There was a mistake in the last chapter. Among the eight people who got the seeds of chaos, one was Wang Changsheng. I wrote that there was no war at night.

Eight of the nine chaotic seeds chose their masters. Cui Hao was satisfied with this result, because they were extremely picky. They would not have chosen unless Ruilin Xiaohui and others were real peerless geniuses and rebellious demons!

Immediately, the eight chaotic seeds all emitted a pure surging force of life, suddenly rushed into the eight people and began to fuse

No one knows how mysterious and extraordinary the chaotic seeds that can create the strong at the emperor level are. At the moment, Da Shenshi, Ruilin, Xiao Qi, Xiao Hui, Mengmeng, Cui Hao's mother, Cui Wushuang, Bai Ziyou, eight people shook together. Then, the surging mysterious light turned into mysterious symbols and burst out!

At this moment, the bodies of the eight people seemed to have opened a mysterious treasure, Baoguang Zhanzhan, mysterious and extraordinary!

"This is..."

Seeing this scene, Cui Hao was surprised. Subconsciously, he looked through his eyes. Suddenly, under the thorough golden light, he "saw" such a scene

The flesh bodies of eight people such as Da Shenshi are undergoing incredible changes. A mysterious light envelops them, which stimulates the transformation of their flesh and soul. They are becoming stronger! In addition, the sheer power of the mysterious halo is stimulating their potential. This halo is soon hidden in the deepest part of their bodies. However, Cui Hao can see it clearly after that flash!

This halo seems to be very similar to the mysterious light, even the breath, but... It seems to be weaker in essence!

"Could it be that these halos are the most original power of chaotic seeds and the key to the achievement of emperor level strong?" Cui Hao couldn't help thinking like this.

Later, Cui Hao couldn't help thinking that if the halo was really so magical and extraordinary, wouldn't the clear light that could be absorbed from his body be more extraordinary?

Such speculation made Cui Hao's heart beat faster. He thought of a word that jumped out of his heart inexplicably after his promotion... Supreme embryo!

The invincible soul and its powerful body constitute the supreme embryo. Then, what level is this? Supreme, is it beyond the level of emperor?

Naturally, no one answered Cui Hao's doubts. Under the perspective eye, he clearly saw the changes in the eight people

Da Shenshi, Ruilin and others, the chaotic seeds in their bodies are shaking and soon crack. Their dazzling seedlings germinate and sway. Soon they begin to send out chaotic forces. Moreover, there is a mysterious force in the air, as if the avenue is surging, detached and majestic!

"What a wonderful fluctuation!......" Cui Hao was shocked in his heart!

With Cui Hao's current strength and vision, it's incredible. All kinds of mysteries of the whole universe are penetrating at a glance. What kind of realm is that? However, seeing this kind of fluctuation like the surging of the avenue, he was also shocked, revealing deep thought, which was extraordinary!

Under this fluctuation, playing Shenshi, Ruilin and so on, they are blooming their own most powerful power!

There is a powerful golden light power on the body of playing God stone, which is full of a strong and incomparable masculine power. In addition, there is a strong and incomparable swallowing effect!

Ruilin's body is a pure and incomparably powerful sword, which is extremely strong and almost irresistible. It is filled with wanton, as if it moves at will. The sword can crush the heaven and earth, and a random earthquake can pierce a big hole in the heaven and earth!

On Xiao Qi's body, the ethereal void fluctuates in the air. In addition, layers of void are constantly disillusioned, as if the mysteries of void are 1 contained in it!

Mengmeng's body is also an ethereal void fluctuation, but it is a penetrating feeling. It is vast and powerful. It forms a strange resonance with Xiaoqi's fluctuation. It is intertwined, unpredictable and profound!

On Xiao Hui's body, a gray air current swirled around. It was a chilling smell of terror. It was not that kind of vicious and evil smell, but a great and illegal force of great destruction. It was magnificent, terrible and irresistible!

Wang Changsheng's body is surrounded by mysterious and mysterious invisible forces. It changes thousands of times. It turns into a dreamlike world and evolves all kinds of the world. It is the evolution of his soul cultivation to a terrible situation. The world is prosperous!

On Bai Ziyou, the power of time is surging and flying with the fragments of time, as if all the mysteries of time are contained in it, which is amazing!

Cui Hao's mother's body is filled with the power of pure chaos and turns into a strange green lotus. It seems soft, but it actually contains extremely terrible power! Cui Hao's parents were the chaotic decision of practice in those years, and they reached the level of perfection in the first level of chaotic decision!

