The secret involved in this conversation was really too big. Even Cui Hao was shocked. Then he looked at the old man and said, "the king of creation chose to wake you up and tell you all this. What's his intention? Although I have some strength now, I'm afraid even the universal gods are better than me. Is this strength enough?"

Nodding, the old man affirmed "The power is far from enough, but the potential is enough! You can resist the self-improvement scourge of the universe and breed the spirit of chaos. Then, as long as you have enough time, there will be hope in the future! In order to fulfill this last wish, the king of creation left some means and creation for you before falling! I am dying. Before that, I wish you luck People... "

Cui Hao didn't expect to get such an answer. He was stunned and asked, "I still have a lot of doubts in my heart. I don't know if I can find the answer among those leftovers?"

"I think we can find some of the backhands of the king of creation before he dies, which can't be perfect. However, these ten thousand boundary heavenly beads are far more important than other inheritance secrets......"

With that, its illusory form began to collapse, like the explosion of stars, but it was smiling.

"Farewell, predestined person, Wanjie Tianzhu, completely belongs to you. I hope you succeed..."

With this saying, it suddenly dissipated into invisibility, and the previous spirit of the ten thousand heavenly beads disappeared with it.

At this moment, Cui Hao felt some emotion in his heart. At the same time, he felt that the whole Wanjie Tianzhu was giving birth to new changes and had an unprecedented close relationship with him.

At the same time, he felt that he had become his master, and until this moment, he really knew some mysteries about it.

The whole Wanjie Tianzhu has seven prison worlds, one stronger than the other, and each prison world has a special inheritance assessment. The first prison world, followed by the second and third

Cui Hao on the first and second floors has successfully broken through. In the prison world on the third floor, he feels a powerful restraining force. It seems that he can only open it if he passes the examination.

Everything is as the spirit of chaos said. Without too much hesitation, Cui Hao has reached the third prison world.

This is a very powerful world, in which the guardian is a terrible puppet, and Cui Hao's strength is so terrible that he broke through many difficulties and finally passed all the examinations.

After obtaining the examination, Cui Hao arrived at a mysterious place where there was nothing around. There was a huge sky blue prohibition covering here, and there seemed to be a bright golden light lingering in it.

See through the source of golden light!

Cui Hao was shocked, and the whole person was hot in his heart!

With the gradual improvement of his strength, the mystery of seeing through the golden light has been further explored and excavated. Even now, Cui Hao's strength is useful, so it can be seen that it is extraordinary!


At the next moment, the whole sky blue huge prohibition suddenly collapsed, in which a fist sized red gold light was floating, and at the same time, a great voice resounded through "Little fellow, I'm glad that you've come to this step! Maybe you can really fulfill my last wish! This golden light I call breaking delusion and has infinite uses. It's a gift I got after I settled in chaos river. Now it belongs to you. It will be of great benefit to you when you settle in chaos River in the future and it's also a good auxiliary means for fighting... Specifically integrate the refining method ...”

The sound disappeared, and Cui Hao was very excited. It turned out that the so-called perspective golden light is called breaking delusion. Here is its real source!

At present, Cui Hao is very excited to run the refining method, and the chaotic force runs in a special way, day by day

This refining method took thousands of years and finally succeeded. The red golden light was absorbed into Cui Hao's eyes, and many of its wonderful functions were obtained by Cui Hao!

Although he knew its name was broken, Cui Hao still preferred the name of perspective golden light. He was very happy because it was 100 times stronger than the original perspective golden light. Before, Cui Hao absorbed only a little from the forbidden internal penetration.

Perspective golden light is perfectly integrated into the eyes. Cui Hao's eyes can also be called perspective eyes. They have too many wonderful uses, but they only have the characteristics of penetrating vanity and have many wonderful uses!

Cui Hao is very excited when he is familiar with all kinds of perspective golden light. With the birth of perspective eye, his strength is definitely increasing by a large margin. Although he may be weaker than the cosmic God, he is not necessarily weak. This feeling is very good. He can't wait to show his strength in this big universe!

The third prison world was successfully refined by Cui Hao. However, this is not the end. He embarked on the road of trial again!

The fourth prison world is a more powerful world. After some crazy killing, Cui Hao finally completed the examination again.

At this moment, Cui Hao appears in a mysterious place. In front of him is a huge forbidden light curtain of pure cyan. Suddenly, the light curtain collapses. Inside, there is a bead of chaotic color, which is surrounded by the air of chaos.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

As if to resurrect, this chaotic force is swirling around, but there is still a lack of some, and there can be no real change.

Understanding it, Cui Hao shot a force of chaos in his body on the spot, injected it into it, and waited quietly.

Soon, chaotic beads shot out a curtain of light, and seeing this scene, Cui Hao was surprised and fell deeply into it

This is a strange and incomparable picture, which is extremely vague. It can be vaguely seen that it is a picture opened up by chaos. There is an indescribable mystery everywhere. It has no specific situation and seems to change rapidly, but it also contains an indescribable grandeur and greatness, which deeply shocked Cui Hao's heart!

This kind of light curtain was released, and the chaotic beads shriveled down in an instant, in which a great sound resounded through "Little guy, you can break through this level. I'm really glad that your strength is not much weaker than the cosmic God. However, you can't break through the next three levels! I've left you a big secret. Knowing these three levels too early will be bad for you! Your real strength should break through the source of chaos. When your strength breaks through again, you should be in your body You can conceive a real perfect universe. Then, go to the fifth level again! Your cultivation, chaos formula can't give you guidance. This is the biggest harvest of me entering the long river of chaos. Unfortunately, I haven't realized it. I hope it will be useful to you... "

With the disappearance of this great sound, the whole chaotic bead suddenly collapsed, and Cui Hao fell into a deep shock!

The picture of the evolution of chaotic beads has a strong inner impact on him, which seems to involve the evolution of the perfect universe, which is far more profound and obscure than his prototype of the perfect universe today!

At this moment, Cui Hao felt that he had found the general direction of the next step of cultivation! He was very excited and had a faint premonition that the prototype of the perfect universe in his body was constantly changing. Finally, if he could understand the changes in this picture, maybe he could really breed the most perfect chaotic universe! At that step, what level would his strength improve?

Of course, it is doomed to be extremely difficult to reach that step. Even the king of creation has never had a perfect understanding. It is conceivable that it is difficult. Cui Hao's only advantage is that he has now bred the prototype of the perfect universe, and his third part has also bred a ray of the power of the source of perfect chaos. Maybe he will have a glimmer of hope!

Repetition is to deeply imprint the precious picture of the evolution of the universe in the bottom of my heart. Then, Cui Hao left the Wanjie Tianzhu. He did not continue to challenge and test on the fifth floor. With his current strength, he is not enough to continue!

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