Through the words of the old immortal, Cui Hao roughly knew all kinds of things that transformed the fairy world into the fairy world. It seems that the black hairy hand needs a lot of fairy power, so it promoted this great change!

So what does he need it for?

Also, what is the relationship between the dark destruction frenzy and the black hairy big hand?

Is there any connection between the black robe and the big black hand? His mother was imprisoned in the depths of the tide of dark destruction, and his father was in the mysterious dark fog area. What on earth?

In order to rescue his parents and help the immortal world stop the tide of dark destruction, Cui Hao urgently wants to know more! He had a hunch that when he successfully broke through the suppression of the lock order, successfully crossed the robbery, and his strength soared many times, he should be qualified to rescue his parents!

With the whole cultivator joining the earth, Cui Hao has been named the king of cultivation. It seems to have the momentum of competing with the LORD God alliance and has become the most powerful force in the immortal world!

Xiao Hui and Wang Changsheng took charge of settling down and spent a hundred years to completely integrate the venerable practitioners into the earth world. Similarly, some strong people were settled in the city and guarded. The strength of the earth has been greatly improved, but the responsibility is also very heavy at once!

The stronghold of the earth can't be vacant for a long time. Xiaohui returns with white freedom and emptiness, Mengyao and others.

As time goes by, it has been 800 years since the one armed man was killed by Cui Hao

Everything was so calm that Cui Hao began to arrange his departure. He specially refined seven strange chaotic cannons for this purpose.

This chaotic cannon was refined by him in combination with the theory and idea of earth thermal weapons. He extremely compressed his chaotic force and placed it into a gun barrel comparable to the best artifact. It also carries a locking function. Once launched, it has a range of millions of miles, which is enough to shoot powerful dark creatures from a long distance!

Of course, it's just a theory. He hasn't really practiced it yet, but Cui Hao is full of confidence in the chaotic cannon!

According to his prediction, this chaotic cannon is effective even for dark creatures like one armed men!

Properly place the seven chaos cannons on the city wall. Cui Hao starts to prepare some other big killers. According to his idea, he is ready to arrange this place as an iron wall. In this way, he can rest assured after he leaves.

In the 920th year, Cui Hao was refining powerful weapons against dark creatures. A message quickly spread, and dark creatures attacked again! This time, the momentum is more violent, and the tide of dark destruction is ten times more fierce than before!!!

There have been many confrontations with dark creatures. Therefore, the practitioners are well aware that the tide of dark destruction is more and more turbulent, indicating that the dark creatures sweeping it this time are more and more terrible!

According to this trend, this time the dark creature, I'm afraid there is a statue ten times stronger than the one armed dark creature!!!

If it was a thousand years ago, this would be bad news. However, now the venerable practitioners have joined the earth world. With Cui Hao as a big supporter, there is no too much fear. At the command of Cui Hao, everyone immediately worked carefully and took their place!

Above the city wall, Cui Hao led Ruilin, Xiao Qi, Cui Wushuang and others to look down and watch the surging tide of dark destruction beating and sweeping. They looked dignified!

Touching the white beard, the ancestors of soul Alliance said, "this time, the dark creatures are coming fiercely!"

Nodding, Cui Hao proudly said, "no harm, just can try my new weapon!"

Seven chaos cannons have already been in place. In addition, there are 100 chaos crossbows, which are all controlled by strong ones and aimed at the raging tide of dark destruction!

At the same time, Cui Hao has urged his perspective eyes. Suddenly, a raging tide of dark destruction fades. He sees ferocious dark creatures running. Among them, a dark creature like a giant ape is particularly powerful and surrounded!

At a deeper depth, Cui Hao was surprised to see that there were many dark creatures. Although they were not as powerful as giant apes, they were also very powerful. They had different forms and a full number of more than 100 around a throne!

On the throne, there is an unknown existence covered by black fog. The breath is Miao Miao and looms from time to time. Even if it is a perspective golden light, it can't be seen very clearly.

Vaguely, Cui Hao seems to see its form. It seems that it is an ancient and simple Taoist robe!


The terrible tide of dark destruction swept and patted, the dark creatures kept approaching, the shadows were outstanding, and the roar was earth shaking, which made people unbearable and creepy! Fortunately, this time with Cui Hao in charge, the people on the wall can still keep quiet!

"Ready! Chaotic cannon! Chaotic crossbow, ready to attack!..." Cui Hao roared with excitement in his eyes.

At that moment, nine people on the wall, seven chaotic cannons and a hundred chaotic crossbows were excited and locked some dark creatures.

Cui Hao personally controls a chaos cannon. Because the range is too far, he can't aim at the dark creature sitting on the throne in the deepest part of the vast tide of dark destruction. However, he can easily lock the dark creature in the form of a giant ape.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Almost accompanied by Cui Hao's chaotic cannon, the roar swept the world, and violent chaotic bullets rushed out and shot into the tide of dark destruction!

"Roar! Roar! Roar!..."

All of a sudden, with the entry of violent chaotic projectiles, all kinds of howls rang out, and a head of dark creatures were directly blasted, and the chaotic projectiles were shot in all directions like grenades, with amazing lethality!

The ability of chaos to restrain dark creatures determines its extremely powerful lethality. Just for a moment, a large area of dark creatures were blasted, and the tide of dark destruction was scattered!

The unknown black fog is dissipating. A dark creature screams and falls. This scene is quite shocking!

"Ow, ow, ow..."

After bursts of angry howling, a giant ape shaped dark creature with particularly terrible breath rushed out of the explosion of the raging tide of dark destruction. Its chest was pierced through a huge hole, the wound was emitting black smoke, and it rushed to the city like a meteor.

"Hum! Die!..."

What pierced the ape's dark creature was naturally a shot inspired by Cui Hao. At the moment, he sneered and locked the other party again. With a loud bang, the chaotic cannon spit out a particularly huge and violent chaotic bullet and burst out!

"Ow, ow..."

The howling sound was startling, and the giant ape dark creature was successfully hit by Cui Hao, and the remaining body continued to rush to the wall. However, he was soon hit by a special bullet from a chaotic crossbow, which immediately exploded, and the body collapsed and fell!

Two cannons killed a powerful dark creature. Cui Hao was very satisfied. At the moment, there was a constant roar on the city wall. Chaotic cannons and chaotic crossbows were powerful, spitting out terrible and violent chaotic bullets, and harvesting dark creatures quickly!

Cui Hao's weapons were so powerful that they made the people on the wall more awesome, and the killing voices were four, and the battle was fought.

Because of the wild counterattack on the wall, the overwhelming tide of dark destruction came to a halt for the first time. Among them, some dark creatures roared. They were not afraid of death. In particular, there seemed to be an angry sound wave in the depths of the tide of dark destruction.

"Ow, ow..."


The roar continued to ring through, and a head of dark creatures appeared. They launched an impact bravely and fearlessly, and many of their breath was not weak.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

In the face of this scene, countless chaotic bullets soon spewed out from the wall, killing dark creatures. Everyone was highly motivated!

One after another, endless, the dark creatures were so impacted. Finally, a large number of chaotic bullets refined by Cui Hao were consumed, and the dark creatures were destroyed.

However, the tide of dark destruction in the far distance was used again, which contained a terrible breath. There was a huge roar of anger, and the void was cracked, which was extremely extraordinary!

Everyone looks solemn. The real play is about to begin!

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