Wanjie Tianzhu, a chaotic and misty area around, Cui Hao appeared here out of thin air. Soon, the old man's Wanjie Tianzhu spirit appeared. Don't laugh. Check Cui Hao carefully.

"Master, did you break through? Did you really break through?" asked the spirit of Wanjie Tianzhu, who seemed very surprised.

Nodding, Cui Hao said with a smile, "yes, I have made a breakthrough. Now, it's time to break through the barrier and have a look at the secret method of the next level of chaos formula! In addition, I feel I must come. It seems that there is something in the ten thousand heavenly beads that is calling for me!"

For the first time, Wanjie Tianzhu spirit laughed and was very happy. He prostrated respectfully on the ground and suddenly spoke in a pious language "Great master, congratulations on your success! You will truly and completely own the ten thousand heavenly pearls! In addition, please inject some of the chaotic power born in your body into me to stimulate the missing part of my spirit! This dark hand is also left by the old master. Only the trusted master who has truly inherited the chaotic formula is qualified to obtain the most precious part of the ten thousand heavenly pearls!..."

"I see. No wonder I always feel that you lack a kind of Aura!" nodded Cui Hao suddenly!

When he first saw the spirit of Wanjie Tianzhu, he felt that it seemed to lack a aura.

At present, the chaotic force after Cui Hao's transformation is injected into the spirit of Wanjie Tianzhu.

"Hua la..."

With the passage of time, more and more chaotic forces are injected into it, and the whole spirit of Wanjie Tianzhu is shining, and a chaotic and ignorant light begins to be born

For three days and three nights, at least half of the chaotic power in Cui Hao's body was injected into it. Finally, the spirit body of Wanjie Tianzhu was suddenly shocked and clattered into a vague shadow that could collapse anytime, anywhere.

It is still the old man's posture before, but there is a respectful, noble and majestic breath in his eyes! Moreover, although it seems to disappear at any time, it gives Cui Hao a feeling that he can easily kill himself if he wants to!

At the moment, Cui Hao's mind was shocked, not because of the terrible change power of the spirit of Wanjie Tianzhu, but because of the breath it sent out, which made him feel a unique breath, just like the third body!

"You... Are you the spirit of chaos? A spirit of chaos from the long river of chaos?" shocked, Cui Hao blurted out.

The unreal and incomparable body twisted. The old man opened his mouth in surprise. His words were correct and round. It was actually the Chinese language like Cui Hao.

"Lucky people, you know the spirit of chaos. Has your chaotic formula bred my kind? The long river of chaos is in danger. Unfortunately, I can't help it. However, it inherits the life of the king of creation, and successfully gave birth to a genius who has hope to break the situation, which is worth it! Worth it!..."

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was surprised and asked solemnly, "excuse me, what should I call you? Also, how does the king of creation exist? He created the formula of chaos?"

Nodded the old man "I am the first spirit of chaos bred by the king of creation after he settled in the long river of chaos, and the only one who escaped from the long river of chaos. Unfortunately, I will die soon. I have been attached to the inheritance pearl of the king of creation for many years, so that I can wait for you, who can succeed in giving birth to the spirit of chaos! The king of creation has fallen, and many of his backhands have been lost The enemy cracked seven or eight. Now that you have practiced the chaos formula, I hope you can recognize the kindness of the master and apprentice. I wish him to fulfill his last wish and revenge!... "

In fact, Cui Hao had guessed something before, but he didn't expect that the king of creation was so awesome that he had settled in chaos river. According to the third body, if he could have the power of emperor, settle in chaos River and get recognition, he could be called the supreme invincible existence.

Then the old man went on "The end of the source of chaos is where the nine main roads and the river of chaos are located. Those who are qualified to arrive there must have the strength of at least the cosmic God. Moreover, it is difficult to settle in Changhe, because there will be a period of weakness. Even if the emperor has the strength to settle in Changhe, it is very dangerous! The king of creation is the first to settle in Changhe, and it is still the river of chaos , he sensed the invincible origin of fate. As long as he mastered it, he could really control the long river of chaos and become the supreme existence! In order to achieve this goal, he made a lot of attempts! "

At this point, the old man paused and continued "The king of creation created a lot of secret Dharma inheritance, spread in all directions, and gave birth to real strong ones. Those super geniuses whose strength exceeded the cosmic God also began to try to settle in the nine long rivers. The king of creation protected the Dharma for them personally, so as to unite their strength, truly open the ultimate place and obtain the power of the origin of destiny! Unfortunately, he failed!"

"The king of creation is unwilling to use the power of chaos to build a forbidden place and unite countless universes in the world. I don't know the specific plot. In short, his method seems to have some effects, but unfortunately, it finally failed! The king of creation once said to himself that he hated that his foundation was not perfect at the beginning. If it was always a breakthrough in the perfect state, it would be OK Communicate with the ultimate place and obtain the power! As long as he obtains that power, he can finally obtain the power of the source of destiny in his core place!... "

The old man said so. His words suddenly brought Cui Hao to a distant and incomparable year, which was a truly invincible year for the king of creation! Invincible loneliness makes him eager to challenge the ultimate power and get him!

At this time, Cui Haosheng had a question and asked, "does that power not exist at all?"


Hearing the speech, the old man must shake his head incomparably, and then said solemnly "This kind of power is real, and the king of creation has made a lot of efforts for it! You have the breath of six reincarnations, and the road of six reincarnations is one of his plans. In addition, hundreds of millions of free souls finally gathered. Some of the true marrow emitted by these free souls finally successfully broke through a barrier in the ultimate place, and the power in it poured out! Unfortunately, although The barrier is broken, but the power has entered the deepest part of the long river of chaos. All the spirits of chaos can absorb some, but the king of creation can't feel it, let alone absorb it! "

Speaking of this, the old man continued "The king of creation really longed for this power. He united with the nine emperors who settled in the nine long rivers at that time. They finally succeeded. Unfortunately, the king of creation also suffered their joint siege. Finally, the king of creation died miserably, leaving a group of origin before he died. Combined with his own feelings, he formed this ten thousand world heavenly pearl, and I fought with him at that time and was about to die, The last breath was sealed and kept in it, waiting for the real heirs to wake me up! "

Hearing this, Cui Hao was very touched and asked, "in the end, did the Nine Emperors get that power?"

Shaking his head, the old man replied "No, they just gained some power and had to leave. It is precisely because of this power that they became stronger and used their means many times to invade the chaos river. Fortunately, the king of creation left many backhands and had a precious source of life, which indirectly linked the souls of those children of chaos The power of the soul breeds the spirit of chaos and guards the long river of chaos together! Unfortunately, this is not a long-term plan. There are fewer and fewer sources of life, the nine emperors are stronger and stronger, and constantly invade, so I say, the long river of chaos is in danger!... "

After saying so much, Cui Hao finally understood all the reasons. Combined with the words when the third body left before, he suddenly realized that no wonder he said that later!

In this way, many universes, the so-called sons of chaos, and some powerful cultivation methods, etc. all that can give birth to the power of chaos may be the means of the king of creation in those years!

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