Zhengyang green jade, high ice chicken oil yellow, best snow jade, Cui Hao's performance in the gambling stone competition is eye-catching. Three levels, each level wins with a rolling attitude, and each level has won high and amazing points, a total of 33000 points. Behind such huge points, it means that he really made crazy this time, making more than three billion!

With such a powerful gambling ability and eye-catching rolling, Cui Hao deserves to be the king of gambling in Jiangzhou. He deserves his name without any dispute.

When Cui Hao's snow jade obtained 150 million yuan of ultra-high value, Wang Ford was also very excited. He roared "Ladies and gentlemen, under the witness of all of us, the king of Jiangzhou gambling was born. He is Cui Hao! This time I am very excited, because Cui Hao's gambling skills are really amazing, and he will represent Jiangzhou to participate in the National Gambling competition. In the 14 competition areas, Jiangzhou has not been born the king of Chinese gambling for three times, and this time, I see Hope, infinite hope! Everyone, I believe you must look forward to it as I do. Next, according to the usual practice, please Cui Hao to the scene and say a few words to you. No, please welcome the king of gambling stones in Jiangzhou! "

Wang Ford's host was undoubtedly very provocative. The scene was extremely popular. Many people shouted enthusiastically, "king of gambling in Jiangzhou! King of gambling in Jiangzhou!..."

It can be said that today's gambling stone competition is very legendary and can be called a classic among the classics. From this moment, Cui Hao's name is destined to be truly famous in China! Everyone is looking forward to seeing what the king of gambling stone looks like.

In the park, Cui Hao was invited by a specially assigned person to take a luxurious special bus in person. After about five minutes' drive, he has arrived at the crowded venue. Although Cui Hao did not show up, the appearance of the luxury car only caused huge cheers. Instead, he is willing to spend a lot of money to watch the live broadcast here. They are all real gamblers. For Cui Hao, this is a great challenge They are the king of gambling in Jiangzhou. They are not stingy with their praise. They feel the thunderous cheers outside. Even now, Cui Hao can't help being a little excited.

When he got out of the luxury car, Cui Hao immediately attracted all the fluorescent lights. Countless cameras instantly focused on him. Cui Hao was calm, stepped onto the grandstand and saluted the surroundings. Then he picked up the microphone.

Seeing Cui Hao pick up the microphone, the originally noisy discussion suddenly stopped, and Cui Hao smiled with gratitude "Thank you very much for your applause and encouragement! I am Cui Hao. In fact, to tell you the truth, I got the true story of a gambling master from childhood. I have studied gambling hard over the years, and I have made today's achievements! However, I promised my dead Master that I can only play gambling one day within a month, and I can't choose stones every time For more than 30 yuan, he once said that this is to maintain the stability of the jade market price. Otherwise, if I gamble constantly, it will cause great turbulence in the jade market. And I want to find some disciples to teach me my gambling skills. Therefore, I thought of a way to open a jewelry store. For this reason, I specially hired Meng Xuan, a jade carving master Lang served as the chief jade carving master, and this jewelry store will really open in a month. Its name is Bo'ai jewelry store. "

After saying so much in one breath, Cui Hao paused and then opened his mouth "Maybe a friend would like to ask me why I call fraternity jewelry store. I can tell you that it is to commemorate my master! My master has been doing good to all living beings in the world all his life, and I also want to carry forward his justice. In the future, I will set up a special welfare organization for the money earned by my jewelry store, which is completely used for welfare construction and help the poor. It is absolutely transparent and open!"

Cui Hao spoke with a solemn face. As soon as his words came out, they immediately attracted thunderous applause and praise.

In fact, Cui Hao's so-called master is completely fictitious. What else can he gamble only one day a month? He does so not only to create an illusion for everyone, but also to explain some details of himself, so that people are no longer so curious. The most important thing is advertising, such a rare time for everyone What's more, Cui Hao directly throws out welfare institutions and ensures that a large amount of money earned by his jewelry store is used for welfare construction, which can naturally attract the favor of countless people.

Listening to Cui Hao's introduction, almost ninety-nine percent of the people present were very excited. They were full of expectations for the charity jewelry store to be launched in a month. Of course, many people were eager to join in and even obtain Cui Hao's rebellious gambling skills. In fact, they didn't know that Cui Hao's gambling skills would be worse than Ruo Xiaolei without perspective eyes. Of course , he won't say anything, but throws out a very sweet bait, which will attract more people's attention. Moreover, when he draws Wang Changsheng into his jewelry business, teaches gambling skills, selects people and so on, he will naturally give it to him.

In the VIP room, if Xiao Lei's eyebrows are flying, he is almost cheering. With such a powerful advertisement as Cui Hao and his title as the king of gambling, I believe that fraternity jewelry will soon grow up and become the first jewelry store in Jiangzhou in the future! Almost all big businessmen who set up jewelry stores in Jiangzhou, even Tang Wenlong, feel a sense of pride With a strong sense of crisis, Cui Hao really has great potential, and he can't be short of money. He really opens a jewelry store. With the joining of Meng xuanlang, a jade carving master, it's unstoppable!

Maybe some people who like gambling don't know who Meng xuanlang is, but almost all those who do jewelry business know this name. He is a famous jade carving master who exists today. Every work can be called a boutique, and even two works are handed down from generation to generation, which is of inestimable value!

Cui Hao paused and then opened his mouth when he threw out so many baits at one breath "Ladies and gentlemen, in order to make the opening of Boai jewelry store more grand in a month, I will take out all the three precious Jadeites obtained this time on that day and carve them by master Meng xuanlang. I believe that such a top-grade jadeite, combined with the master's handwriting, will be able to carve handed down jade carvings. Are you looking forward to it? In a month, my Boai jewelry will be ready to be carved Officially opened, welcome to visit! "

When Cui Hao said this, the people at the scene were more and more excited. Master Meng xuanlang, together with the best jade, might really be able to witness the handed down jade carving works with his own eyes!

After advertising his charity jewelry store, Cui Hao thanked some Huaxia jade trade union for hosting such a competition. Many people laughed at this. Indeed, Cui Hao really made a lot of money this time. He should thank Huaxia jade trade union most.

"Pop pop..."

In a VIP room, a young man with a very cold face fiercely broke all the things on the table. Finally, he got up and kicked them on the large LCD screen, which immediately broke them completely with a crash. After doing this, the young man breathed a little and finally said fiercely "Shit, Cui Hao, you're arrogant! Shit, one day, if you're down, don't fall into the hands of Murong Nan, otherwise, I'll make your life worse than death!"

This young man with a cold face is Murong Nan, one of Cui Hao's sworn enemies.

However, today's Cui Hao is no longer something Murong Nan can provoke. Don't mention him. Even his Murong family is far from daring to provoke Cui Hao. Before that, people only know that there is a Hong Lord behind Cui Hao, the defending king of Jiangzhou underground forces. Now, many big forces and families have received news. Yunlan has spoken. Who dares If you provoke Cui Hao, you won't give him face!

What character is Yunlan, known as the king of Yunlan, who can influence the trend of a province, which is equivalent to the general existence of real frontier officials. How can ordinary people dare to provoke?

In an upscale Infirmary, Liu Feng, lying on the soft couch, opened his eyes, looked weakly at an old man around him and said, "Uncle Ge, who won the gambling stone competition?"

Hearing the speech, the old man showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, but he didn't speak.

Seeing this situation, Liu Feng can naturally guess. He clenched his teeth fiercely, but his anger surged up, and he fainted with anger.

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