The gambling meeting ended smoothly. Cui Hao became the biggest winner. He not only won three precious Jadeites, but also won the title of king of gambling in Jiangzhou. Of course, he also took the opportunity to vigorously promote his fraternity jewelry business. Although there is still a month to go before the opening of Bo'ai jewelry store, it is already famous in Jiangzhou. Moreover, Cui Hao has naturally won more people's recognition by taking welfare to help the poor as the starting point. They are talking about Bo'ai jewelry store. Although Cui Hao made up an empty master and some so-called regulations, he had some promises from his heart, such as doing welfare, which was also the biggest spiritual pillar after he was confused.

If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you reach, you will give consideration to the world. Cui Hao is in this state of mind now.

On this day, images of this Jiangzhou gambling meeting are circulating in Jiangzhou and even in countless areas of China. Cui Hao and philanthropic jewelry store are really famous and known by countless people. But the party concerned was very low-key, and soon disappeared in the sight of the people. I didn't know where to hide.

Tianxianyuan is a high-end tea drinking residence. People who can come here to drink tea are either rich or expensive. At the moment, in a VIP room, the smell of tea is diffuse and the smoke curls. Two young people sit opposite each other, looking leisurely and contented. The two people's costumes are very ordinary, and even their faces are very ordinary. However, their temperament is somewhat special. One is as grand as a mountain, and the other is detached from the dust, giving people a completely different feeling.

With a slight smile, one of them said, "Taoist friend, thank you for your little skill. Although I've been involved in a wide range, I don't know that the original technique of easy appearance can also run blood gas and carry skin film, and change it directly. Today I learned some new things. However, I'm still not used to turning into a strange face and recover first."

With that, the man's face was a little twisted and changed, and instantly turned into a man with sword eyebrows, long eyes, detached temperament and incomparable handsome. The other person also smiled and turned into a handsome young man with deep eyes. It was Wang Changsheng and Cui Hao.

As soon as they left Jiangzhou international trade, they were besieged, chased and intercepted. They avoided for many times and were constantly recognized. However, Cui Hao had to find such two sets of clothes and teach Wang Changsheng one of the magic skills. Therefore, they changed their face and identity. No one paid attention to them and successfully came here.

Staring at Wang Changsheng, Cui Hao said, "what's the matter with me? Why do you always say you're destined for me? Also, your Kung Fu seems to be very high. At least you have reached a high level of dark strength, but your body gives people a bad feeling. It seems that the source is not enough."

Hearing what Cui Hao said, Wang Changsheng was excited. He hurriedly introduced himself.

It turned out that Wang Changsheng was an orphan when he was young. He was picked up and raised by master Sanxiao on a cold and snowy night. Perhaps it was because Wang Changsheng, an orphan that night, was invaded by cold poison into his bone marrow. He was weak and sick since childhood. Therefore, his master visited famous doctors all over the world. According to his master's speculation, Wang Changsheng could live up to 30 years old.

In fact, Wang Changsheng had no name, but was given a milk name by his master. Because he wanted to let him live more years, Taoist Sanxiao gave him an eternal life. Although he was weak and sickly since childhood, Wang Changsheng was extremely intelligent. He learned everything quickly and was quick in thinking. He was a versatile person. In this way, Taoist priest Sanxiao was more reluctant to see him die early. Therefore, the great master who participated in nature and reached the level of half step King Kong used a Taoist taboo technique, which vaguely saw some fates and hopes for Wang Changsheng.

However, Taoist priest Sanxiao also suffered a fierce counterattack. On his deathbed, he told Wang Changsheng to attend the gambling meeting in Jiangzhou three years later. He would meet someone who could make him truly reborn and expand his ambitions in the future. Therefore, Wang Changsheng guarded the tomb for his master for three years, and then came to Jiangzhou.

"I have some experience in all walks of life. The master has collected countless classics, which I have almost learned. I also know some gambling skills, so I came here. Then I met you. You are the one I am destined to follow. In the future, you will be my eldest brother. I will see my eldest brother when I grow up!"

