The four original sins were intertwined and turned into a dense black net of terror. They almost wiped out Cui Hao's flesh, becoming more powerful and mysterious. Just when Cui Hao's desperate waiting disappeared, the third body finally stood up, surrounded by pieces of flying time, and his face was the same as Cui Hao, but his body was very vague, It suddenly stood in front of Cui Hao's chaotic soul and said, "don't be afraid, I'm here!..."

With this saying, the fuzzy little hand of the third body suddenly lifted up, and immediately an indescribable Weian light was born, not black or white, as if it were the color of origin. Then, it grew rapidly, just like a candle lit in the dark, and the light diffused in vain. For a moment, this Weian light collided with the black net transformed into four original sins!

"Puff, puff, puff..."

For a moment, it was like the sound of water and fire blending. The terrible original sin trembled violently. Then, under the induction of Cui Hao, it dissipated rapidly and turned into a deep and incomparable gray atmosphere!

"Ah ah..."

A strange and incomparable scream was ringing through, which seemed to come from the screams of hundreds of millions of terrible demons. Under Cui Hao's frightened eyes, more and more black silk threads were shaking and turned into gray breath!

This gray breath is also terrible, giving people a really serious and terrible charm. However, it seems to be a dead object, gathered in Cui Hao's body without any action. This should be the dark essence of the essence of sin in the original sin!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

At this time, the whole heaven and earth xuanhuang mother Qi tripod trembled slightly. It seemed that something was shaking it from the outside. However, the strength was very small. Cui Hao attached his soul power. In fact, he immediately understood!

Around the Tiandi xuanhuang mother gas tripod, there is already chaos everywhere at the moment, and the four holy envoys are jointly shaking it. In addition, in the distance, Mr. Da is fighting with five big round men. Although he is at a disadvantage, he still controls the dark pottery pot on his head to aim at the Tiandi xuanhuang mother gas tripod, sending out a powerful swallowing force and wants to seize this treasure!

In their opinion, Cui Hao will die. Three original sins, how can he live? Then, the big tripod he left behind is an ownerless thing. Such a precious and magical treasure will naturally be robbed!


The five great fullness erupted together. The great fullness will swept away, making it difficult for Mr. Da to move forward. He had to turn the dark pottery pot to the five great fullness!

"Puff, puff..."

A dark gray stone gas gushed out of the dark pottery. This attack made the five big round men creepy and hurried to avoid. As for the big gentleman, he took the pottery and fled!

Yes, he fled decisively after trying several times!

"The big tripod and the great dark pottery can't be photographed. I can't take it away at all. Moreover, the sense of crisis is becoming more and more serious. Run!..." thinking so in my heart, Mr. Da fled quickly.

"Huh? Did you escape?"

The five great consumptions were somewhat unexpected. However, they flew to the xuanhuang mother Qi tripod in heaven and earth for the first time. Their eyes were very hot. This is a really good thing. Maybe it is the legendary treasure!

"Five of you, come and help quickly. Let's carry it together!..." the four holy envoys burst into a drink and gave orders.

The four holy envoys can't lift a tripod. It's a great absurdity. However, it's true that the tripod is suspected to be a treasure!

The four holy envoys are also really extraordinary. Together with the five great consummation, they make the whole heaven and earth xuanhuang mother Qi tripod shake up again and again. However, they can't carry it and push it away no matter how they do it! As for taking photos, I can't do it!

Cui Hao didn't know how much the heaven and earth dark yellow gas tripod was. A wisp of dark yellow gas could collapse mountains and rivers. How terrible is the sea like dark yellow gas? What's more, what breeds it is not ordinary fantasy gas, but an ultimate fantasy mother gas of heaven and earth. Naturally, it is more extraordinary!

At the same time, in a hidden void far away from here, Yang worshipping heaven also had hot eyes!

After touching the tedious dark texture on his forehead, Yang Jitian licked his lips and said, "I want to have a try! This big tripod is extraordinary. In addition, the relics of Cui Hao's little beast should be inside. There are many good things there. It's worth fighting! Sin devil, help me stop those guys for a moment, I'll try!"

Suspended, the sin devil said firmly, "no! First of all, we can't be sure whether the beast is dead. Second, I have the sharpest perception of death. If I do that, it's too dangerous and almost a fatal situation. No! Come on! This feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Let's run away and run away as soon as possible!..."

Originally, Yang Jitian's eyes were hot, but he was surprised when he heard the speech.

Without too much hesitation, Yang Jitian still trusted the sin devil, nodded, left a strange bug in place, and slowly flew towards the xuanhuang mother Qi tripod of heaven and earth, while himself and the sin devil suddenly disappeared

Just as the sun worshipped heaven and the sin devil fled quickly, in the dark yellow mother Qi tripod of heaven and earth, the four original sins melted rapidly like boiling soup brushing snow, leaving only a pure gray smell, and the scream became more and more intense

A moment later, all four original sins were destroyed, and the third body was dimmed, but it didn't stop and appeared next to his chaotic soul.

Beside Cui Hao's chaotic soul, there are two little light people at the moment. They are tightly bound by the original sin turned into a silk screen and can't move.

"Wake up, my brothers..."

At this time, the third body suddenly pointed away, and suddenly two lights were born. Soon, just like the same, it began to disintegrate the original sin of the first body and the second body!

Perhaps because it was just an original sin, they quickly disintegrated between breathing, and also turned into a gray breath, gathered into a big ball and rolled.

"See you, I've seen two Taoist friends!..."

"See me, thank you for your help!..."

Soon, the first body and the second body regained their freedom, each surrounded by time fragments, and even opened their mouth like this together.

They call Cui Hao their own, but they call each other Taoist friends, which is very strange.

At this moment, Cui Hao was ecstatic, because he felt the connection between the three bodies and his mind in an instant, and also felt their strength! So powerful!

However, on the whole, the first body seems to be the weakest, the second body is the second, and the most terrible is the third body, which is unfathomable! For them, Cui Hao feels he has control, but now he is still too weak. If they really integrate into his body, I'm afraid they will burst every minute!

At this moment, Cui Hao was filled with emotion. Chaos formula is really a magical and strange method. It can breed a mysterious body far beyond his own self!

As if he felt Cui Hao's idea, the third body said "My Lord, your Dharma formula is only a powerful introduction. There are many of the same introductions. They are the most powerful cultivation methods in the universe. Our breeding depends on you! We are the spirit of chaos belonging to you in the long river of chaos. In some cases, we can't tell you clearly now. In short, there will be no spirit of chaos after me, because I take charge of creation! Creation With the coexistence of change and disaster, you will also encounter more terrible disasters, but the three of us can only give you some help. In fact, we should not exist in this endless universe! "

Nodding, the first body said, "yes, all the spirits of chaos are bred. There is only one goal. The whole chaotic River needs us! My Lord, grow up quickly. If one day you can fight against the so-called emperor and settle in the chaotic River, we will help you achieve real invincibility!..."

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