Xiaohui and others were entrusted with the task of sweeping the immortal and divine world. The four holy envoys and five great fullers joined in at the command of Cui Hao. In addition, today's strong people in the earth world are like clouds. It's not difficult to sweep the immortal and divine world!

Cui Hao did not discuss it in detail. He believed that Wang Changsheng and Xiao Hui would do well. Now, he needs to rescue the snow at once. Besides, he is seriously injured. He also needs to learn from the Nine Emperors' energy giant hands as soon as possible.

The earth God city is an isolated island belonging to the city master. In a hidden secret room, Cui Hao waved solemnly and incomparably, and a stunning woman appeared. Her beauty is thrilling, her eyes are dreamy and blurred, and she is the master of xuehuang world.

At the moment, she was completely imprisoned, unable to move and lifeless.

At the beginning, at the moment when the leader of xuehuang world blew himself up, Cui Hao captured and bound him, and then she seemed to be lost.

Take a deep breath. Cui Hao immediately urges his perfect chaotic soul to invade and search

Dead silence, boundless silence

When Cui Hao's perfect chaotic soul entered the soul world of xuehuang world Lord, he immediately felt the boundless silence, and there was no vitality at all! Such a change suddenly surprised Cui Hao!

A bad mood rose in his heart. Cui Hao hurried and searched carefully!

Constantly searching, but all they perceive is a kind of dead silence, which makes Cui Hao desperate. After searching the whole soul world, Cui Hao shouted angrily, because there was no result!

Fruitless, dead silence, which actually explains the situation!

"No! I don't believe it! No!..."

In the secret room, Cui Hao shouted angrily, hoarse and extremely angry!

He was really angry. He paid too much for the recovery of dusk snow in order to rescue dusk snow. However, it turned out to be nothing in the end?

Heart like a knife!

Before exploring, although Cui Hao was also a little uneasy, he still had some hope in his heart. However, such a search made his whole person desperate and heartbroken!

Sitting on the ground, Cui Hao involuntarily came up with scenes with dusk snow

Although millions of years have passed since we met dusk, the past is still so clear, as if it were yesterday.

In a small sand dune, several little boys were bullying a little girl, took the lollipop from her hand, and then pushed her to the ground. A thin little boy rushed over and stood in front of the little girl. Naturally, his thin body could not stop several little boys and was soon knocked down to the ground. However, he still protected the little girl and let his fist fall like raindrops

The little boy and the little girl seem to know each other like this. They are very happy to play together.

In the alley, they play paper planes together, the little girl claps her hands excitedly, and the little boy runs happily

In the shabby house, the little boy took out half a chicken leg from his arms and gave it to the little girl happily. He watched her wolf down, happy smile and great satisfaction

On a rugged mountain road, a little boy was looking for something very important in the grass. Later, he found a large handful of beautiful flowers behind a big tree, picked them happily and smiled happily

In the small yard, the little boy was beaten black and blue for fighting with several little boys for the little girl, and the little girl cried sadly

In the dark night, there was thunder and heavy rain. The little boy was worried that the little girl would be afraid. He went to see him in the rain and caught a cold, but he was very satisfied because the little girl gave him medicine

In the dilapidated house, there are some simple things. The little boy and the little girl are playing at home. He plays the father, the little girl plays the mother, and their child is a dilapidated Winnie bear

Under a big tree, the little boy took out a simple bubble spitting toy, spit out colorful bubbles and danced all over the sky, while the little girl cheered excitedly, then folded her hands, closed her eyes and prayed silently

By the lake, the little girl and the little boy sat side by side. They leaned against each other. The little girl was very sad because she was leaving

On the day of parting, they sang together. The young song was full of innocence and the best things

See you again at Qinghai University

The first kiss in the hotel, the first time we had each other

The two hearts are connected, and there are tattoos and marks on their bodies

Hunger strike to be with yourself!

In order to save himself, he did not hesitate to give up his life

This is all about Cui Hao and Ouyang muxue. This is the most important woman in his life. Similarly, it is also the woman who owes the most!

Thinking about it, Cui Hao unconsciously shed tears. He was very sad and let his tears run wild!

Since his strength has become stronger and stronger, his burden has become heavier and heavier. He has fought for China, for all mankind, for the survival of the earth and for the immortal world. Over the years, Cui Hao has forgotten that he will shed tears!

Sitting in the secret room, Cui Hao shed tears. He kept remembering, day by day

Soon, ten days later, Cui Hao looked very haggard. In fact, he didn't need to rest because of his strength. What really made him haggard was his heart!

On this day, Cui Hao finally regained some consciousness. He stroked the cracked tattoo texture on his arm, and his heart was filled with emotion!

"Hmm? No! This tattoo brand, which I have reshaped my flesh several times, has always existed. Now, it still exists, which shows that..."

At one moment, Cui Hao suddenly thought of a possibility, and the whole person was excited!

Since the tattoo has not passed away, it means that dusk snow may not have passed away! At least, she should have a ghost!

He was very excited. At present, Cui Hao injected the tattoo with the power of chaos. The whole tattoo was buzzing and shaking. There was a kind of brilliance stabbing out in a trance. It seemed that there was a weak connection with the soul world of xuehuang world, but it was too dark and unpredictable.


Cui Hao was very excited to find such a situation. At present, he continued to inject the power of chaos as usual. Finally, after he injected several times, he successfully captured a faint wave!


This fluctuation comes from a place in the soul world of the Lord xuehuang world, which is empty. However, since the fluctuation comes from here, it shows that there must be something!

With an idea, Cui Hao thought of the perspective golden light. At the moment, he urged the perspective golden light. Sure enough, he found a faint and almost undetectable remnant!

This remnant soul is too weak, but there is a wave that is very familiar and makes Cui Hao almost cry!

"Girl! This is the soul wave of the girl!..." Cui Hao was so excited that he roared in his heart!

Then, Cui Hao carefully made the perspective golden light surround it, and after contacting the perspective golden light, the remnant soul seemed to become stronger

At present, Cui Hao has cultivated his perfect chaotic soul. After many soul cultivation methods have been used, the residual soul has finally become stronger, and the smell of dusk snow is also strong!


Cui Hao was very excited. He carefully kept the remnant soul.

Time passes slowly, one day, ten days

A full year has passed. Although Cui Hao's physical condition has become more and more serious, he can't care. He is brewing this remnant soul wholeheartedly, and finally makes it strong enough!


Cui Hao roared and showed a special secret method of returning to the soul. A special light shone on the residual soul of Ouyang dusk snow. Finally, he trembled slightly and threw himself into the central area of the soul world of the master of xuehuang world, quickly fainting

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