When the raging tide of darkness and destruction quickly went away and stood on the bloody wall, a group of worshippers felt incredible. Then they cheered together for the rest of their lives!

Cui Hao's identity has been quickly spread by word of mouth and quickly known by everyone.

The title of the first person under the LORD God of the immortal world, the super strong person who crushed the great perfection, shocked all practitioners. Similarly, they are fully convinced of this title, because they have just witnessed how powerful and terrible Cui Hao is!

Without paying attention to the cheers around him, Cui Hao came to Lizu for the first time. His injury is really too serious and must be treated as soon as possible!

The perspective golden light shines, the power of chaos dispels the unknown black fog, and many top healing elixirs. Soon, the breath of Lizu calmed down and quickly recovered!

Following the same pattern, Cui Hao personally healed an injured venerable practitioner. Under his magical treatment, their injuries were greatly improved, and even their less serious injuries were directly cured!

Because of Cui Hao's means, a group of practitioners worship him more and more. He is worthy of being the only alchemist at the level of craftsman God in the immortal world. He is not only powerful in alchemy, but also extraordinary in saving people!

When all this was done, the old ancestor of soul alliance introduced Cui Hao to the public in person. He said bluntly that he had communicated and discussed with Lizu and the leaders of the eight veins. He was unanimously approved. He was willing to bring the worshippers into the sphere of influence of the earth and was also protected by Cui Hao.

Naturally, no one objected to such an announcement. Waves of cheers!

At the moment, the more than 100 venerable practitioners above the city wall are basically their core peak strength. In addition, there are only some weak disciples in the whole venerable cultivation world, named disciples. Their unanimous support directly determines Cui Hao's identity.

Next, the ancestors of soul alliance arranged to leave some practitioners to continue to guard, mainly to play the role of sentry. Once the dark creatures attack again, they can report in time. Cui Hao and others were invited to return to the venerable world for Daqing wishes!

The whole world of veneration and cultivation is very big. However, most of them are ordinary creatures in the immortal world. There are not many real eight pulse members, because it is difficult to become a real member of veneration and cultivation. They must be real talents and have experienced many examinations!

With the return of Cui Hao and others, the news immediately spread. All the strong people from the same line of respected practitioners came together, including those young people who are not strong. Everyone was very excited. The huge stone pressed in their hearts was finally moved away temporarily!

Finally, Cui Hao succeeded in public under the joint chairmanship of the ancestors of soul alliance, Lizu and two old antiques. In order to demonstrate his unique status, Cui Hao won a title, the king of respect and cultivation!

This succession will also convey the news and memory images to the major forces in the water world to make them know! In the immortal world, there are a very small number of practitioners, and they will soon know about it.

For this matter, everyone in the venerable cultivation world is cheering. With the support of Cui Hao, the first person under the LORD God, they have enough confidence. Finally, they don't have to be so frightened!

After completing the coronation of the king of veneration and cultivation, Cui Hao also got the opportunity to observe the inheritance of the eight veins.

With Cui Hao's current strength, although the inheritance of the eight meridians is extremely extraordinary, it can also help Cui Hao limited. However, it also gives him a lot of inspiration. From a strategically advantageous position, Cui Hao inherits and cultivates the eight meridians to a very unfathomable level at an amazing speed!

After the dark creatures were defeated, the venerable practitioners got a chance to recuperate. Cui Hao first publicly refined pills and tools, and then opened a forum to preach and guide the practice of the eight pulse strong.

Originally, everyone thought that although Cui Hao was powerful, his practice of eight pulse inheritance had just begun, and where could he be brilliant. But when they asked some questions and got the general answers, they were shocked one by one. The first person under the LORD God was really extraordinary. They really understood the mystery and the essence of the world too thoroughly!

Cui Hao's opening sermon lasted for a hundred years, and his father's overall strength of cultivating a vein was greatly improved. Then, the old ancestors of soul alliance and Lizu discussed with Cui Hao for decades. They asked in a manner of seeking advice. Both sides had great gains, and their gains were greater!

Although Cui Hao is not as amazing as the two in soul cultivation and body cultivation, the soul secret method obtained by Cui Hao is the level of cosmic God, and there is a unique perfect chaotic soul, which is natural and extraordinary. Not to mention the way of body cultivation, the mysteries of the extreme state of the body are supreme experience for Lizu, and he has obtained great benefits!

After discussing Tao with Cui Hao for decades, the ancestors of soul alliance and Li Zu have also closed their doors. They have not made any progress for endless years, but this discussion has inspired them infinitely, and there is a trend to make a breakthrough again.

For three hundred years, for the strong in the immortal world, Cui Hao's father, the cultivator, has achieved earth shaking changes in one stroke. He has gradually become strong in self-cultivation from being extinguished at any time. Moreover, after Cui Hao's research, he knows how to make up for the broken wall gap!

In fact, the reason why the whole city can resist and restrain dark creatures is that there are many mottled chaotic forces in it, which are tempered with very clever tools. Naturally, Cui Hao can't help all this. He injects his pure and extremely chaotic power into the city, blesses the city, and makes up for the gap by means of refining tools.

After all this, the defense of the whole ancient city has been greatly improved. Cui Hao took the time to talk to the only old immortal.

By asking for advice, Cui Hao learned a lot of shocking news. What he especially wanted to know was why the fairy world turned into the fairy world. What happened during that period? The old immortal is the witness and has the most say.

On these issues, the old immortal kept secret. However, finally, with Cui Hao's repeated pleadings, he finally said something, which made Cui Hao really know the scenes before the endless years!

"At that time, the celestial realm was at its height, and the strong was like clouds, but eventually it was swept away, because... The darkness and destruction were everywhere. In addition, there was also a terrible black hairy man suspected of coming from the other side of the universe. He struck the strongest group of immortal emperors with one blow, and shattered the source of the fairyland, and took away the most beautiful part. Under the guidance of a terrorist existence in the deepest part of the wave of darkness and destruction, today's immortal and divine world has evolved! Divine personality is also the product of later, but the strong should have been independent and given by heaven and earth. No matter how strong, they are also slaves of heaven and earth! "

The old immortal told Cui Hao something, which shocked him. Black hair big hand! Black hands again!

I don't know if the old immortal population is the same black haired hand as the future seen by the ancestors of soul alliance? In addition, is the existence of terror hidden in the depths of the tide of darkness and destruction a black robe?

Then, the old immortal wanted to say something, but he had just opened his mouth and had not spit out his voice, so he couldn't help spitting blood and was strongly eaten back!

Seeing this, Cui Hao hurriedly urged the perspective golden light treatment. For a moment, the old immortal weakly waved his hand and said with a bitter smile "Don't say, don't say! What I want to tell you already involves taboo words! Where the rules of the universe are everywhere, taboo words can't be mentioned, there will be a great disaster of killing people, because this is the brand left by the invincible existence in the chain of rules. Those involved can't be forgiven! Only after thoroughly understanding the mystery of the rules can they be qualified to leave taboo words. That's too much Terrible! What's more, the one I want to tell you may have jumped out of the rules and reached a more incredible level! "

Creepy, Cui Hao doesn't know what he wants to tell himself, but even now he doesn't involve the rule chain, let alone jump out of that level and reach a more incredible realm!

In this case, Cui Hao will not force the other party. Otherwise, the other party is afraid that if he doesn't spit out a word or two, he will be pierced by the chain of rules and die! The old immortal is still strong and sharp. If other people were, they would be dead at the moment!

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