By comparison, there was a decision among the people present, not to mention that Cui Hao has not completely completed the treatment. Even Fang Zhengyun, who is in his current state, is obviously much better than the patient treated by Tian Buhui. His face is ruddy, he no longer coughs, and a smile appears on his face, Some experts clearly felt this person's weak breath and became much stronger. The breath is strong, which means that this person's origin is much stronger. It seems that you have recovered from Cui Hao's treatment against the sky. Although I can't believe it, looking at Fang Zhengyun in front of me, many people have to sigh in their hearts. Cui Hao, this person is really a monster!

Five minutes later, Cui Hao took a long breath and almost fainted. This time, in order to eradicate Fang Zhengyun's tuberculosis, he really spent too much golden light, and his spirit fell to the bottom of the real valley. He was very weak. However, Cui Hao has a smile on his face at the moment, because according to the observation of perspective eye, Fang Zhengyun has completely recovered after his own treatment!

What is a miracle? This is the real miracle!

After the black spots and silk threads in his lungs were completely eliminated, Fang Zhengyun was shocked. For a moment, he seemed to eat a ginseng fruit. His 480 million pores were very comfortable, and he couldn't help stuttering "Me? Me? Am I all right? How can I feel that I don't feel any uncomfortable all over. Moreover, I feel that my lungs seem to be opened all at once. It's very comfortable and I don't cough anymore. Ha ha... I don't cough anymore. Great, great! Thank you, thank you! Medical king, you are the real medical king. Please kneel down by me!"

He was very excited and felt his real changes. Fang Zhengyun, a middle-aged man, was already in tears and broke into tears. He fell down at Cui Hao's feet with a pop. He kowtowed like garlic and was very excited.

With a smile, Cui Hao waved his hand and said, "you don't have to do this. It's our generation's responsibility to save the lives and heal the wounded. Go and ask them to check and see if your late tuberculosis has been completely eradicated by me!"

"OK, OK, I'll go right away, I'll go right away!..." nodded hurriedly. Fang Zhengyun got up and ran towards the doctors.

Seeing this scene, Tian Buhui, the East China Sea medicine king, was completely stupid. This, what's going on? Advanced stage of pulmonary tuberculosis, was cured unexpectedly, how is this possible? Don't say it's Cui Hao. It's summer. He doesn't think the enemy has so much ability to cure tuberculosis! However, what happened in front of him really happened, so he had to admit it. In fact, there is no need to look at the inspection results. Tian Buhui has already judged Fang Zhengyun's physical condition at the moment. He is very good and has no disease at all. Moreover, he can be called strong and full of energy.

Tian Buhui, the East China Sea medicine king, was stupid. Naturally, all the people present were also stupid. This is too rebellious. What kind of acupuncture and massage did he use? Everyone can see that Cui Hao is very tired and tired at the moment. Does acupuncture and massage take so much effort? You know, he was a peerless man incarnated as a giant spirit before. What's the matter? For all these, people are full of fog, and they have all kinds of guesses in their hearts. However, people with clear eyes can see that Fang Zhengyun should have been cured!

When the excited Fang Zhengyun came to the doctors, they hesitated, but they couldn't cheat or refuse in full view of the public. Finally, they had to bite the bullet and start using the instrument for examination. Several doctors were fiddling with the instruments, and the other side was carrying out a series of examinations.

"Didi... After the examination, I am in good health and have no tuberculosis!"

Soon, the examination results appeared. Fang Zhengyun's tuberculosis was completely cured by Cui Hao. Moreover, his body was very healthy without any lesions! Such an amazing situation is unimaginable. Advanced tuberculosis has been cured. If you don't witness it with your own eyes, who can believe it? Who can believe it!

After obtaining this result, the eyes of many guests present at Cui Hao changed again. Is this guy still human? Why is he so rebellious? Kam Pao, gambling stone, Kung Fu, even medical ethics are so terrible now, it's unimaginable!

"Hahaha... I'm well! That's great! I don't have to die! I don't have to die!......" Fang Zhengyun was almost crazy with laughter.

