I won't admit defeat!

He roared out these four words. Cui Hao was like an angry Xuanwu beast. His eyes were wide open and he resisted with all his strength. Suddenly, the two sides fought fiercely again. In this situation, Cui Hao's towering anger filled his heart. The country, hatred, shame and everything were intertwined. He seemed to forget himself in a trance and became the invincible God of war, guarding the four directions and glory! This state is just in line with the essence of Zhenwu Dang magic fist. All his actions are so arbitrary, but his power is amazing.

At the beginning, when Cui Hao got Zhenwu Dang devil boxing, it was a coincidence that he completely obtained the essence of this ancient and powerful boxing. However, although some of his own conditions were all branded in the bottom of his heart, what he could really explode was still limited. At this moment, he was ignorant and even accorded with the mystery of animal protection, Zhenwu Dang magic fist was further stimulated and became more and more powerful. This kind of strength is not the strength of power, but the power between every move is more and more amazing, the mystery implied is shocking, and the lethality soars.


Cui Hao's sudden change made Ono Xuanye very angry. Originally, his series of killer maces almost defeated Cui Hao. It only took a moment to win completely. Unexpectedly, the other party would turn Jedi. No matter what the reason is, Ono Xuanye will not miss this rare opportunity. He also has the idea of sharpening himself with Cui Hao, so the whole person has high morale and fierce attacks.

"Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

For a moment, the two men fought together again, fighting with dragons and tigers. Their strength surged everywhere and roared constantly. It was really extraordinary.

"This... What's the situation? Cui Hao's body is obviously in a state. It's very different from the physical strength he showed before. It seems that he has weakened too much. Fortunately, his boxing is really powerful. It gives people an unparalleled momentum. It sweeps everything and flattens all directions. It's really extraordinary! Well, let's continue to watch and see which of them is stronger or weaker!" One summer friend frowned as if he saw the problem.

"Hateful, Mr. Ono is about to win. Unexpectedly, this man turned the Jedi upside down and turned the situation around. Miyamoto, how many odds do you have for Mr. Ono in this war?" a little Japanese devil with a moustache whispered in Japanese and asked a little Japanese with braids beside him.

Staring at the battlefield, the little Japanese with braids pondered, "this... I don't know, but I think Mr. Ono seems to have some strength left, and Cui Hao seems to be able to compete reluctantly because he has fallen into a strange realm and his strength has broken out. However, how long can this battle last? Hum, I think he will lose!"

This little Japanese devil with braids still has some eyesight. In fact, it is not just him, such as Jiang Wudi, Yang Dian, Liu Qingfeng and others, who have seen this situation at present. However, they all choose silence. Because the significance of this war is so great that it has risen to the level of national honor. If they don't fight to the last minute, they are really embarrassed to call off this competition. Yang Dian is full of confidence. He is a great master in the realm of King Kong. If Cui Hao really reaches the point of extreme crisis, he will naturally stop Ono Xuanye.

Jianmei frowned slightly. Jiang Wudi's mood was a little complicated at the moment. Although he came to find fault, if Cui Hao was defeated by a little Japanese devil, he had no face as a master of Chinese martial arts. Therefore, he still hoped that Cui Hao could win.

She was very nervous. Tang Qianqian stared at the fierce battlefield. She couldn't see who was strong or weak at the moment, but she was very worried about Cui Hao.

The two fought fiercely again for a moment, and Cui Hao's soul became weaker and weaker. Even if he fell into this mysterious realm, his strength fell a lot. With a loud bang, his Qi and blood rolled in his body at the moment of fighting with Ono Xuanye, and the whole person fell back and staggered. There's no way. Cui haokong has a super tall ability, but now he doesn't have any strength. He can only reluctantly make some weak resistance. The speed, sensitivity, accuracy and so on are declining slowly. He can persist until now. He is already very strong with his body.

"Admit defeat! Otherwise, kill you stupid Chinese!"

With a successful move, Ono Xuanye sent out a stiff and loud Chinese language, and his whole person broke out a powerful force on his two palms, which came from the ferocious slap of King Kong's palm with amazing power.

