not just terrible Array is so simple! Moreover, how to rescue the wife and children who have no sorrow at night is also a problem!

It's urgent to take one step at a time. If you can't go deep into the Taichu ancient mine, there's no chance at all. Since the people hiding behind this array can only master some, there's still a chance!

Cui Hao's idea is to deepen layer by layer and constantly increase his control over the array, so that he can be more confident in the rescue! However, since the other party puts his wife and children without war at night in the core, there is only a terrible danger waiting for him!

Who would it be?

First of all, Cui Hao thought of sacrificing the heaven with the sun. Second, he was the leader of the xuehuang world. In addition, there were some enemies

When thinking about these problems, Cui Hao was still trying his best to destroy the red hair wind and kill the monsters. Finally, a moment later, he completely exploded the red hair wind, leaving a pile of red monster bones on the ground.

"Gudong, Gudong, Gudong......"

The corpse fell on the cracked dark black ground and mysteriously integrated into it. Vaguely, there seems to be something brewing under the ground!

"Master, I'll fuse the small array eyes nearby first..."

Soon, the array spirit drifted and disappeared, and began to integrate into nearby arrays.

Standing still, Cui Hao is also feeling. His perspective golden light is constantly emitting, and he can feel all kinds of array more clearly. In addition, the array spirit and he also form a communication state, and the feelings of both sides can communicate with each other.

This feeling didn't last long, because there was a green light in the distance, like a hurricane. It was a monster with green liquid escaping all over. There was a creepy air mechanism on his body. A pair of green eyes seemed to contain strange magic!

If, at the moment, there is an ordinary superior God here, just look at his eyes, he will immediately fall into the boundless hell and sink constantly!

"Roar..." the low roar, the green light in the green liquid monster's eyes became more and more intense.

Suddenly, Cui Hao had a disgusting feeling. His perfect chaotic soul was naturally unimpeded, but it was also seriously affected. Therefore, Cui Hao Ran the crown of wisdom in his body, and suddenly this feeling disappeared. The light of the source of wisdom has an incredible magical effect on the soul!

"Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

At one moment, the green liquid monster moved in vain. His body was as vague as a green shadow. He sent out a green attack like a ripple, containing strange and terrible soul attack means.

"Hum, die!..."

The strength of this green liquid monster is very strong, at least comparable to the nine star superior God, and it is still the superior God who is good at soul attack. However, it is too weak for Cui Hao. In a moment, Cui Hao killed it!

After all this, the spirit of the array was still merging with the small array eyes, and the ground suddenly collapsed as if it was about to melt. In it, a ferocious blood bat with only bone wings came out. Each one was cast like a blood colored King Kong, giving people a feeling of indestructibility and killing Cui Hao!

In this regard, Cui Hao's performance was very flat. The original mother fist smashed out and hit the blood bats everywhere!

These blood bats are very powerful, and there are hundreds of them. Their flesh is even harder, comparable to the top-grade artifact. But under the extreme state of Cui Hao's flesh, they are still not enough to see. Soon, after a series of fierce battles, they all fall.

"Damn! Damn!..."

In the mysterious area, Yang Ji was very angry. He urged some crises on the edge of the array one after another, but Cui Hao dissolved them! Moreover, he felt the eye ball in his hand, and his partial control over that area became weaker!

With the ability to monitor the whole array, Yang worship to heaven naturally soon found this situation, and a kind of worry gradually arose in his heart.

If Cui Hao encroaches step by step, what should I do?

It's very clear that Cui Hao is the Super Master of the array road. He has to guard against it!

After some thinking, Yang Jitian decided to observe first and make sure that Cui Hao's behavior was as he guessed, so he threatened the life of his wife and children without war at night and destroyed Cui Hao's step-by-step encroachment!

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