A person who has been suffering from illness for a long time is naturally very happy that his pain and illness have disappeared in vain. For Tian Buhui at the moment, this is simply a huge disaster. Fang Zhengyun has been cured. Has he failed? Tian doesn't regret wanting to open his mouth, but in vain he finds that he is cold all over. What should he do and how to turn the situation around? Is he going to lose to such a yellow mouthed child and his lifelong honor will become someone else's wedding dress? may not! Absolutely not!

"Please, help me! Cough cough cough... Help me!..."

"I'll give you money. I have a lot of money. As long as you can cure my tuberculosis like just now, I'm willing to give you a lot of money! If I don't lie to you, I'll never lie to you..... Cough..."

"I'm sorry, I was blind and rude just now. I deserve to die. I deserve to die! Please forgive me and help me. I'm just a poor ghost with tuberculosis. Please, cough..."

Fang Zhengyun was cured by Cui Hao, which naturally had the greatest impact on the other three patients with tuberculosis. They rushed over without hesitation like drowning people who saw the last straw, knelt down directly to Cui Hao, burst into tears, coughed and begged. Before, when Tian Buhui asked, they all chose to give up Cui Hao. Even that man once spoke rudely, which made Cui Hao very angry. At this moment, seeing his wonderful medical skills, they all regretted and begged constantly.

"Awesome! Awesome! Hahaha... It really deserves to be my brother Ruo Xiaolei. It's extraordinary!" Ruo Xiaolei smiled triumphantly, as if he was the one who cured tuberculosis.

Nodded, Wang Changsheng said very seriously, "yes, I'm worthy of being a noble man in Wang Changsheng's life. Brother is extraordinary!"

Because of Cui Hao's wonderful means, there was an uproar at the scene. Naturally, the guests cheered, while a group of enemies led by Jiang Wudi were dejected one by one. They never thought that the famous Donghai pharmaceutical King Tian did not regret that he had lost, and after careful preparation, he would lose so miserably. There was simply no room for turning around. Want to make some refutation, but this group of people find that they don't know what to say.

Looking at the three people who are crawling at their feet and kowtowing vigorously at the moment, Cui Hao doesn't have too many ideas. He is very tired at the moment. Looking at Tian, he doesn't regret saying, "well, I said you'd better give me your title of medicine king, and you really gave it to me. Ha ha, you want to compete with my master at this level. It's too weak. You're weak!"

"Shameless child, you... You cheat! Yes! You must be cheating, otherwise, how can you beat me? I'm not convinced, let's compare again!" Tian Buhui was furious and almost roared.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao sneered "Cheat, where did I cheat? What's more, you should tell me in detail? Besides, you are a top master of medical ethics. Why are you so ungrateful? If you lose, you will lose, and you still have to pester! Hum, if I defeat you again and again, you are always dissatisfied. Do I want to pester you all the time? Ridiculous! It's ridiculous! Today is my master worship ceremony, you Now that I have passed the first level, don't bother again. If you are really unconvinced, you can ask me again in the afternoon in the future. Let's have a fair competition again. How about it? "

"I... i... i..." stammered. Tian Buhui didn't know how to respond for a moment.

Cui Hao's words are almost watertight. He is extremely angry, but his identity is there. If he chatters in front of the public, he will lose some price. However, if he gives up, he will not be reconciled. Is it that the title of the king of medicine he managed to break through will be taken away by this young generation? Even if he is not taken away, he will not regret when he mentions his field , someone must put Cui Hao's name in front of him. Thinking of this situation, Tian Buhui has an impulse to go crazy!

Seeing such a situation, the old guy was already happy in summer. He also had a hunch that his good disciple might win. However, he didn't expect to win so beautifully. The most important thing is that he gave himself a hard breath and raised his face!

Although he didn't want to admit it, Tian Buhui also knew that it was too late for him to repent. It was hard to recover. He fell down on his seat with an embarrassed face, like a mournful examination.

Cui Hao's successive victories made the atmosphere at the scene very warm. After all, almost the majority of the guests came this time, and they all supported Cui Hao. The master worship ceremony is very important for people who respect the ancient Chinese tradition, and it is also very important for the ancient inheritance force of the divine doctor sect. If a disciple's master worship ceremony is handled very well Well, then, you will be looked up to by the master, otherwise, you will be despised.

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