The third body left, leaving only instructions and heavy burden. Cui Hao stood quietly for a long time, and then quickly fled away.

Ten billion years later, it's too early to live well now. Now, the leader of xuehuang world has been imprisoned and captured. Cui Hao has only two urgent things: first, saving dusk snow and second, reshaping the body!

Of course, in addition, there are many big things he needs to do. For example, in this return to the ruins war, all forces in the immortal and divine world suffered heavy losses. The strong members of the LORD God alliance were killed and injured countless, many old antiques were killed and injured miserably, and the great circle fell many. The vast territory of the 108th world is now a ownerless land, except for those world leaders who chose to leave, Most of them died miserably. The four holy envoys and the five great Yuanman were reduced to Cui Hao's slaves!

Now, the only thing that worries Cui Hao is that Yang Jitian escaped and didn't die miserably. The demon of sin, which escaped from Pandora's box, is quite not simple! In addition, Mr. Da also exposed his identity. Now, I'm afraid he's carrying that strange pottery pot into the unknown black fog again, right?

Although he can't be completely sure, Cui Hao has seven or eight points. This big gentleman is afraid of some connection with black robe! Of course, there are some possibilities. He comes from the four restricted areas, but the possibility is not too great.

Because of the scourge, thunder and war, the vast territory of Guixu has turned into nothingness, and the chain of rules has collapsed! The whole universe has its own self-healing ability. Perhaps, after endless years, it will recover again. However, at present, it is a complete nothingness.

Of course, this is not always the case. In this boundless nothingness, there is a half ancient stone tablet standing, but the old man who claims to be an invincible elder on it is missing.

Cui Hao didn't know that the old man was scared away by the energy of the Nine Emperors. Now, he still hides in Liangjie road and doesn't dare to appear!

As for Liangjie Road, Cui Hao plans to go there in the future, because many precious materials for reshaping the earth need to be obtained from there. However, there are still many things to deal with, so he put the matter aside for the time being.

With an amazing speed, Cui Hao left Guixu shenzang.

Although his body suffered an unprecedented heavy blow, Cui Hao has made a breakthrough in strength, strength, speed, soul and so on. Therefore, he returned again at an amazing speed.

After arriving at the earth God City, Cui Hao covered up his extremely serious injury with a secret method and immediately held a meeting.

Soon, Xiaohui, riobis, Wang Changsheng, Cui Wushuang, Xiaoqi, Ruilin, Bai Ziyou, night without war and so on, a large group of strong people arrived, and Cui Hao quickly told the story of Guixu God's possession!

This is absolutely shocking. Most of the twelve main gods have fallen. Now, only a few are seriously injured, have lost their main gods and are fleeing?

Many strong people fall, and most of the world's main level strong people are killed or injured?

The strong of the LORD God alliance were almost destroyed!

Mr. DA has something to do with dark creatures, suspected creatures?

One news, like a heavy hammer, pounded the hearts of every strong man in the presence. It was so shocking that even riobis, as a great God, grew up with a shocking mouth!

According to Cui Hao, there are too many strong people killed and injured because of the hunting and killing of the main god hidden by Guixu God, right?

Such heavy news makes Xiaohui and others incredible. However, since Cui Hao said it, it must be true. Moreover, Cui Hao did not hide them and told the whole world that he had won the tree. Moreover, he captured the four holy envoys and the five great consummation and subdued them as slaves!

As soon as he said this, riobis took the lead in yelling, "impossible! The full soul is complete and can never be controlled. Moreover, even if the enemy's power is particularly strong, he can explode and die. It's impossible!..."

As one of the great perfections, riobis is most qualified to say so.

It's not that he doesn't trust Cui Hao. The news is really amazing!

In addition, according to Cui Hao, the four holy envoys are almost equal to the main God. It's amazing that they were captured by Cui Hao. Is it too cruel? Cui Hao has explained that he has made a breakthrough, and the people also feel that he is more and more terrible and incredible, but the news is still unacceptable. It's amazing!

Cui Hao could fully understand the mood of everyone, so he smiled and turned his mind. The four holy envoys and five great fullness appeared on the spot, one by one emitting a terrible atmosphere and shaking the four sides!

"See your master!..."

Almost without any hesitation, the four holy envoys and the five great circle fell to the ground and spoke respectfully to Cui Hao.

Facts speak louder than words. What can be more real than seeing it with your own eyes? Xiaohui and others accepted all this unimaginably.

Of course, everyone is also very excited. Each of the four holy envoys is comparable to the LORD God, and there are five great consummation. Is this strength enough to sweep the immortal world? In addition, at the moment, Zhongqiang in the immortal world almost died eight or nine minutes

With hot eyes, Xiao Hui took the lead in saying, "brother, what's next? Do you want to conquer the immortal world?"

Xiao Hui's inquiry made everyone excited and hot!

Now, the major forces in the whole immortal world are greatly weakened. There are two or three strong cats and kittens left, but the strong ones on their own side are like clouds. They have joined the four holy envoys and the five great consummation, which is enough to sweep away!

With a slight smile, Cui Hao nodded and said, "yes, I also have this plan. How to carry out it? Changsheng, Xiaohui, you two are responsible. I am seriously injured and must be cured as soon as possible!"

"What, brother, are you hurt?"

"My father, I recently got a magic pill, which has a miraculous effect on healing. Take it quickly!..."

When hearing that Cui Hao was injured, everyone cared, Cui Hao waved his hand, rejected them one by one, and told them that they were okay.

After thinking about it, Cui Hao turned his hand and something appeared, emitting a boundless pure and terrible smell, dark gray, just like a gray lead cloud!

"This... This is?"

Feeling all this, Xiao Hui's eyes lit up and he was very excited!

Cui Wushuang and others have no feeling, but Xiao Hui really feels the extraordinary of this thing!

With a smile, Cui Hao waved his hand, and this dark gray object appeared in front of Xiao Hui. It was deeply palpitating.

"Little grey, this is the pure essence of the original sin that dispel its evil intention. It should be of great use to you. Accept it," Cui Hao told him.

Excited, Xiao Hui hurriedly accepted it and said with a smile, "hahaha... Brother, it's more than useful! I have a hunch that if I absorb it, my formula of great destruction will reach an incredible level of arrogance. I can't say anything else. It should be light and easy to surpass great perfection!"

When he said these words, Xiao Hui was determined and confident!

Hearing the speech, everyone present was surprised, but they were still skeptical.

Da Yuanman, what strength is that? Although this dark gray object is extremely extraordinary, it may not have such magical effect?

It's very solemn. Xiao Hui put it away. Look at his look, he's very excited!

Cui Hao believes in Xiao Hui's estimation. Others just heard that original sin is a terrible evil force, but they don't know its real power. Cui Hao has experienced it twice!

Subsequently, Cui Hao told some things and left, handing over the task of sweeping the immortal world to Xiaohui and others.

In fact, the reason why Cui Hao decided to sweep the immortal world is not only to integrate resources as soon as possible and make the whole immortal world grow rapidly, but also for the sake of future plans!

Ten billion years may be a long time, but many things must be done in advance to make this universe avoid crisis. If the power of the whole immortal world can be integrated, many things will be much easier.

First conquer, then rectify, then develop savings, and welcome the great disaster at any time. This is the plan in Cui Hao's heart!

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