With this, Wang Changsheng finished his experience, then turned his head and worshipped, with a respectful attitude.

"No, no! Brother Changsheng, I'm like old friends at first sight. Why don't you and I become sworn brothers of life and death? How about?" hurriedly helped Wang Changsheng up, Cui Hao said.

Wang Changsheng is a Taoist with true temperament and a childlike heart. However, he is a beautiful life style, and his future will be unlimited. Cui Hao is naturally willing to worship him, and the most important thing is that Cui Hao can feel the true feelings of Wang Changsheng, and he is very fond of him.

Hearing Cui Hao's words, Wang Changsheng brightened his eyes and said happily, "well, well, since the master died, I feel like a rootless duckweed. If I can bow down to my eldest brother, I will have close relatives in the future! Ha ha..... Great, eldest brother, why don't we use tea instead of wine and bow down to Jinlan here?"

"OK! I'm sworn in here! I'm a few years older than you. I'm twenty-eight years old this year. I'm the big brother! Little brother, my brother will cover you in the future!" Cui Hao responded with great boldness.

At that moment, the two people knelt down to each other in this VIP room. According to the bridge section in the TV play, Cui Hao solemnly and incomparably said some words of oath. Then, he pierced his fingers with a silver needle and sprinkled blood into the tea. Wang Changsheng also did the same. The two people drank each other's blood tea, which was regarded as the completion of the blood alliance.

"Ha ha... Little brother!"

"See you, brother!"

After the completion of the ceremony, the opposite sex brothers happily hugged each other. Cui Hao also admitted that he was an orphan. From now on, Wang Changsheng will be his blood relatives. The two young people were frank and chatted happily. After a long time, Cui Hao reacted and hurriedly began to examine Wang Changsheng.

Urging the perspective eyes, Cui Hao carefully observed the situation of Wang Changsheng's body. He didn't know it. He was startled. He saw that there was a very strange black line in Wang Changsheng's body, which almost made up for his whole body and had been slowly swallowing his essence, Qi and spirit. It was for this reason that he was lack of origin. According to this swallowing rate, Cui Hao conservatively estimated that Wang Changsheng could only live another five years at most! Moreover, with the continuous swallowing of this strange black line, Wang Changsheng's strength will not be improved, but will fall step by step

Upon discovering this situation, Cui Hao immediately opened his perspective eyes. Suddenly, golden lights rushed into Wang Changsheng's body and began to entangle with the black lines quickly. Cui Hao was shocked and surprised that these black lines were not destroyed by the golden light, but entangled and fought with each other!

What is this?

Cui Hao was surprised to find this situation. Since he had the perspective eye, the golden light emitted by the perspective eye can be called invincible. There has never been anything it can't solve. This is the first time.

What is the black line and why is it so powerful?

Cui Hao was shocked. He vaguely felt that the black lines were terrible! Constantly urging the perspective eyes, golden lights burst out. Finally, Cui Hao was tired and almost fainted. Countless golden lights filled Wang Changsheng's body and fought with those black lines.

After a long time, the golden light dissipated, and the black lines were dimmed, temporarily stopping the swallowing of Wang Changsheng's body, spirit and spirit, and seemed to fall into a kind of self recovery.


Extremely tired, Cui Hao sat down on the ground and was confused.

"Elder brother, what's the matter with you?" he was startled. Wang Changsheng hurriedly helped him.

After a short rest, Cui Hao finally regained some strength, improved his energy and spirit, and told him tired "Changsheng, the situation in your body is very special, and my current means can only help you contain it. Has your weakness been greatly weakened? If you feel weak again, I will help you contain it. For the time being, I can only do this step. When my strength rises to a higher level, maybe I can help you weaken some of the situation in your body."

After feeling himself, Wang Changsheng said excitedly, "brother, I feel much better and I feel almost no sense of constant weakness. Ha ha... Boss, I'm so happy!"

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