At this moment, the eight people each released their most powerful strength and practice direction, and the waves like a big road surged, and soon felt all this. Then, the waves began to sound and change, no longer the same, but consistent with the strength and direction of their masters

Seeing all this, Cui Hao was surprised and secretly shocked. No wonder those super geniuses who obtained the seeds of chaos have made rapid progress in strength. Even, more than one person has achieved the level of emperor. Originally, this kind of general fluctuation is also the key!

Cui Hao can be 100% sure that this fluctuation absolutely goes beyond the so-called Avenue fluctuation in the universe, because it contains endless mystery. Even Cui Hao can't fully understand it. It feels very profound! And it integrates with the master's strongest cultivation strength and direction, and then provides him with a more accurate and powerful direction and secret method. Maybe this is the most powerful?

Although Cui Hao didn't know why, the scene in front of him confirmed his guess. Sure enough, the eight people fell into a deep feeling, and the breath on each body became more and more extraordinary!

This is also a rare opportunity for Cui Hao. He urged his perspective eyes to observe carefully, and realized a lot of things in this change!

Finally, the eight people all bloom different brilliance, and their strength is also changing. Except Cui Hao's mother, there is no change. The most original power has become the power of chaos, the power of pure chaos!

"Hmm? Their power... Has formed a resonance with me?"

Cui Hao's heart moved and he was happy!

The eight people are more and more extraordinary. They have been completely wrapped by endless transcendent and mysterious light. At this time, the seedlings transformed by chaotic seeds in their bodies are growing healthily and integrating into their master!

This scene makes Cui Hao very happy!

It can be expected that once the eight people wake up again, earth shaking changes will inevitably occur, and their strength will soar. The road of cultivation will suddenly become a smooth road. Although it is no longer practice to achieve the cosmic God, the strength must surpass the cosmic God!

According to Cui Hao's idea, even if he is not as good as himself, he must be moving towards becoming a master level strong person after a breakthrough, and then rise again and become a emperor!

Of course, this rise is easy to say. Even if they get the seeds of chaos, it is difficult to reach this level. It needs all kinds of honing and opportunities!


At this time, the small chaotic tree in Cui Hao's body moved. It sensed the seedlings transformed from chaotic seeds in eight people's bodies. It was very happy and swayed.

Soon, the chaotic little tree sent a wave towards Cui Hao and asked if the eight people were friends and could you give them some gifts?

Cui Hao was surprised. The chaotic tree is more and more extraordinary now. However, it is his own life. I don't worry that his strength will bite the Lord. At present, Cui Hao responded and could give gifts!

Suddenly, the little chaotic tree swayed happily, and the 1.296 billion chaotic roots began to wriggle. For a moment, they absorbed a trace of subtle light, converged and merged into one, forming a clear light

One regiment, two regiments, three regiments

Finally, the small chaotic tree gathered eight Qingguang, and then its roots wrapped around them and suddenly sent them into the body of Da Shenshi and others!

The small chaotic tree is very magical. The root whiskers, like entering the uninhabited land, directly extend out of the eight people's bodies. Then, the root whiskers are shocked, and each has a mass of pure light into the seedlings transformed by chaotic seeds!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

Eight seedlings gave out excited and happy chirps and worshipped together. It seems that civilians suddenly met the prince and were given a baby!

Soon, the little chaotic tree took back its roots and continued to stay lazily in Cui Hao's body. As for the seedlings transformed from these eight chaotic seeds, they are slowly absorbing light. They are also changing and more wonderful!

Seeing this scene, Cui Hao was very happy. He had a hunch that after the interference of chaotic small tree, maybe the benefits of eight people such as playing God stone will be greater, and their potential in the future may be stronger!

Therefore, Cui Hao simply sat on the spot and began to help the eight people guard, as if there would be an accident in their transformation.

One year, ten years, one hundred years, ten thousand years

Over time, in a twinkling of an eye, 100000 years have passed on the earth, and the years of national cultivation of immortals have long passed. Today's earth is extremely powerful and has many immortals. It has evolved into an extremely extraordinary planet. The whole Milky Way galaxy and even distant galaxies have become affiliated to the earth.

On this day, the whole earth was in vain. Golden Lotus flowed everywhere. All kinds of wonderful sounds of heaven rang through. Many earth practitioners and immortals were shocked to see this amazing vision. No one knew that it was because of the vision of eight people waking up, such as beating God stone!

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