"Little Japanese devil, Grandpa Cui of your family recognizes you!"

He was hit by a move from Ono Xuanye and staggered back. Cui Hao's chest was full of blood. However, he still made such a response.

"Long live the great Japanese Empire! Long live the spirit of Bushido! Xuanye Jun is invincible!"

"Hey, this Chinese is talking big. He will kneel at the feet of our Xuanye Jun soon! Long live the great Japanese Empire and the spirit of Bushido will be immortal!"

It seemed that he wanted to increase the momentum of Ono Xuanye. The three Japanese devils who came with him stood up and made such a voice. They were complacent. The posture was really flat. Seeing such a scene and listening to their shameless cry, the people in the audience were very depressed. Most of them were practicing family members, and they couldn't be insulted by such insults. They looked coldly at each other and were furious.

At the moment, Cui Hao is naturally the most angry. This unfair battle has been going on, and he is almost defeated. His heart is weak, as if the feeling of dust has not dissipated. What should I do? Admit defeat? No, you can't even die!


Although he knew that he had been fighting so hard, perhaps it had been a foolish act, Cui Hao didn't hesitate at the moment. He roared and greeted him again and fought with Ono Xuanye.

"Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

The fierce battle continued, Cui Hao's sense of weakness was still slowly increasing, and his resistance was not as strong as before. He was completely in a weak position, and was almost chased by Ono Xuanye.


A mouthful of blood spits out, and Cui Hao's face is embarrassed, but the anger in his eyes is more vigorous. He drinks violently and continues to attack!

Looking at the scenes in the field, Meng Ying and others who have an unusual relationship with Cui Hao have already been very worried, while little Laurie Tang Qianqian is full of tears. She sees Cui Hao struggling to get up from the ground, with stubbornness and refusing to admit defeat in her eyes. She yells not to admit defeat and continues to attack. Looking at his indomitable fighting spirit, she is distressed and moved, I can't help but think of the scene of Huo Yuanjia in the film. How similar it is!

Although he didn't know kung fu, Tang Qianqian also vaguely saw that Cui Hao was in a wrong state. He was afraid that he was Yin. However, he didn't admit defeat because the other party was a noisy little Japanese devil!

With tears in his eyes, Tang Qianqian almost choked and hummed "After a hundred years of sleep, the Chinese people are waking up. Open your eyes and watch carefully. Which willing minister or prisoner thinks he is arrogant because of timidity and forbearance. Shout loudly. Here are soldiers all over the country. Robbers have always wanted to invade and will eventually die. The Great Wall will never fall down. The Yellow River is surging for thousands of miles, and the rivers and mountains are beautiful. Ask me what it is like to get sick in our country. Rush through the blood and wave your hand. If we want to devote ourselves to national rejuvenation, how can we let our land be trampled on again and shoulder our mission

The sleeping lion is waking up... "

She sang louder and louder, and the lyrics infected countless people present. Qin Xiangxiang, Meng Ying, Hai Rui, Wang Changsheng and others joined this humming for the first time. This is a song "great Xia Huo Yuanjia" that Chinese people are very familiar with , as long as there is a little bloody Chinese people, they will be deeply moved when they hear such a song. Soon, the whole scene has been rendered. Everyone unexpectedly sang together, with a loud and moving voice.

The singing became louder and louder. It was the roar from the hearts of countless Chinese people. Whether it was gratitude, resentment, love or hatred, they were the United Front in the face of national hatred. This was a catharsis of their feelings. It was a little abrupt for such a song. The three Japanese who came with Ono Xuanye were startled. They looked at each other hurriedly and began to sing them The National Anthem "Ode to cherry blossoms". Unfortunately, the voices of the three people were soon completely covered up. In the river viewing hall, "great Xia Huo Yuanjia" resounded everywhere!

Perhaps because of the loud voice, perhaps because of the atmosphere at the scene, singing and singing, the relatives and friends present in the summer couldn't help crying. They couldn't help but hold their fists tightly. Looking at Cui Hao who didn't give in and fought constantly, they seemed to see that many years ago, it was also a war between China and Japan under the attention of everyone, and the hero of that stop was called Huo Yuanjia!

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