Originally, Cui Hao was struggling to resist. He had tried his best, but the defeat was decided. But when he heard the loud and clear "great Xia Huo Yuanjia", he was deeply moved. His eyes didn't know when they were wet, and his tears couldn't help flowing out any more.

At this moment, Cui Hao's heart was agitated and moved. He knew that he was not fighting alone. He clearly felt a move called national glory! In the face of national honor and disgrace, nothing counts. As a Chinese, if you don't have a Chinese heart, how can you be called a real warrior?

Moving tears, Cui Hao felt this in his heart. At the same time, his mysterious and imperceptible soul was shaking and burst out infinite light, and a layer of misty black smoke that had been like the decay of tarsal bones was shocked by this light and forced to disperse! In fact, the mysterious beads in Cui Hao's body have been rotating slowly. They want to get rid of this black fog. However, the other party is attached to Cui Hao's soul, so that the mysterious beads can only slowly release a little golden light to fight with them and slowly eliminate them. If it wasn't for the mysterious beads in his body, in fact, Cui Hao didn't feel that his soul was weakening slowly just now, but for a moment, the whole human soul suddenly fell into a muddle and became a fool from then on.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

It was not easy to catch such a rare opportunity. The mysterious beads in Cui Hao's body seemed to have spirituality. They turned violently, and a fluffy golden light burst out. In an instant, they were completely wrapped by the collapse and scattered light black fog, layer after layer. All this is due to the infinite light burst from Cui Hao's soul, which suddenly collapsed the light black fog attached to it. Otherwise, it is difficult for Jinguang to completely eliminate these black fog. At least it takes a very long time to do so.

In fact, all this was just a matter of an instant. A large number of golden lights were wrapped layer by layer and vigorously ground and destroyed. Soon, the light black fog twisted and quickly disappeared, and lost the entanglement of tarsal bone decay. For a moment, Cui Hao felt that his soul was like an object falling into the sewage bucket, which was wiped clean and refreshed again.

Yes, it's refreshing. For a moment, Cui Hao clearly felt himself again, and his control over his body was suddenly restored. Not to mention that, he felt a mysterious force filled and rippling in his body. It was an invisible force, or it could be called a touch.

"Click! CLICK! CLICK!..."

In a trance, Cui Hao seemed to hear a sound in his body, like a cocoon into a butterfly. It was very clear and beautiful, which made his soul tremble and excited. At this moment, Cui Hao felt that a layer of shielding had broken. He had felt the barrier that could not be broken countless times, broken!

As we all know, if you want to step into the level of dark strength at the peak of Ming strength, you must cultivate your mind, whether it's a traitor, a villain, a benevolent heart, a tough heart, a brave heart. As long as you stick to the essence of your mind, you can finally break through the practice again and again. Although this is well known, there are still very few martial arts experts who can really break through, Because it's really hard.

Having never experienced wind, frost, rain and snow, or seen the rainbow after the rain, it is common sense that it is difficult for the mind to undergo a great transformation. Of course, there are some special cases, such as Wang Changsheng. He is a typical pure heart and cultivates thousands of miles a day, because his mind is pure and incomparable. He is a real genius among thousands. Cui Hao's martial arts talent is also very good, but he is much worse than Wang Changsheng, and he is not a special physique. If he wants to break through, he must follow the rules. At this moment, he broke through, not by strengthening his mind again and again, but by moving.

Seeking a breakthrough in the big move is also a kind of dark strength of breakthrough. However, through the ages, what can be done is rare and few.


At this moment, Cui Hao couldn't help roaring like a dragon singing and a tiger roaring. His voice was clear and excited. As soon as his whole body shook, his energy and spirit climbed to an unprecedented peak! In the great move, the barrier that prevented him from breaking through has been broken. Therefore, it is logical that Cui Hao at this moment will easily step into the dark strength level!

Because the light black fog in his body has been completely crushed, Cui Hao's feeling of weakness will never happen again, and he roared with a feeling of full Chi, which is a bit more fierce than at the beginning, which is really terrible.

"This... This... What's going on?"

This scene really shocked many people. Cui Hao had a brand-new change in this song "great Xia Huo Yuanjia", which changed his previous decadent state. It seems that his spirit and spirit climbed to a peak at once. In an instant, he became an invincible God of war and a sacred beast Xuanwu guarding the glory of China!


While making such a roar, Cui Hao stepped forward with his right foot. In front of him, Ono Xuanye had killed him with a cruel smile. His feet kicked in a series, cruel and tricky. It is a kind of cross linked foot in Japanese martial arts. In fact, this kind of cross linked foot is a mandarin duck foot born in China, It was just taken by the Japanese and added some new things.

Although the cruel impact came over, and his feet flew and kicked fiercely, at the moment, Ono Xuanye was very frightened and inexplicably shocked.

What happened? Why is Cui Hao so terrible at this moment? Compared with just now, I don't know how much it is, it's like an invincible God of war, which makes people deeply give birth to a desperate psychology. Ono Xuanye was very shocked. However, his situation at the moment was on the line and had to be sent.

Whether for himself or the glory of the great Japanese Empire, he must fight hard to defend his title of Japan's first martial arts genius! Even if Cui Hao becomes very terrible in vain

The roar of the Dragon whispering and the tiger roaring naturally could not vent Cui Hao's anger. His eyes stared at Daye Xuanye, and his heart was awe inspiring! This Ono Xuanye was very vicious. Seeing that he was in poor condition, he came out to provoke. Moreover, he raised the battle to the glory of two countries again and again. In that case, he had to kill him in order to defend the glory of China.

Stunned, looking at Cui Hao's majestic posture, the three Japanese who were shouting long live the great Japanese Empire were stunned. They couldn't believe their eyes. How could Cui Hao, who had just been struggling, become so vigorous in vain? What's the situation?

"Great! Cui Shao has recovered! Great!" Tang Qianqian trembled with excitement and was very happy.

"It's all right, he seems to have recovered! God bless!" Meng Ying was very excited. She put her hands on her chest and whispered to herself.

Stroking his beard and smiling in summer, he naturally saw that Cui Hao had recovered and seemed to have broken through!

Looking at Cui Hao, Liu Qingfeng's tightly locked eyebrows finally stretch out. He is no longer worried. At the moment, Cui Hao has reached an unprecedented peak. It's nothing to deal with a big wild Xuanye!

What can really see that Cui Hao has broken through is that only Yang Dian and Jiang Wudi are on the scene. Both of them look a little solemn. Cui Hao has broken through the dark power after less than a year of practicing Chinese martial arts. This talent is really against the sky! Moreover, being able to seek a breakthrough in the big move, his future achievements are unlimited!

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